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... you suck...

..... even if I think this code is quite funny !! 
Coder humor is not funny. 
.. this one is funny as well... but what is the use of the "laden" tool ?? Airplane crashes or dish-washer simulator ???
TFT Monitors... 
...anyone have any recommendations for a TFT monitor (not for gaming, I know the 16-20ms delay thing and all that), 17" preferably, middle-of-the-road quality...

...oh and easily available in the UK too.

Advice would be appreciated, kthxetc. 
I Thought The Joke Was 
rm -rf cgi/bin/laden

Thinkgeek doesn't sell the shirt anymore, so I can't verify actual unix syntactical compliance on that.

But it's funny, trust me! 
avoid tft as much as u can.....
there's still no proper tech in tft to handle games properly.... 
For Smabler 
I looked into screens a lot recently, researching before i built my new PC. Seriously, ignore all the advice about Lcd's being so inferior for gaming... I've played dozens of games on my new TFT display, and its about one-thousand times better than my old 17" CRT.

There's no ghosting at all on pretty much any new panel, and brightness and clarity can be very high if you pick a good make and model; pick wrong and you can still end up with a crap display though.

The screen I ended up choosing isn't really the spec you requested, but I'm SO happy with it, I thought I'd share. I bought a Viewsonic VX910, which is a stunning 19" monitor... the new version of it which came out seconds ago has a 12ms response time and it costs about �390 inc. VAT, so its CHEAP.

Here's a thread on larger screens:

Here's a page with all the screens you should consider in any size:

The screens that are currently generally considered best value for high-quality gaming Lcds are:

LG 1715S 17" LCD Monitor - Silver
costs only around �210!! dirt cheap and very highly respected

Hyundai ImageQuest L70S+ 17" LCD Monitor - Black/Silver
costs �230, which is cheap, and 12ms responce time makes this one of the best 17" monitors money can buy.

Sharp LL-172G 17" LCD Monitor - Black
�260, but if you want an all round screen, this is probably the classiest, and the most comfortable to look at i've seen for a 17".

Viewsonic VX715 X Series 17" LCD Monitor - Black/Silver
only �220. I've never seen this screen in person, but if its anything like the 19" screen that i own which is in the exact same style, it'll be awesome. It's only slightly let down by its response time which surprisingly is twice as slow as the 19" version.

hope this helps... 
Remove All Morons Out Of The Way. 
Which bit of "(not for gaming, I know the 16-20ms delay thing and all that)"</Q>
was proving so difficult to understand??

But anyway, thanks a lot for the advice, Starbuck, will look into those. 
Which bit of using the quote tags correctly was proving so difficult to understand??

Remove all Shambler out of the way, doh. 
Shambler - 18" Too Big For You, Baby? 
This one is well-reputed and seems fine for gaming. Oh, and's astoundingly cheap: 
I'm looking at the PC Game release list, and I think I can make a solid prediction. Playboy : The Mansion (released on November 5th) will be utter tosh, but somehow become one of the most extensively warez'ed game this year. 
that is like predicting that the sun will rise tomorrow morning :D 
Quake For Smartphone

Includes all id levels, cant try it myself.... but someone here might be able too :) 
The Bigger Issue With LCD Mon 
itors is color purity. cathode tubes still provide a far more accurate color for graphics, which is important if your job relies on it. 
Dear America 
Please take your halloween tradition and shove it up your fat arses so noone outside that putrid wasteland you call home has to suffer it.
kthx, love 
phear teh norsk rage :D

/me joins tho 
<- Pumpkin 
halloween was a lot of fun. A lot of attractive ladies here seemed to think "Halloween Costume" means "Go out in your underwear"

which was nice. 
Dear CZG 
Please take that stick out of your skinny arse and we won't invade/bomb you. kthx, love 
Lol Quaketree Is Fat 
Here, fatty fatty fatty...
Come and get a ton of lard for the fatty space in your fat fatty belly.

Halloween In The UK just odd. The corporations wants us to celebrate it. Kids and some adults want to celebrate it, but the British reserve and the fact that its more of a US thing ensures it's a total disaster.

I didn't get one trick or treater knock on my door, which was a blessing and I didn't have any "candy". 
Oh Great 
Another "America VS Everyone Else" flamewar. Just in time for the elections, too.

(Just for the record, I'm on your side, 'merkins - any country that can elect Arnie to the position of State Governor is alright in my book). 
Re: Halloween In The UK 
You mean it's not an all-year-round thing? I had no idea that the concept of a bunch of delinquent chavs in masks knocking on your door and making demands whilst threatening acts of minor vandalism was in any way "seasonal". 
Yanky Fanboy 
In the interest of souring world relations, allow me to add...

All Americans must hang... and take your crappy chocolate and unsmokable fags and shove them up your liposuction scarred (but still fat) asses. :) 
Just To Make Things Clear 
Last night was a veritable terrorist attack of snotty kids being "dressed up" by drawing whiskers on their face with a ball point pen, begging for candy.

Hooray for another corporate tradition, as if valentines day wasn't bad enough.

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