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dump a load of extra cheese and toppings on them, and they rock ^_^

That just ruins them, IMO. You have to leave them in their original state. 
...after Ready This Pizza Contest.. 
.. I now better understand why there are so much obese guys in the world... 8P 
Mmmm, Pizza 
Goodfella's Ciabatta ones win. Light dough, good toppings.

My current obsession is a mix of korean noodles and Sainsbury's fresh stir frys with Thai sauce. Yum. 
I Hate Food 
A necessary evil.

When will the future be here with it's insta-nutrition pills? 
Re: Pizza 
Frozen pizzas: pepperoni or cheese only, NO RISING CRUSTS. I hate 'em.

Chicken and Rice with steamed broccoli: My second favorite food probably. Yum.

Cereal: A necessary staple. Sweet and sugary or healthy and bland, it's all good to me. 
spaghetti with cheese is the way to go.
tho i love pizza too.... 
.. vegetables, fruit, fish, and underdone beef meat (thi is my satanic side... I agree...) is better for your health... Think about it... 
Yes, food. 
Yum Yum, 
My best recipe is Cornish Game Hens in an Apricot based Curry sauce.

The sauce works for drumsticks too if I'm just cooking for myself.

Love those cheap pizzas. Especially if they have diced pepperoni or the Italian Sausage like substance that looks like rat droppings. Yum. Yum. 
This seems like a perfect opportunity to post one of my favourite pics: 
Cheap Food 
Sometimes it's shit, but somehow the fact I only paid 99p for it makes it taste better somehow. Rich folk tend to think the other way around I think.

Frozen pizzas are great, I totally agree with you there. Dunno if you get them in the states, but I really like Freschetta spicy chicken pizzas. Great crust, great topping - made better by the fact that Iceland always seems to have them on offer :) Chicago Town ones aren't bad either.

Having said that, I did buy an Asda (owned by Walmart) own brand pizza and it tasted like ass. It was really bloody bland.

The fresh pizzas that cost roughly 4 times as much rarely taste any better, and piss me off because when I've eaten one, I realise I've paid �4 for one meal, when I could have made some tasty spag bol for about 80p per portion.

Cereal is a big part of my diet too, in addition to milk (skimmed, semi, or whole, I don't care.)

I only have a few staple recipes that I cook at home. All are cheap :) 
I also love NoName Steaks. I've never had a bad NoName Steak. Although they cost like $100 they're good. Really, really good. Mmmmmmmmmm. 
One Of My Favorites... 
throwing virtual pizza's... 
A Favourite Cheap And Easy Recipe 
This one is a piece of piss to cook, and costs next to nothing. Ideal for students and people who tend to be broke all the time (me.)

I call it "Eggy Rice With Stuff" It's great hot or cold. When I say "great" I mean, it's alright, nothing special, but think about how cheap and easy it was to make and you will feel all nice and warm inside.
You will need:
* 2 medium eggs (cheap battery eggs are fine)
* a cup of rice (doesn't matter what type really, cheapest will probably do)
* 3-4 rashers of bacon (any type is fine)
* a small onion (red is nicer, but any will do)
* 4-6 medium white mushrooms

Wash the rice if you can be arsed, doesn't make much difference. Drain it and then put in a cup of water (you should use about the same amount of water as rice.) Pop it on the stove with a lid on the pan and leave it on a low heat. You should also slap a bit of oil in a frying pan and stick it on a medium heat.

scramble the eggs a little bit, don't cook them, just get them to a state where they are a bit runny, but not raw.

Wipe the pan out and keep it going on a medium heat.

Chop the bacon first, followed by the onion, then the 'shrooms. Doesn't really make much dfference, but you will want the bacon in the pan first, so it makes sense.

Put the bacon in the pan, followed by the onion about two minutes later. Don't stir it too much unless you want it all to taste of bacon. Pop in the mushrooms last.

check the rice. Hopefully it will nearly be cooked. There shouldn't be much water in the pot after 10 minutes of cooking. At this point, stir the egg in and pop the lid back on.

When the bacon and shit are looking good, give them a taste. Put them in the pot with the rice and egg when you think they are about ready. Mix it all up, put the lid back on, take it off the heat and leave it for a few minutes (2-3 is fine).

Eat. Maybe you fucked it up, maybe you didn't. Either way, it didn't cost you much, so be grateful. 
Oi Flamey! 
How dare you use onion in your recipe! Do you not respect the Master?

Hatatatatatatatataah! =P 
I am a sucker for those frozen Chicken/Beef/Turkey pot pies from Swanson. They are usually 99 cents a package, but sometimes on sale for 50 cents (!!) You can't find a better pot pie anywhere IMO.

Ramen noodles are inexpensive and abundant. They satisfy the heart with brothy noodle goodness, and stimulate the mind with ancient Asian wisdom. 
Mmmm, Noodles 
The superiority of a culture can be gauged by its choice of fast food. Yay Japan and Britain! Long live noodles and fish and chips! 
Oh, And One Confession: 
2am. Kebab shop. Meat and chips please. No salad. Yes, all the sauces. *munch* *munch*. 
Why Don't You Start A Food Thread? 
then I might say something 
You came up with the idea of starting a food thread, just do it and get it over with. 
Hmm, Kebabs 
There is something inherently wrong with a donner, but I kind of like them anyway. When you wander up to a Kebab van or shop and see that odd looking blob of meat rotating on the skewer, it can be somewhat offputting, but on the other hand, at least they keep it where I can see it... I at least know that nobody is busy wiping their cock on it when I tell them that actually I didn't want coleslaw, which is more than can be said of McDonalds.

Btw, has anyone compared the offerings from branches of McDonalds in different countries? I am guessing that each branch of McDonalds in the UK employs a guy to sit on each burger before it is popped in the box, but I didn't find this was the case in Japan. I didn't visit McDonalds in Germany, although wherever I went, the McDonalds branches seemed to be disguised by some impressively old looking structure and less in your face coloured plastic than in the UK. Oh, and the Japanese branches of McDonalds had more choice and served better food than the ones here. What the hell is up with that? FUCK YOU McDonalds. Fuck you and your stupid "I'm lovin' it" slogan. Cocksuckers.

No, I don't want a Big fucking Mac before anyone asks :) 
If an onion taught me karate, maybe I could give it a bit more respect. An onion without the ability to sing and dance is much more likely to end up in my frying pan.

Wendy, I never did ask... are you a man, or a woman? :) 
I just watched MadFox's .mpg clip, linked a few posts previously, and I'm not entirely sure - it might just be my mind playing tricks on me - but I could swear I just saw a fleeting glimpse of Yog-Sothoth giving me a "thumbs-up".

#5382 sick &twisted man...
if you really want to be twisted you can use the 0_hull to crawl to the exit. Point is, then the rest of the level is pointless.

I thought I made the diagonal brushes enough to permit crosspassing, but indeed you found another one.

#5384 Bazzu
for the offer of joy - I'm impressed!
for the lack of venture - I'm not so impressed!

You are what you beat! 
Wendy Milne 
Oh, take it from me - she's a woman... although even I had my doubts at first. ;) 
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