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Film Thread.
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And mugwump is sorta right bu not really about the crawling back - at least we can give it tht the movie does a poor job of representing any internal struggle of "its either 90 years of solitude or suicide or forgive the fucker..." Only the guys struggle as to waking her is presented at the beginning. 
The whole romance is there entirely to set up the little original moral bend, it being the entire point and hook of the movie. Its a cute light sci-fi movie with a little romance facilitated by the plot.

There we go. Fixed that for you.

Forgot to post about this. I liked the film a lot more than I thought I would. Yes it's lightweight and yes it degenerates into action/disaster film cliches at the end, but romance aspect was essential to show the light/dark aspects of the situation, I actually found it (which was all happy and cutesy) to be quite uncomfortable watching know what underpinned it all, and the downfall came as a relief. It provoked a bit of discussion and pondering and the ship was done pretty nicely from the outside.

It is what is and they did a good job of it. 
There, Shambler is a better critic. Restart teamshambler reviews now. 
Split - probably the worst film I have seen in the last 5 years or so (not saying it's the worst film made in that period, just the worst that I have seen). The writing is horrible, the suspense non-existent and the final scene completes the insult.

There Were Three Movies Called Split In 2016 
And the review fits each one of them?! 
My comments were about the Shymalan one. 
Silence - 6/10

Found it too austere and inert to be convincingly engaged with its ideas. Andrew Garfield's inconsistent central performance also did not help. There are however quite a handful of brilliant scenes scattered throughout. 
Trainspotting 2 - Never hits the same highs as the original (although admittedly how could it) and the narrative is a bit weak, but there are some very well earned character moments and the humour still (generally) hits the mark.

Hah Never Clicked On This Thread 
Plenty of Kubrick fans here I see. If you see Barry Lyndon in a movie theater it's a much better experience. Not for everyone, but it's pretty amazing visually.

Just saw Manchester by the Sea - excellent nonlinear storytelling. I noticed a very Kubrickian influence, starts out slow and unwinds beautifully. A very powerful, simple story. I love how it respects the audience and doesn't hit you over the head with needless shit. See it, stick with it - it's worth it. 
Logan - 7/10

Far too long for what it is, especially when it doesn't really do much with the extended runtime IMHO, but a decent action film with good performances and a welcome respite from the regular superhero formula. Also needed a better villain. 
I loved the final scene. The rest of the movie stretched on for too long and was a bit of a letdown. But once the score (which is brilliant from James Newton Howard) kicked in, I knew where it was heading and a part 3 I'll look forward to. 
Assassin's Creed 
Has anyone watched the Ass Creed movie? I always thought the AC story could make a great film franchise (probably a trilogy). Matrix meets historical drama (Spanish Inquisition) with Fassbender? Yes please.

But they've GOT to stop telling memories and wrap up the story. If this means the end of the games, fine. Don't keep dragging out the story for the sake of making money on a dead horse. Stick to the game story as well, don't go and rewrite it all.

Unfortunately the movie is a complete fuck up. As a standalone movie without any knowledge of the games, I guess it's okay, but knowing what it could have been makes it a big missed opportunity. Some good action, cinematography, scenery. But the animus, plot and motivation behind the Templars is all changed, we don't even have the aliens anymore. The memories were just action sequences with no connection to the characters at all. A complete waste of Michael Fassbender (who did perform great as always) and Jeremy Irons.

It is amazing just how incompetent the executives/producers/writers in Hollywood are, despite the millions they get paid. Wasted opportunity. 
Don't know how that one slipped by me all this time :)

As a side note and not really to do with the core of the movie it was fun to see how many "hipster" trends were already established in 1998.

Not sure if those stovetop Alessi kettles are a thing again yet though though. :D 
I'll see your "Thursday" and raise you with "Twisted Seduction" : 
Ghost in the shell movie camo water fight scene

nooooooooooooooo :(

Thats it - fucking hardcore write-off, you can smell the ugly hollywood corporate cancerous SHIT all over it:

Surely one of the many discussions / decisions during production of this turd :
After showing the original scene and now discussing the live action remake of the scene:

Bellend2: "OK boss, done licking your crack, let me suggest : we flash her face at the start of the scene - 2 wins there boss : we dont let 10 seconds of the movie go without expensive cuntface AND our dumbfuck retard audience runs no risk of being even remotely confused as to whats going on for more than 3 seconds!!
Oh and yeah lets just forget the whole thing that the optic camo is a textile, we'll just pretend its magic as to her face skin and hair, she's obviously wearing that white suit out of fashion sense as her skin is optic camo enabled ???"

Bellend1: "Brilliant!!!!"

Original scene for reference as to the face camo thing :

This is not even nerdrage, its fine they take the scene and recreate it - but take it and fuck it absurdly like that - why ? Why not reinvent a similar scene instead - make a new scene that fills the same rythm - the sudden solitude/tempo break with a serving of badassery, it doesn't have to be a copy to achieve the same and keep cuntface on screen.

But its abundantly clear, talent, care, decent effort, artistic integrity are absent from this production, its a real dud and I pray it crashes very very hard in the ratings, it would be well deserved. 
You Sound Surprised 
Because there have been a couple not so awfully shitty reboots (still don't need them but still) and one would of hoped that this cinematic monument would get respectful treatment...I don't know why I'm surprised...

GITS was and is such a massive vector in pop culture (this is not even up for debate) you would of thought someone would give a shit... 
GITS was and is such a massive vector in pop culture

Not for me nor anyone I know. That "No" is not up for debate for sure.

I watched the two clips. So similarity, such trivial, much nerdrage, WOW.

Okay one's a shonky 10FPS-looking cartoon and one's a slick CGI / live action so there are some minor stylistic differences.

Aside from that, REALLY, Killes?? You've excelled yourself with this one. 
<-- Perfect Use Of This Icon 
I've never watched any anime so I don't give a baboon's bollock about whether the live action version is faithful to the cartoon version.

Judging from the clip Killes posted of the live action version, I think the movie looks garbage in ways that are nothing to do with how closely it follows the cartoon version. It just looks like a Matrix rip-off cheesefest from the early 2000s to me. That Matrix slowmo stuff has been passe for a loooong time. 
If the 2017 live action film isn't 100% utterly identical to the 1995 cartoon version in every way, including ways that would make it look utterly bloody nonsensical as live action but at at least slavishly and stubbornly "faithful", then the entirity of humankind should boycott the film, and Killes anus will explode. 
"GITS was and is such a massive vector in pop culture"

Never heard of it for some reason. 
I may get a tad riled up discussing GITS ;) but Shambler you fucking nonce.

As to stylistic differences : no its not a stylistic difference, it is clearly to add more face time for dear lead actress, its not like they would have trouble recreating the head gear pictured in the anime, the problem with it is obstructs expensive-ticket-selling-face or whatever. It also basically makes no sense.

As to vector in pop culture :
You I guess feel GITS did not influence you or your acuqntainces directly. It has though influenced countless creators of media & entertainment. Some in a subtle fashion, some not so subtle.

Cameron, Spielbergs, Wachowskis for high profile peeps openly admitting their love of it.
So many others, it hit at the right time to leave a very strong impression on many movie creators.

And through this my dear Shambler, it has influenced even people who do not watch anime through movies and other entertainment influenced by it. That is what I mean by pop culture vector ya ? 
And I argue for a not faithful recreation of the "cartoon" if it cannot line up with their marketing/talent whatever prerogatives.

What they do instead though is a very lame scene copy whilst ramming their conflicting interests into the scene like a purulent semi flaccid cock and making a right proper neither/nor fuckup of it. 
Never heard of it for some reason.

I think it's big shit in anime circles. Of course, the mistake anime fans make, is thinking anyone normal knows or cares about anime. 
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