Flame On!
#51 posted by
sock on 2017/01/24 23:11:23
Should I use this pack, if I only want to change some values? Like I think Pyro should have longer range like in Quoth mod
If you want to change the pyro attack speed then you will require a different progs file, which means you should use the devkit.
The AD pyro is based on rubicon2 code, which is why it works different to Quoth. The speed/distance of the flames are linked to skill level (250=easy, 300=normal, 350=hard, 400=nm) and the debuff flame damage is skill based as well. Changing the pyro setup will have to be tested for all skill levels.
Modern Day Bandwidth
#52 posted by
sock on 2017/01/24 23:35:58
When I'm going to change couple values, and publish my maps/episode in the future. do I need to somehow patch modified files, it would be stupid to load entire ad mod in the same package? Is there way to point out, use this file instead, but when people play normal ad mod my files doesn't affect on those?
The AD devkit is all about freedom to mod however you want. its a base for you to play with and gives you a set of mapping tools to create maps easier and access to much more flexible functions.
This is essentially what Quake modding is all about, there are no closed source files, its like how rubicon2/rrp is done. You create your own mod package, it will install much easier with QA injector and only require one game directory. Worrying about download size is pointless nowadays, most people download gigabytes of data all the time.
Either work with the existing AD progs/assets or just do your own thing! Learning how to make a mod might inspire you to create your own mod from scratch one day!
#53 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/01/25 02:03:24
If you're really worried about your derivative mod's download size, I don't think it would be that hard to look at every asset you're using and then just remove all the ones you're not from your package. Depending on what that stuff is it could definitely cut down on file size.
#54 posted by
Newhouse on 2017/01/25 03:29:54
Thank you very much. I will not worry about the size of my package then. I will start working on Pyro soon again, and also test it on all skill levels.
#55 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/02/02 04:39:25
What is the situation with models like misc_lightpost.mdl? Are they not included in AD's devkit because sock didn't have permission to?
I'm asking because I'm trying out tweaking the QC (I made a grunt with 3000hp, it took a minute and ten seconds to kill with the shotgun and axe!!) but I had to copy the missing models from the 1.50 release directory to my devkit directory to get my map to load.
Minor Corrections
#56 posted by
gland on 2017/02/05 14:13:37
Hi, just noticed a typo in the .def file - for func_breakable, the key to override the impact direction should be "angle", not "angles"
Even more minor, but the behaviour of the angle key for func_breakable is described in a paragraph, but it is omitted from the "Breakable entity details" key listing, so it might be missed by someone just skimming the key listings.
#57 posted by
gland on 2017/02/06 15:40:41
Was about to ask the same question but with misc_smoke.mdl
The misc_smoke entity is in the documentation, but the model is not included in the devkit.
Is there a permissions problem with using misc_smoke.mdl, or was it just an oversight?
#58 posted by
Preach on 2017/02/06 20:42:21
The permissions on misc_smoke.mdl can be found at
... offered without licence terms or conditions for use in Quake
So no problems there.
Bare Bones
#60 posted by
sock on 2017/02/19 19:05:30
What is the situation with models like misc_lightpost.mdl? Are they not included in AD's devkit because sock didn't have permission to?
I did not include many of the misc_ files because they are not required to run the MOD with minimum assets. Every version of the devkit has an example map which shows what assets it does support.
The dev kits are about showing what assets are required for a new mod to use the AD QC. Ideally as you use more assets in your project you will add them to your mod directory. The final AD mod included many maps which used special assets (lightpost.mdl) which are not essential.
I made a grunt with 3000hp, it took a minute and ten seconds to kill with the shotgun and axe!! I had to copy the missing models from the 1.50 release directory to my devkit directory to get my map to load
If you are copying stuff from the 1.5 directory for your map then its something to do with your map requiring unique assets. One example I can think of is the misc_smoke entity loading a special model. The devkits are really just the bare bones of AD with no bells and whistles!
#61 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/02/19 23:42:41
Yeah, my map does use some of the misc_ models, like the lightpost I mentioned. Hence me wondering if it was allowed for me to include them in something released based on the devkit - I remember you stating at points that it was tough to get permission for some of the things in AD, and I didn't want to end up using things I didn't have a right to.
Of course, if I actually want to release a mod using the devkit foundation, I probably ought to have more maps and models of my own anyway...