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If You're Talking SP 
then ok, I can't comment as i haven't played very much, but if you mean multiplayer, what the hell?

Maybe its useful if your friends aren't any good at Halo and just stand there without dealing any damage back, but against real world opponents, if you have a battle rifle and take on someone carrying almost anything else, my experience says you're absolutely screwed, in the ass, by a donkey. And not in a good way. 
Halo Too 
Ummm... I didn't have any specific expectations going in, aside from the obvious... That being, a sequel to Halo would therefore have a lot of similarities to the original.

I am simply expressing disapointment that it is SO similar as to feel almost no different at all.
It is still quite fun (though a bit boring and very repetitive) and I will play it all the way through at least once.

The Battle Rifle is definately accurate but I still contend that it is very underpowered.

I am horrible at Xbox live due to the same reasons I am horrible at any FPS on a console... I am a fish out of water without the mouse and keyboard. After playing through numerous FPS console games, the original Halo several times... I am still uncomfortable with the controller (and am not competitive at all). In fact I am so bad at it that I have no fun at all with Halo online... Now Crimson Skies is another thing =) 
Give this a go then (haven't tried it myself, but apparently it works well enough): 
Interesting, thank you. 
I wasn't talking about uzi like rifle, I as talking abut the assault rifle you can already found in the first Halo. The major change is the fact in Halo the rifle can fire every time you want, and i Halo2, it is no more possible: you have only short burst... so that's why I complained about this fucking new feature.... It was not a good idea IMHO.... that' all 
Halo 2 
Ok, I was weak and feeble and bought it.


- Some nice new weapons and enemies.
- Less repetition.
- Cinematics are rather good, nice dof.
- Better level design (more vertical play, interesting layouts)


- It's Halo 1.5.

The thing that annoys me is that it's so horrifically adequate. Apart from the grenades (which r4wk), there's just nothing interesting to do, and yet nothing particularly offensive. It's like eating bread and marg.

I think a good shorthand way of judging a game is: what's the first thing you think after you die? With a good game you'll think "I failed, but I'm gonna do better next time". With a bad game "That wasn't my fault". With Halo 2 I just think "Meh. Doesn't really matter".

Such a pity. I can see the tech is good, the design has potential and they've definitely got some clever people on board. I just can't work out where they went wrong. 
I haven't played Quake since Doom3 was released, and now every time I play quake I have that hideous waterwarp, I can't seem to get rid of it. For the last 3 or 4 years I have been using nglquake, and like most I guess, it has waterwarp disabled. but now.............hmmm. Things that have changed, Vid card, driver version, XP SP2. This is a fresh install after format etc, any help appreciated. 
DooM3 SDK V2.0 
Waterwarp Pt2 
Well I can rule out drivers I think, I went back to a version of driver that all worked fine on before, but still no good. I tried othe gl engines that allowed for the use of r_waterwarp to enable/disable the warping, but they did nothing. I sure as hell am not going to downgrade Video cards or uninstall XP SP2 just to find out if it has anything to do with them.

Any one out there with a 256MB GF6800 Ultra or 256MB 6800GT that can confirm that they can run with waterwarp disabled in glQuake? I have 2 machines, one with a 256MB GF6800 Ultra and one with 256MB GF6800 GT, and it doesn't work on them. 
Come on, sort it out. 
go map
as u start i'll post the news 
if you have this problem with fitzquake, i'd like to hear about it. R_waterwarp 0 should disable it, and even 1 should be a much different warp than glquake.

But these other engines should work as always, too. Very odd. 
It seems to work fine in FQ, I can disable it, and yes the warp when enabled is much different. But the thing that has always held me back from being a FQ user is the "model interpolation", or the lack there of. I just can't bare to look at engines which don't have it after seeing it nice and smooth for so long :( Plus my engine of choice has a much nicer sound out of the box, sort of like the highs have been boosted or something or whatever, it just sounds much nicer, and when I play another engine the sounds seem 'muffled' in comparison.
I can't work out why all of a sudden the waterwarp has started, like I said earlier, the only things that have changed on this machine are vid card, drivers, and the addition of XP SP2, and I have ruled out the drivers having anything to do with it, so.......................................... 
Better Sound? 
which engine is that? maybe i can see what they did to get improved sound. 
Better sound, just so as your not expecting 7 point surround or anything ;)lol, it's just like the highs have been boosted, something like that, just sounds better/nicer to me, nothing major, but quite noticeable.
I use an older version of the one that can easily be found, I can't exactly remember why I didn't go with the newer version, I think it had something to do with the weapon effects, rocket trails etc, becoming more prominent. I can send you the older version that I use if you like, or you can get the newer (2 years old) here.

If you want the older version which I use, just let me know and I'll mail it to you. 
I Remember Now 
Why I chose not to go with the newer version, the older one doesn't have all those extra options in the menu, "wave size" etc, etc, it's much simpler, and 'closer' to original gl. I just tried the newer version to see if my waterwarp problem existed using it, and it does, it even has a menu option to turn off waterwarp, which has no effect, so I'm still stuffed. 
Anyone know where Voodoo Chopstiks has been? I haven't seen him post anything and his site's down. 
vampire: bloodlines kicks my ass! 
Suggestions Please 
glQuake, it seems I need a new one,

Must Haves
Model Interpolation
Coloured Lighting Support (.lit)
Ability to disable waterwarp (although I will have to see if this actually works on my rigs)

Would be Nice
Weapon effects, smoke trails etc. Not overwhelming though

No Thanks
A shit load of extra baggage, nick nacks and doodads. Possibly acceptable if above mentioned baggage is dissabled by default, therefore not requiring setting a squillion different options, or typing in copious amounts a commands or lines in config files.

Thank You

//me wants my nglquake back :(  
So Go Get It.... 
Hmmm, No Sorry, 
If you look back up a few posts, you will see my problem, basically, I can't disable waterwarp using nglquake anymore, it used to be disabled by default, now all of a suddend I just can't turn it off. Go figure.

If you want the full story, back up a few posts. 
it sounds like darkplaces is just right for you. 
I Use Mhquake 
turn off everything and it looks exactly like glquake but with model interpolation. Plus it actually runs properly.

Darkplaces is also ok, but without documentation, good luck trying to configure it. 
I tried Dark Places before, long ago, can't really remember what I didn't lke about it, Also recall trying Mhquake, again can't remember what it was, but I didn't end up going with either. I have both of those on disk, will check out the latest versions, and see what happens.

Thanks again. 
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