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Film Thread.
I thought a trio of themed threads about other entertainment media might be good. If you're not interested, please just ignore the thread and pick some threads that interest you from here:

Anyway, discuss films...
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Black Mirror And Westworld Are Great 
Seen all of both. Black Mirror has some excellent moments, but Westworld is shockingly good. So so so so well crafted, production quality through the roof. Brilliant twists and so much depth... I've watched most of the episodes at least twice, and going back the 2nd time, there are so many hints of whats to come later on.

Everything holds together perfectly, and I love how they wrapped it up by the final episode. They told a complete story and still you desperately want more. If you even vaguely like scifi, AI, great dialogue, Nolan brothers films... what are you doing not watching this! Oh and it's 9.2 on imbb... the last episode is a 9.9. Nine point nine! 
Late to watching this, but bloody brilliant. Everything works well, characters, story, and particularly the realistic unfolding of earlier events. Some elegant and iconic images too.

FOTY by a long way. 
Arrival Was Excellent 
As Is The Wailing 
Star Warrival 
So I went to see Rogue One yesterday night but the theater was fully booked, so I bought a ticket for Arrival instead thanks to the comments in this thread. Needless to say I wasn't disappointed one bit. Great film! The music was excellent as well, to the point of making me think about grabbing the soundtrack album.

I'm still pumped for Rogue One. 
main theme was very distracting to me because I knew it already but couldn't remember where from until after the movie when I immediately googled it.
actually quite a a fitting feeling, all things considered. 
Blade Runner 2049 Trailer

Apparently takes place exclusively in q3tourney5. 
I Hope They Don't Screw It Up 
I'm almost expecting to see a space jockey origin story in there somewhere... 
from YT comments: "if this movie somehow ends up terrible, I hope the moments of me watching this movie will be lost in time, like tears in rain" 
I Am Skeptical 
but Sicario and Arrival give me hope. 
Blade Runner 2 V0.5 
Have any of you guys ever read this book?
I never did because Phil Dick = my absolute fav writer and K.W. Jeter = an insipid laborer who committed some uninspired & uninspiring Star Wars novels. The article seems to indicate I was right in not reading it and I hope the upcoming film isn't based on it. But considering the filmmaker, I guess there's little chance of getting a half-assed quasi-remake that would be an insult to both the first movie and the book. 
My friend created alternative music for Blade Runner 2049 trailer: 
Rogue One 
so so average. 
Best Christmas Movie Clip

@nitin - Not surprised. Anything redeeming about the movie? 
Alien: Covenant

Couldn't watch Baker's video on my phone, because there's a rights issue with some Fremantle content blocked in my country. Will watch with Tor later. 
Getting a barrel-scraping AvP vibe from that shower scene. Oh dear.

Rest looks ok. 
depends what one is looking for I suppose.

There's a mega extended battle/war sequence in the last 40 min that everyone seems to love but I just could not care less about anything or anyone by that point. Plus IMHO it wasnt that great spectacle wise either.

The Darth Vader cameo is cool, as is the droid sidekick, but that was about it IMHO. To me it felt like every other modern blockbuster, with all their failings, set in the Star Wars universe. 
I agree with Shambles, FOTY for sure. Most gripping, serious and atmospheric depiction of alien contact I've ever seen. And dat twist, great googly moogly... 
Plus, it was nice to see aliens who weren't bad guys, for a change. 
Been Hearing Good Things About This 
Could it be? Has someone churned out a modern sci-fi film that doesn't suck ass? Crazy times we live in! 
Someone Has! 
Go watch it, you won't regret it. 
My first thought as I came out of it was that this was the sort of film that an alternate universe Shyamalan would have made - the alternate universe where he continued to realise his potential after his early successes (obviously not the universe we're living in). 
Lol Soz 
Mods feel free to edit my post 
Rogue One 
Welp. That was definitely a thing. I found the goody characters rather boring and undeveloped and impossible to give a shit about. Rather charmless. New baddy Krennic chap was good though. However I liked the film overall - a lot actually - because once it gets going, the action is balls-to-the-wall amazeballs and super-ultra-Star-Warsy. I guess that makes me part of the problem. :/


A certain key human character from the OT is resurrected via's pretty awesome that the character is there and has a surprisingly amount of screentime, but the fact that the CG is definitely not perfect just makes it really weird. 
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