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New Q1SP: Grendel's Keep By Distrans
Distrans writes: The Travail prequel level Grendel's Keep is finally ready. Some old screen shots are here. Special thanks to negke for riding me until its release. This level is dedicated to Droog_Andrey.


Special note: requires the Travail mission pack to play.
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I just found the (nehahra ?) embryo graphic in the plasma. Cool. 
Solid Map 
definitely too dark in fitzquake, but fine in aguire's glquake.

Very clean build style and texturing, no wow moments, but extremely professionally put together on the whole. Thematically consistent with Travail too.

Gameplay was a little too easy on normal and didnt feature anything out of the ordinary or surprising.

The fleshy section at the end was cool. 
I just tried to finish it in Nightmare and the last fight is way too hard for me. Since the movement speed is slower in the liquid the voreballs always catch up and kill me. 
That's pretty fair yeah. Follow the enemy road tends to work when the enemies are trapped where they are - a seemingly inaccessible ledge for example. Even if the player has sniped the enemies they will remember that ledge.

Also depends on how open the map is. If a horde rushes the player from a corridor then they'll defend themselves. Then wonder 'what else is in that corridor' or in other words 'what's my reward for killing those twenty grunts?'

Agree that a pickup of some kind is unequivocal though.

Damn. Still need to play this. Sorry Distrans. 
Fucking Hell 
Excellent map. I had to jockey my gamma settings a bit, but I played in a bright area on a laptop.

I did get a bit lost, but not for a layout thing - the underwater tunnel I couldn't find because the meat texture is good at blending when used for those intestine type tunnels.

I remember mailing CZG about it when I first played Insomnia and couldn't get out of the start room :P

I'd forgotten ow good Travail is. 
definitely too dark in fitzquake, but fine in aguire's glquake.

i found the brightness just right, which surprised me considering i have a CRT monitor. was it too dark even with fitzquake's brightness all the way up? 
generally speaking I dont tweak brightness for individual maps. I have it set, after a lot of testing, at what is an optimum level for my screen and light conditions.

Every now and then, there is a map that doesnt look right in those settings. That is when I go to aglquake which on the same settings is a little brighter (but admittedly more washed out too).

For this map, it was definitely playable in fitz, it wasnt that dark, but for my setup, it looked nicer in aglquake.

But yes, I could have mucked around with gamma settings in fitz if I wanted to. 
First Quake Experience In A While 
and a good one. Got very very lost after the "all security barriers are open" thing somehow.

On skill 1, the spawns got me a couple of times and the end seemed a little easy. But overall, a very nice map. 
OT: Fuh Online Error 
hi, srry for OT, but what is the "couldnt find skin base.bcx" mssg about? appears when trying to join online game using fuhquake v0.31, thanks. I belive we both (me and the friend) have got identical quake installations 
Been Catching Up With Some Older Releases 
I think I have played this before, but couldn't remember. Normal skill demo: 
Good Spam Bump 
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