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long development time, gabe is fat, haggle gaggle bluhr...

but you're still got damn talking about it! 
Well Vigil 
as they say up here in Edinburgh, you're a cunt.
P.S. i did your mum. 
You're In Edinburgh? 
Why wasn't I warned? �_� 
g_armorProtection.SetFloat( ( g_skill.GetInteger() < 2 ) ? 0.4f : 0.2f );

Those bastards! 
[21:03] * scampie retakes ownership of #tf 
Keep #TF drama off Func, retard. 
Remove Morons Out Of The Way. 
I sincerely hope Raven doesn't allow IRC access... 
A Day Of Shit-looking FPSes... 
This amuses me vaguely. Not satisfied with the Mortyr2 screenshots posted recently (who the hell is going to play that?? Even *I* didn't play Mortyr1), lots more companies have been releasing Screenshots Of Ass Ugly And Pointless Sounding Generic FPS Games That Are Even Less Exciting Than Following Through Whilst Farting(tm).

Par example:


- fight the forces of Hell with "old verified gameplay" OMG I can't wait, gaming revolution of the decade. Just STFU and give me the Painkiller expansion, k??


- Fight the forces of some random aliens with "massive shooting sequences and action elements" oh wow, still my beating heart. The game also features Virtual Teleportation devices, truly the cutting edge of 1994 gameplay ideas.


Fight the forces of mutated animals with "intense, high-adrenaline action", yeah right, there was a demo of this sometime in the last millenium, and guess what it still doesn't look any better or more interesting since then. Hurray for progress!

Thanks to Blues for these gems 
... Yeah... It sounds good !!! Screenshots gaves me cool ideas for my Quake maps... thx 
How do these people get a publisher? I should be starting a commercial game project... 
Shit Games 
Yeah... It sounds good !!! Screenshots gaves me cool ideas for my Quake maps... thx

Lol - I think something got a bit lost in translation here :P

How do these people get a publisher? I should be starting a commercial game project...

So true. I mean how fucking creatively challenged do you have to be before you say "I know! Lets make a PainKiller rip-off! That game was rich with unique and innovative ideas for us to plunder!" 
Excites me more then Quake 4 did. Not EVERY game can be HL2, y'know, the majority of titles are gonna be from startup companies in Holland and whatnot that take 6 months to make their game. 
An FPS game made in 6 months is bound to be utter shit. It takes more than 6 months to do a big, high-quality SP experience for Quake 1 with good content (see Nehahra or any other well-sized quality SP thing). The newer the tech, the more content needs to be done, the longer the development time. It's inevitable. 
i got to play vivisector in feb2004 at kri, it plays and looks like your general fps. nothing really impressive there... only impressive thing was possibility to shoot off any limb of the monsters. you could shoot off hand, leg, ANY part of the body, so u could see the ribs under the torn off skin etc....

and wtf with holland here? it's ukrainian game... 
I'm Not Saying 
that it won't suck; It's just that not every game can be that billion-dollar budget blockbuster badass ... ummmm.... b-word game.

So true. I mean how fucking creatively challenged do you have to be before you say "I know! Lets make a PainKiller rip-off! That game was rich with unique and innovative ideas for us to plunder!"

Sometimes you can't just make an engine with light-bending gravity-warping 1-billion polys-per-monster type characteristics and you just have to do what you can with what you got.

So I'm not saying any of these games will be the next Doom3 at all, but sometimes one has to realize these are the Mom and Pop businesses of games development. (Mom and Pop stores are little tiny family run stores that generally don't do very well.) 
...haven't we tried putting our money were our mouths are and attempted a mod or something? the qmap project. there are engines around, and good ones at that, cube for example. I mean really tried doing it professionally like and shit. with the cream of the crap, as it were.

ah, a girl can dream... I also want a moon pony for christmas. 
The QMap/TF folks have pulled off a whole shitload of gmae projects. Some of them pretty damn big too. 
Moon Ponies? 
I've been, there aren't any.

There are moon pies, though. 
What? You Think Humans Actually Have Freedom? 
So true. I mean how fucking creatively challenged do you have to be before you say "I know! Lets make a PainKiller rip-off! That game was rich with unique and innovative ideas for us to plunder!"

I think one major lapse in people's reasoning is that the game developers frequently don't get to pick what games they work on. Would you rather work on Lame Project 23 that the publisher wants to have made, or would you rather spend all your time developing a cool game without any funding and then spend 2 years shopping it around to publishers and eventually have to can the whole thing because the technology became outdated? Your call, really. But one option at least lets you have something to eat for dinner besides street rats at the Gotta-Catch-Em-All restaurant in the back alley. 
wrath is a girl?

hello wrath, you are a qt. 
Hi Guys!
I just started my trendy "singleplayerstuff-Quake-weblog";) You can take a look at it:
(' hope this link works on this board)
Don't worry about the "", I know this sucks... But the page is entirely in english. Maybe you should visit it later again, because like I said: it has just begun=)
See ya! 
Spirit Of 85 
The website looks surprisingly decent. Theres not a whole lot of new Quake websites being opened, so yours is definately a welcome addition. 
Nice Look, Clean, Functional, Loaded Fairly Quickly. 
i think it would be nice to have a general news site but devoted only to q1. pq is general news, but the q1 stuff tends to get buried in the tidal wave of other games.

good luck with the site then. :) 
"i think it would be nice"
should be: "i think it's nice"
Thanks A Lot 
I hope you will visit me often:) The clean look is (except of the colors) the default of this "simple php blog", but thank you anyway! It would be a pleasure if the people who cause "mentionable" news would submit these to me, so I wouldn't have that much work;) Well, thats a dream... Let's see what the future will be like! 
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