![](images/clear.gif) @NightFright
#556 posted by Baker on 2016/12/04 17:10:51
I think GLQuake comes with some really crusty/obsolete .dlls that don't belong in a proper Quake folder. That'd be my guess.
One more reason to use MH's upcoming DirectX 9 modification as main Mark V distribution executable.
![](images/clear.gif) @pulsar: Func_illusionary Mirrors
#557 posted by Baker on 2016/12/04 17:19:36
Func_illusionary mirrors on their way within an hour or so.
In next update, any func_illusionary mirror must have one 1-mirror texture, in the case of a cube the other surfaces will not be drawn, just the mirror.
This will allow for mirror secrets.
Effectively, they will a brush with a mirror on one side, from the other side they don't exist.
Makes your original test map work.
I'm testing out some other things before I release this.
![](images/clear.gif) Mark V - 1019 - Func_Illusionary Mirrors
#558 posted by Baker on 2016/12/04 18:59:49
A func_illusionary that is a mirror should have one mirror surface, the other 5 will not get rendered.
At this time, shouldn't be sloped up or down.
This test build does both of your test maps fine and a test map I made.
/This is a test build.
![](images/clear.gif) Baker
#559 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/04 19:16:18
It looks like this works for 6-sided brushed only. It works fine in test map, but in the actual map I have func_illusionary with 8 sides (to fit geometry) for example (one face is mirror, others are skip) and it doesn't render as mirror.
While with classic boxes with one mirror side everything seems to work fine. But it doesn't work with boxes with chamfers.
#560 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/04 19:18:21
while solid mirrors work fine on non-rectagular surfaces, I checked it.
![](images/clear.gif) Pulsar
#561 posted by Baker on 2016/12/04 19:20:57
Could you upload that one so I can examine it?
![](images/clear.gif) Func_Illusionary Mirrors Was Not Easy To Do
#562 posted by Baker on 2016/12/04 19:26:59
Func_illusionary mirrors were very complicated to implement in a thorough way.
I discovers ton of special scenarios I had to adjust for. I kept discovering more issues that caused me to have to re-engineer them.
Any example I didn't consider is useful.
![](images/clear.gif) It's Strange
#563 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/04 19:37:00
it works fine in test map with non-rectangular mirror but doesn't work in the actual map. Gotta investigate more.
![](images/clear.gif) I Would Trigger Texture Instead Of Skip
#564 posted by Baker on 2016/12/04 19:38:29
I do not know what compile tools will do to such a brush, and there are several different compilers that may handle them differently.
That being said, until something very strange is going on, I should be able to examine see what is happening.
#565 posted by Baker on 2016/12/04 19:40:26
Upload the one that doesn't work right, it will allow me to make a list of "do" and "don't" for func_illusionary mirrors.
It is also possible what you are trying to do should work (but I failed to anticipate a situation) *or* doesn't work for non-obvious reasons that might not involve the shape.
![](images/clear.gif) Ok, I Found The Difference
#566 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/04 19:57:26
func_illusionary mirrors don't work in AD. I guess it has somethinf to do with it's entity state system. You can download AD 1.5, place the test map there and test it in AD.
![](images/clear.gif) @Baker, Regarding "crash After 3dfx Logo"
#567 posted by Syrion on 2016/12/04 20:11:12
Good call with the .dlls! I'm using the GOG release of Quake which includes 21 dll's. Mark V works without any of them, and indeed the opengl32.dll (dated 23.03.2015) caused the crash. Without it mark_v.exe runs flawlessly. Also, 3 dll's are numbered variants of "3DfxSpl.dll", which also cause the corresponding logo to appear. Thanks!
#568 posted by Syrion on 2016/12/04 20:13:25
Obviously, GLQuake doesn't run anymore, now, so basically that's the culprit. I always just copied the source ports into my GOG Quake directory, guess that was a bit thoughtless. Not that I'd ever want to use GLQuake...
![](images/clear.gif) Clean Quake Dir
#569 posted by NightFright on 2016/12/04 20:27:06
Your best bet is always to copy the id1/hipnotic/rogue folders into a new dir with the Mark V exe(s).
#570 posted by Spike on 2016/12/04 20:28:03
vanilla glquake likes to crash when a gl driver reports over 1024 bytes of extensions. many gl drivers (or at least nvidia) limit the number of extensions reported to anything 'glquake.exe', which means renaming old third-party engines is one way to get them working again...
vanilla also likes to misbehave without the -no8bit arg.
GOG includes 3dfx's opengl->glide wrapper, as well as nglide and its glide->direct3d wrapper. I guess markv just doesn't like it when various opengl functions are missing.
one way to avoid this issue (including the issue with the gl->glide wrapper with no glide support) is to just directly+dynamically load the opengl32.dll from the windows system32 directory.
/me starts to wonder which other engines fail to cope with it.
/me wonders what the steam version does to avoid the glquake/winquake crashes.
but yeah, if you're not going to run vanilla glquake, one option is to just remove that opengl32.dll minidriver/wrapper.
![](images/clear.gif) @Spike
#571 posted by Baker on 2016/12/05 01:46:07
I might be able evade the GOG opengl32.dll by checking for the existence of the .dll and if it exists changing directory to id1 when I first call an Open GL function to cause /DELAYLOAD to kick in, so it is not found and then changing back. A bit of hassle.
/Mark V hooks up all Open GL functions at startup, so while another might wait to crash until one of them is called, Mark V will crash immediately.
![](images/clear.gif) @pulsar - Func_illusionary + AD
#572 posted by Baker on 2016/12/05 01:49:05
Nothing ever gets to be easy does it?
Arcane Dimensions doesn't support static entities.
That being said, I'll make it work anyway. I'll have to do a test map, but the way I redesigned it really does not require use of static entities it is just highly preferred.
![](images/clear.gif) Oh =(
#573 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/12/05 02:07:18
you can just load the current test map in ad
#574 posted by Joel B on 2016/12/05 05:30:43
Trying winquake build 1018 with a clean install of Arcane Dimensions, I noticed a couple of oddities... not sure if this is to be expected, especially the transparency part since that discussion got a little involved. So FWIW, FYI, etc.:
Main menu graphic has the AD logo missing: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11690738/temp/winquake_mark_v_0000.png
"Vine" transparencies (not): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11690738/temp/winquake_mark_v_0001.png
#575 posted by Joel B on 2016/12/05 05:47:25
(That's AD 1.5 to be clear.)
![](images/clear.gif) @johnny - Arcane Dimensions Menu Item + WinQuake
#576 posted by Baker on 2016/12/05 05:53:35
Loaded it in original id1 Software's WinQuake and it doesn't look right either.
Something about one of the Arcane Dimensions gfx.lmp files isn't WinQuake compatible.
id Software's WinQuake screenshot - Arcane Dimensions pink menu item
vines - Mark V WinQuake doesn't support alpha masked textures on brush models just yet. It will eventually, it's on the todo list.
![](images/clear.gif) @johnny
#577 posted by Baker on 2016/12/05 05:55:46
Have you tried the Mac versions? Are they ok for you?
#578 posted by Baker on 2016/12/05 05:57:31
Clarification: Asking about the startup dialog on the Mac. It should work ok now whether or not binary is in the Quake folder or elsewhere.
#579 posted by Joel B on 2016/12/05 06:18:24
Nope not yet! Will have my macbook returned later tonight.
![](images/clear.gif) Hall Of Mirrors - Test Map
#580 posted by Baker on 2016/12/05 10:21:09
@pulsar ...
The above test map will be a good example to explain
- mirrors
- func_illusionary mirrors
- list of things to avoid
func_illusionary mirrors cause hard to avoid issues, but a good mapper can map around their limitations.