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Arnold was not born American, so he's not elligible to be President.

Coming in 2008.

From the Academy Award Nominee Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Election

Some laws are made to be broken. 
Arnold Should Run 
I mean he's got the perfect losing speech in case things dont go to plan :

I'll be Back. 
When did you redesign the Greyvoid website? Got to say, it's a bit erm... odd, but functional. Of course the content (great maps) are the important bit. 
Only need 3/4 of the States to ratify an Amendment - but still difficult. 
One of the most important features of the Constitution is that it can be amended, or changed. The option of amending the Constitution is what is meant when the Constitution is called a "living document." An amendment must first be proposed, and then ratified. Amendments may be proposed by 2/3 vote of Congress in both the House and Senate. Another method of proposing an amendment is for two-thirds of state legislatures to request Congress to call a Constitutional Convention; the Constitutional Convention proposes an amendment. After an amendment is proposed, 3/4 of the state legislatures must ratify the amendment, or, a majority vote in 3/4 of state conventions called to vote on the amendment. 
The Republicans 
Arnold will run on the Republican ticket if the amendment gets passed.

Currently, the Republicans are in command of damn near everything. If a Schwarzenegger-in-chief proposal actually gained serious steam, that amendment would pass.

Not only would America elect an Austrian as its president, it would be Arnold Goddamn Schwarzenegger. And the world would balk at us all the more. 
Well, That Clarifies That 
good job on the civics quote, Scampie. I may have thrown people off with the addition of '50' previously. Should have browsed my pocket Constitution more carefully before commenting.

Lunaran, I think it is a mistake to view the world in a unitarian fashion. It may seem that way when you speak to a lot of people from dozens of nations on the web, but I have found it to be a truism that most college educated people reflect the opinions of their nations elites until they are neck deep in the realities of the work force for about a decade.

At that juncture the main concern becomes which side of the political spectrum is likely to be least damaging to the bond market, the stock market, and my 401K's.

Bill Clinton was the last Democrat to understand that and he may be the last to get elected in this generation if the Party keeps electing people pining to recreate Camelot. 
Nominating People, I Mean 
What is this board turning into?

We already have film thread, music thread, book thread, even food thread; maybe we should start the political thread? Kill me somebody then 
The Amusing Part Of That 
is this thread has been the most mellow discussion of recent political events I have see on the web lately. The func_board of all places.

It'll blow over, Pulsar once the recriminations are out of every one's system. 
Pulsar: Why don't you go start a discussion on mapping rather than whineing when the general abuse thread is generally abused? 
How does a Patriot's fan survive deep in the heart of Packerland?

hehe he he hehe 
this thread has been the most mellow discussion of recent political events I have see on the web lately.

there are myst forums that have gotten many times more brutal than this. o_O 
Bush Sucks 
and 50 something percent of america sucks too.

arnold for pres 
I Vote... 
...Eddie Murphy for US president. Wait... the US already his visually-manipulated clone as a president! 
Colin Vs Powell 
That's the only obvious matchup I can see right now. 
Change Colin with Sharpton. 
You blew my mind there, Zwiffle! 
Good shows I've been watching lately:
Arrested Development (new season woot!)
Desperate Housewives (woot!)
Boston Legal
American Football

Just thought I would share my favorites from the season so far. 
So Like Yeah 
Lunaran, I think it is a mistake to view the world in a unitarian fashion. It may seem that way when you speak to a lot of people from dozens of nations on the web, but I have found it to be a truism that most college educated people reflect the opinions of their nations elites until they are neck deep in the realities of the work force for about a decade.

At that juncture the main concern becomes which side of the political spectrum is likely to be least damaging to the bond market, the stock market, and my 401K's.

Err, that's nice, but, what does it have to do with Arnold Schwarzenegger? 
Er, Well, 
Err, that's nice, but, what does it have to do with Arnold Schwarzenegger?

It is a 'nice' way of saying they will balk at Arnold Schwarzenegger becoming the US president while ignoring ethnic cleaning going on in their own backyard like a bunch of well trained monkeys as is par for the course.

Personally, I'd like to see the US foreign policy to become more like the Swiss. It would save us a lot of treasure and American lives, but no one seems to notice that the same people who denounce American intervention today are the same people who denounced us a decade ago for being 'isolationist' when we were relunctant to get involved in their problem in the Balkans. 
Not only would America elect an Austrian as its president, it would be Arnold Goddamn Schwarzenegger. And the world would balk at us all the more. <\i>

is a convoluted way of saying, who cares? As I write this I'm listening to the radio and the lead guitarist of a well known German band is adding his .02 cents which sounds like the same penny-ante crap coming out of every other icehole.

I'm just waiting for some one to make the reducto-ad-hitler argument that occurs on every other message board thread. It is BOUND to happen.
I'm Still Not Understanding What You're Saying 
Are you arguing with me or agreeing? 
Are you arguing with me or agreeing?

sharing in a conversation with a fellow Quake traveler on the current political scene?

At one point, I did state that I believed it to be a mistake to view the opinion of the non US part of the world as having one cohesive voice, and I thought that was part of the argument you made in the post I was addressing. So on a superficial level, it may appear that I am arguing with you.

I don't necessarily disagree with that post, however. If, hypothetically, uhm, extremely, hypothetically, Arnold became the US President it is likely that there would be an uproar. But I do question the relevance and the universality of such an uproar. 
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