#1 posted by
metlslime on 2010/04/09 21:12:00
This sounds like a joke... I guess I'll have to play it when i get home to find out.
I Hate You So Much Right Now
#2 posted by
Spirit on 2010/04/09 21:19:50
#3 posted by
necros on 2010/04/09 22:12:29
probably the best negke maps so far!
#4 posted by
JneeraZ on 2010/04/09 22:13:36
Is the lack of screen shots on purpose?
#5 posted by jakub on 2010/04/09 22:31:17
these maps are really oldschool
The Maps Suck Balls
#6 posted by
RickyT33 on 2010/04/09 23:09:38
Palyed my way up to the fourth map, and couldnt be arsed to run long enough to find the exit. Barely shot anything on the first three maps.
No lighting, only grenade launchers and rocket launchers are there :(
Negke WTF!!!