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Daz thanks a bunch! /me downloads. 
World Of Warcraft Is A Kickass Game 
Halo 2 And Xbox? 
Hey guys, was wondering if anyone has picked up this game yet in our little circle. Every review I've read just raves about it. I'm pretty interested in it myself, and I have been thinking of buying an Xbox lately. Of course there is Burnout 3 and DoAUltimate out too. Anyways what's your take on Halo 2? 
They drove a tracked troop transport vehicle around Helsinki downtown with Master Chief himself peeking from the top hatch. MS is putting definitely some big $$$ into this. 
I Played A Little 
my buddy picked it up today, and we played some 4-way multiplayer... some slayer and team slayer, some rockets. It seems really good, better than the original, although it's different in a few ways, and if you played/play a lot of halo multiplayer it'll be a bit confusing.

Dual-wielding weapons is awesome, 2x smg is a real winner. The battle rifle is an absolute piece of shit though. It's pretty much the assault rifle from the original except it's limited to firing in 6-round bursts, thus destroying any ability to kill anything ever.

Vehicle wise, the warthog can now powerslide on demand by using the left trigger, as opposed to all the time, which is better. The ghost is better because its now got a boost feature. I still can't fly the big covenent aircraft.

The single player looks really good, I got to drive a fat tank! Looks quite a bit better than the original, no complaints. Not as good as some of the old promo shots though, as always.

In general it looks like a worthy sequel, but a game like this needs serious time before you can make a good judgement. 
I played a little today at a friend's house, both cooperatively through a fair bit of the SP game, and then 4 person MP on the dorm's ethernet. The single player is just as good as you remember, with more detailed & creative levels, and some pretty insane sequences. Good fun all around.

It wouldn't be fair to say that Halo2 multiplayer is as good as Halo multiplayer. See, they added instant kill swords that make it even more stupid. 
"Castle Of Morpheus" Q1 SP 
this map is reviewed at Shambler�s site, but
the link is dead. I emailed him already about
it, but he hasn�t got the map anymore.
Can someone here help ?
(filename is, i tried google many
Come On Guys. 
Friction, I Would...but... 
I have no Qompassion for my fellow man. 
Fuq you guys. 
I've uploaded it here .

Let me know when you've grabbed it. 
did you try playing the swords only mode?

man, did that get boring quickly 
I hear the travelers of pissboat are getting some money... 
I have the map, thank you so much !!
In 2 Days... 
A Google search for "Castle Of Morpheus" or will produce a working link for the map.

I love have power over Google mhuhuhuhu >:) 
Friction: I'm on it. :)

Starbuck: Actually, yeah, that's what we played, swords and grenades. How asinine is that? You spawn in a big empty map, wander around until you see someone, and then just run towards each other and see who clicks the trigger first. It even manages to beat Counterstrike for pure unreliance on any actual skill or talent. You might as well be rolling dice. 
Lol, Oh My 
It even manages to beat Counterstrike for pure unreliance on any actual skill or talent.

that is a hard standard to live down to. 
Halo 2 
The single player is just as good as you remember

As in "not very"?

For the benefit of someone who found Halo 1 pretty boring, how does Halo 2 really compare? 
White Russians? 
ok, gather here around ol' papa wrath, let me fill you in on a little secret.

milk is what you have with your breakfast cereal. not with anything else. are we clear? 
I haven't played through a lot yet (just the earth bit) but so far they've avoided repeating the same damn room eight times.

Check out this cool building: 

Milk goes with Cereal
Milk goes with Cookies
Milk goes with Kraft Dinner
Milk goes with Chocolate Syrup
Milk goes with Ovaltine

but if you really want you can substitute coffee whitener 
I am about 3-4 hours in, maybe about 3-4 levels... I am bored senseless.

Pros so far
-Everything visually is sharper and more detailed.
-The special effects are very much improved.
-The environments (once past the first segment) are a little more interesting.
-Akimbo weapons is a nice addition.
-One of the new Covenant weapons, The Beam gun is very fun to use.

Cons so far
-Almost nothing has changed...
-Almost nothing has changed...
-Almost nothing has changed...
-No really, it is just the same formula as the first game but mixed and re-matched a little due to the new environments.
-They have added at least one new "baddie" (so far in my progression) but it is not a positive addition. It is very ineffective as an enemy but VERY frustrating to deal with. Think, the flies/frogs in Daikatana.
-The weapons feel horribly underpowered, the ammo for the human weapons is sparse at best.

In the end I'd rather have rented it. I am enjoying Crimson Skies (which I picked up for $14 US) quite a lot better. 
Milkshakes, Man 
without the milk you would just have icecream. 
Without Milk... 
you wouldn't even have ice cream. 
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