#51 posted by
mfx on 2014/05/18 00:53:33
the english term bottle just appeared to be a bad translation of the german means of "fl�che".
So "fl�che" means plane, not flasche (bottle), not even "surface", which means "oberfl�che", and the corresponding term seems to have made its way into popculture.
Dissecting a Klein bottle into halves along its plane of symmetry results in two mirror image M�bius strips, which is mind blowing for non mathemathicans(can be..)
Now this is real besserwisserism, and i�m praising berlin for its pavement full of dogshit...
Oh, i�m drunk
Oh And M�bius Strips
#52 posted by
mfx on 2014/05/18 00:59:40
are ze shit. My next map is moebius..
#56 posted by
mfx on 2014/05/18 01:46:03
i couldn�t have put it in words better...
blargh! thres islands in my puke, a docter maybe?