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When you have neck pain, you're having neck pain with HITLER. 
'isolationist' has always been a derogatory term to describe those who prefer peace and free exchange. It was a smear used against Dean by the George W. Roosevelt partisans last year just as it was a smear against Senator Taft during WW2 when many here did not see a dimes worth of difference between Hitler and Stalin but the later had a built in constiuency in Washington, DC. 
Two consecutive posts mentioning hitler. The rapture has begun! 
Or Alternatively... 
"Isolationism" is not a derogatory term for those who prefer peace and free exchange, it's a derogatory term for people who never get involved in helping anyone unless they get something out of it. America in "Nation Of Selfish Bastards" shock! 
Ask Any Charitable Organization 
America in "Nation Of Selfish Bastards" shock!

Who are the most giving and charitable to their causes and the answer will overwhelmingly be Americans.

I hope that the current state of affairs does show to my fellow Americans the great deal of ingratitude that exist out there, and perhaps then they'll come around to a more traditional American stance.

Excessive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.

-- from George Washington's Farewell Address.
I've got the flu, everything aches 
sorry to hear that.

Mix whiskey, honey and lemon juice in equal proportions and down it. It will at least clear your head up. 
I Got A Fevah 
and the only prescription

is more hitler! 
Poor Pope. 
And there I was trying to find the bees icon in your images directory...

Errrr yes. Flu and things:

When you wake up early and feeling shit in the morning, straight away take some painkillers, gargle with antiseptic and clear your snot out, then go back to sleep and when you wake again you should feel better.

Drink lots of water. Headthumps recipe is good too.

Spicy food can be good (but not too heavy). Echinacea (sp?) is a good immune system booster.

Hot baths can be good, but a sauna/steam room is better (don't overdue it tho).

Sorry if any of this is patronising but I suffer enough colds in this dank festering country so have nuff sympathy. 
go drink a glass of vodka and be strong! 
Communist poison! 
it's not poison but elixir of life! 
Yes, I agree, there's nothing better than a Vodka with apple juice !!!

Errr... Perhaps a Guiness ??? No ?? 
I Forgot... 
... to mentioned my predered Vodka is Bison Zubrovska.. pretty good one... 
Poison though it is, I do have two bottles in the freezer - one normal, and one grapefruit flavoured. The latter being quite nice mixed with some fizzy water.

Gotta be served from the freezer though. 
mixing vodka with other liquids is BLASPHEMY! 
Don't be stupid... try it and you will see it's better than only vodka with ice !! 
/me destroys jplambert 
... why so much violence ?? Discussing about tastes is impossible... You like Vodka with ice only ? OK, that's your taste, so don't try to disgust me and my apple-juice Vodka mix please....

RRaahh, you russians are really "Vodka extremists"

hi hi hi .... 
White Russian 
If I remember,

Khulua (sp?)
and Half and Half, or heavy cream.

MMM, yummy.

Vodka is the only liquor that gives me a hang over, so I tend to stay away from it. Ever Clear or White Lightening (about the same effect as Absinthe) are my poisons of choice. 
mixing vodka with other liquids is BLASPHEMY!

ya, I absolutely agree with Vondur.

Vodka is vodka, mixing it with anything other makes something else than real vodka 
Personally, I'd like to see the US foreign policy to become more like the Swiss.
So, an answering machine then, going "everybody's at the vatican, please leave a message at the beep."

Who are the most giving and charitable to their causes and the answer will overwhelmingly be Americans.
Unless the cause is handing out condoms to prevent HIV/AIDS. Then you get NOTHING!

I mean, seriously, he's the former town drunk and now he gets four more years as commander-in-coherent! He's an idiot. And not even an idiot savant. Just a regular, par-for-the-course idiot. 
that was soooo Yesterday. What is your opinion on Vodka? 
I'm just kidding. If you would like to discuss politics feel free to drop me an e-mail though I don't know how much insight I can give you. I'm not really representive of the political spectrum of my Nation; PaleoLibertarians like me are rarer than Naderites (in fact, he use to be one of us). 
stolichnaya is a-ok.

also, I say what day it is, damnit. 
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