#5878 posted by Spirit of 85 on 2004/10/22 16:45:26
Hi Guys!
I just started my trendy "singleplayerstuff-Quake-weblog";) You can take a look at it:
(' hope this link works on this board)
Don't worry about the ".de.vu", I know this sucks... But the page is entirely in english. Maybe you should visit it later again, because like I said: it has just begun=)
See ya!
Spirit Of 85
#5879 posted by
Jago on 2004/10/22 16:52:08
The website looks surprisingly decent. Theres not a whole lot of new Quake websites being opened, so yours is definately a welcome addition.
Nice Look, Clean, Functional, Loaded Fairly Quickly.
#5880 posted by
necros on 2004/10/22 17:55:35
i think it would be nice to have a general news site but devoted only to q1. pq is general news, but the q1 stuff tends to get buried in the tidal wave of other games.
good luck with the site then. :)
#5881 posted by
necros on 2004/10/22 17:56:05
"i think it would be nice"
should be: "i think it's nice"
Thanks A Lot
#5882 posted by Spirit of 85 on 2004/10/22 18:16:54
I hope you will visit me often:) The clean look is (except of the colors) the default of this "simple php blog", but thank you anyway! It would be a pleasure if the people who cause "mentionable" news would submit these to me, so I wouldn't have that much work;) Well, thats a dream... Let's see what the future will be like!
Thumbs Up, Spirit Of 85
#5883 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/10/22 21:28:40
I like what I see. The brown shading in the page is perfect in its Quake-ness. I'm adding it to my regular circut of Quake sites.
If Wrath Is A Girl, There Is No God
#5884 posted by
Blitz on 2004/10/22 21:43:58
#5885 posted by
Lunaran on 2004/10/22 22:14:04
While messing with doom3's chaingun script to try and change the way it spins up and down, I fucked up a while loop and now I've got a six barreled flak launcher that dumps all 60 rounds in one frame. It's like a fucking anti-aircraft cannon. I'm sitting here launching hell knights across the room.
Entirely not what I meant to do, but totally awesome nevertheless.
#5887 posted by
pope on 2004/10/22 22:46:23
that hairy beast thing looked kinda neat, for the hairy effect.... of course a sshot is totally different from how it looks in game.
But yeah, not every game is going to be put out by well established companies already 3 sequels deep into their FPS de la jour. Yes there are some hot exceptions out there. But these companies hopes aren't set on being the next big thing. They are simply trying to establish themselves to land bigger projects.
Hell even the 'established' companies throw stinkers like this at us all the time. Not just in the FPS department but all genres are victim to this.
#5888 posted by
Kell on 2004/10/22 23:02:02
Sounds like a jolly old romp :D
Be careful who you share that with though; you do realize how many players there are who would consider that the basis for an 'awesome' MP mod? :P
#5889 posted by
necros on 2004/10/23 01:10:05
do the same thing to the bfg and you'll have an instant classic!
The BFG Already CAN Dump The Whole Clip In One Go
#5890 posted by
Lunaran on 2004/10/23 01:32:32
you just have to hold the button for a second or two. :)
Chaingun's now working the way I desire - it's almost as much fun to use as the impromptu flak cannon.
I thought of a nifty way I can quickly test Byzantine monster/weapon balance - build a big and very ugly deathmatch map, and rig it DMSP-style. It'd be quick and continuous gameplay just generated on the fly, plus nice and easy to box up and upload to a few testers ...
#5891 posted by
Jago on 2004/10/23 01:47:14
Is there a Byzantine design doc? If so, may I take a peek?
On Development Of Oblivion:
#5894 posted by
Jago on 2004/10/23 03:25:58
"According to Howard, the AI has caused guards to decide to eat and go hunting deer, only to get themselves arrested for attacking something. When they fight back against the arresting guard, the other guards see a fight and try to join in. In not too much time, every guard in the town was involved in the scuffle, which left the rest of the town open to thievery by other NPCs, resulting in empty stores."
This sounds just too fucking cool.
Elder Scrolls
#5895 posted by
Blitz on 2004/10/23 05:59:24
Looks fucking fantastic Jago. It also looks like a section from 3DMark03 :D
But What You Really Need Is A Deus Ex Clone...
#5896 posted by
Shambler on 2004/10/23 06:43:05
Just to add a bit of variety to the Painkiller clones ;)
P.S. ES: Oblivion on the other hand does look very cool.
#5897 posted by
nitin on 2004/10/23 09:07:26
how are "clone" games, as an idea, any worse than the gazillion sequel games produced by the big studios everyear?
#5898 posted by
- on 2004/10/23 14:59:46
ta ta for now! leaving for Madison early tomorrow morning. my computer is already sitting in my car. :D
#5900 posted by
Lunaran on 2004/10/23 20:47:33
There is, but I'm hesitant to show it around very much.
... Email me.
Lets Start A Pool.
#5901 posted by
pope on 2004/10/23 21:01:41
10 bux says scampie takes the wrong highway and ends up in Quebec.
He He He
#5902 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/10/23 23:47:54
no thanks, I already have one.