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Film Thread.
I thought a trio of themed threads about other entertainment media might be good. If you're not interested, please just ignore the thread and pick some threads that interest you from here:

Anyway, discuss films...
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Google ? 
Whatever Happened To Nitin? 
I Am Here 
but have been unwell, hence no tv and no quake playing for quite some time. 
Hope you're gonna be okay, oh wise film guru. 
Shin Gojira / Godzilla Resurgence 
Latest Trailer

It's getting heaps of praise, the most negative review I'm able to find is "it's not the best, not the worst."

Apparently they succeeded in making godzilla menacing and scary, akin to the first film.

This review by an odd pair of goofballs is pretty interesting. Their enthusiasm is entertaining at least. 
Menacing And Scary 
is not the vibe I get from that at all. But it does look very Japanese so that might be good? 
Japanese ... good !? 
For That, Yes. 
Gives it some character IMO. 
Menacing And Scary 
in the context of godzilla, anyway. I think the teaser shot at the end of the trailer title is a bit menacing. It's reminiscent of a snapping turtle opening its mouth to expose the lure.

Also, Japan is pretty much the authority on godzilla. Both american attempts have sucked godzilla balls. 

I saw the start of RoboGeisha this week. That's a crazy sort of p.o.s.

Yah... The Martian was pretty decent. The science-fact side of it was a little thin for me, but , damn, i had to fight back a tear at the end laugh. 
And The Green Lantern.. Jesus What A Pile Of Poo. 
But also saw "White Material". It's a disturbingly believable / realistic film about African rebels turning a white family off their farm. 
White Material 
was awesome. 
I liked this, but then I also liked the director's other films MUD and TAKE SHELTER, and Michael Shannon is always good at worst and awesome at best. 
Black Mirror Season 3 Trailer 
H Y P E 
b o i s 
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