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I Admit, 
I realy only saw one misalignment. In an out of the way area at that. 
you're actually discussing which kind of cigarette smells the worst? 'tis a new low, even for you people. 
Czg... + 31st October + 5th November 
so has halloween invaded norway, or are you living in the UK/US/Canada?

I personally couldn't care less about halloween, but the door knocking is annoying. There were three instances of people knocking on my door the other day, but I just ignored it. For all I know, it could have been a man desperate for help after being brutally savaged by a group of Kinn's "delinquent chavs."

This year, I heard that various supermarkets were not selling eggs or flour to kids in the fear that this egg or flour might be used on the houses of poor folk who happen to not have any candy/small change/valuables/electronic goods/jackable cars.

Now guy-fucking-fauwkes... GRRRRRR! FUCK OFFF!!!! At least there are some laws about that shit. I'm still worried about kids setting off rockets in one of the underpasses I cycle through on the way home. The area around there is chav city...

I was once cycling home and someone had put yellow tape across the entrance to the underpass. I assumed it was kids playing an oh-so-funny joke and just cycled through it. When I got to the underpass, there was a motherfucking burning car wreck and the whole tunnel was black after all the lights running along the underside had exploded. This underpass is about the width of a metro and is intended for pedestrians and cyclists on ffs. 
I love you so much.

Forever yours,
You Know 
it's amazing how much a well-placed line break right before the punch can accentuate the humor of something like that. /me wipes his eyes

While I'm here I would like to thank America Online. They've called my domicile four times this week offering me two free months of internet service. I said to the chump who woke me up this morning, "How many times do I have to hang up on you before you stop calling me?" and hung up.

The asshole called me back twice and hung up.

At this point I'm awake, so I get up to switch my alarm off and realize that it had never been switched on and I'd have slept until 2. Thank you, AOL! 
this is a message to the internet saying hi

hi i'm at Raven now, and may get internet set up in my apartment tonight! yay! 
shutup and go map 
Are professional mappers allowed to post on func_msgboard? 
Scampie, try not to f*ckup Quake 4 please. Thank you. 
Where's that speedmap you promised be, scampie? 
Vondur: I was mapping! I made a whole map in 3d studio today! woo go Scampie!

Megazoid: yes we are, metlslime is pro, Vondur is pro, I am pro... that leaves nitin as the only moderator not a pro mapper. Also, I'm not working on Quake 4

Zwiffle: I played a jeok on you. ha ha. 
Nov. 2 Can Only Mean One Thing 
Perfect Circle has released a new CD!!!

Whew! Thank you, Maynard.

Now where is that Tool album we have been promised this year? 
Oh Yeah, 
Good going Scampie. I'm rooting fer ya. 
Bush Wins Election 
It's official, Bush and camp will be returning for a second term in office in America. I voted for Kerry, so I'm a little upset but still feel proud about voting for the first time.

I also voting against Proposal 2 here in Michigan, the gay marriage ban. Of course that passed regardless as America is rather intolerant.

Suddenlly Canada isn't looking so bad anymore. 
Arnold '08 
(crosses fingers) 
Aye. Sadness ensues.

I Think 
The 2008 election should be Colin Powell on the republican ticket and Barack Obama on the Democratic ticket.

Wouldn't that be interesting? 
Who is the whiter of the blackmen?!

Did you see Alan Keys speech after he lost to Obama, that was halarious. I was screaming "Praise Jesus, you tell them!!!" He was trying to raise Dr. Martin Luther King from the dead and just looked crazy instead.

It'll be in interesting to see if Hillary runs next time round. 
Barack Obama 
Sounds like a Mortal Kombat character. 
Arnie Versus Hillary 
It'll be kind of like "Alien versus Predator" 
Yes, Just Like AvP 
"Whoever wins, we lose" 
We'd all wanna see the Terminator vs the Alien Queen. 
I Ain't Got Time To Bleed... 
Jesse "The Body" Ventura had also better be running, or else.

I guess that would make him a "Running Man", along with Arnie, lol! (I made a teh funnay). 
Post #6001 
Kinn sux ok? 
Jesse Winning In Minnesota 
in 1998 where voters cast aside the political elite of two parties was the only enjoyable moment in American political culture that year.

Kinn is on to something. The Rock will be America's first black president. 
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