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Film Thread.
I thought a trio of themed threads about other entertainment media might be good. If you're not interested, please just ignore the thread and pick some threads that interest you from here:

Anyway, discuss films...
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San Junipero. 
San Junipero 
T2: Trainspotting Day.

Pumped as fuck.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" -Francis Begbie, 2016 
What on Earth.

I don't even...unde--

Funny thing is that I made my wife watch this with me not too long ago and she enjoyed it. 
Marvel's Luke Cage 
OK, not a movie per se but TV series are still film, right? I only watched the first 3 episodes so far but it seems pretty solid, if perhaps a bit less gloomy than Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Special mention to the pilot's opening shot, a pure "Spike Lee joint" moment. Oh, and for people who enjoy a little eye candy, the actress playing Misty Knight has a nice pair of fun bags... ;)

T2 Trainspotting
Awesome, I wasn't aware of that. If it's as crazy as the first one, it's gonna be a blast! I love Danny Boyle. 
Luke Cage Is The BOMB! 
Awesome series from start to finish!

Nice fan service here and there later on when they go over his origin story in flashbacks.

Love the episode with Method Man playing himself and his Luke Cage Rap.

Also pay attention to the painting of Biggie wearing the crown in Cottonmouth's office. At any given time during the season people who are or will be in power get framed in front of it to make it look like they are wearing the crown. I thought it was a great subtle hint of foreshadowing. 
Yeah, I binge-watched the rest of the show the day after my post and it was a blast! I liked that it addressed the struggles of the afro-american people from slavery to the present day, including the current BLM movement.

Nice fan service here and there later on when they go over his origin story in flashbacks.
I loved the nod to his original costume (something they had already toyed with in Jessica Jones), as well as his reaction when he saw the headband in the reflection of the car glass.

The Method Man episode was great and yes, I noticed the Biggie thing. I'm not especially into black music but I thought the focus on it greatly enhanced the mood of the series.

Some nitpicks: Mike Colter isn't the best of actors when it comes to show emotion. It gives him a cool badass vibe a la Clint Eastwood most of the time but there are some moments when he's a bit lacking, especially one scene in which he's supposed to express sadness and, well, fails.
Some of his fights look a little mundane and don't really translate his strength very well, but that's on the directors rather than him.
Also, after Kingpin and Killgrave, Cottonmouth isn't as charismatic a villain. He's too petty and stupid. Shades is great though.
I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't any Jessica Jones cameo but we got a good dose of Night Nurse that made up for it. 
Ghost In The Shell - Full Trailer 
High quality film, that dives more deeply into hard science than I expected (which of course was a pleasant surprise). 
stopped the trailer 1/3 of the way through because I knew I wanted to see it. 
Looks Awesome 
cant wait to see it 
Ghost In The Shell 
Has anyone noticed Tricky @1'38"? TBH I'm a little wary of this one. I love both ScarJo and the original animes but Aeon Flux looked good too in the trailers. Also, it feels odd that the characters aren't japanese anymore. Wait and see... 
Hell Or High Water 
I liked this; another intense modern western from the director of Sicario. 
Ghost In The Shell 
Awesome trailer... I hope it is not too far away from the former anime (which I loved !)
.. and the Depeche Mode "Enjoy The silence" revival sound track makes it more enjoyable :)

Can't wait to watch it now... /me going to re-watch the anime... 
same writer, the director of Sicario just put out Arrival. 
and the Depeche Mode "Enjoy The silence" revival sound track makes it more enjoyable :)
Yeah, this sounds like a cool version. I hope it's in the actual movie and not just in the trailer. Anyone knows who did it? 
Thanks Mfx! 
More Sci-fi Fun With An 80's Vibe... 
"You just need to find a woman who's pathetic... like you."
Uhh holy shit this is the most impressive show I've seen on TV for quite a while... I'm sure some of the consciousness/AI stuff would be open to criticism, but it sounds to me like they at least tried to get it right in relation to current discussion on these issues. Astounding production value, compelling script and fascinating dialogue (Jonathan Nolan is a genius), excellent cast, and a total mindfuck on top of that (I'm very partial to "mindfuck scifi"). I've heard the new Black Mirror is great but even it will have a hard time being insane scifi after this. 
I wasn't too excited about it since I never was a big fan of the original film to begin with, but your post has raised my interest significantly. Thanks Tronyn. On a similar AI theme, the swedish show �kta M�nniskor (Real Humans) is a must-see. 
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