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Sexual Tension 
the two of you should just go ahead and fuck and get it over with. Sheesh. 
I'm not into necrophilia

But if your into masochism, I suggest you go fuck yourself 
Sarah Silverman is on Comedy Central! I want need the two of you for jag off purposes afterall. 
I'm not into necrophilia

If they don't meet your standards, lower your fucking standards. Don't be so uppity. 
I'm off to play a new DooM3 Sp offering, play with a couple of zombies, hmmm, seems like I've been doing that for the last couple of hours, oh well, on to the real thing 
Is The Board Broken? 
Why do i keep reading the same 5 "new" posts every time i visit this thread? Oh, becuase nobody has anything new to say.

Go map! 
Yes, Your Right MetIslime 
I concede to Grindspire, there will be no more on the matter. Sorry, I hope the next 5 'new' posts you read do indeed have something new and worthy to read. 
It'd be nice, but I doubt it.

If not this, more bees (or whatever else) 
Just To Be Different 
Not really knowing what Facism was until recently, I've drawn conclusions that Fight Club, although psychologically interesting and quite entertaining, is just a huge advertisement for it. Or at least it seems to promote Facism. Everything about it seems to make sense : the lack of value placed on material possessions, the need to create a 'warrior' society, and even as the club mutates into Project Mayhem, those who join "sacrifice themselves for the greater good." They lose their individuality and sacrifice themselves in an attempt to "free" the Capitalist and Democratically trapped peoples.

There was something else about rejecting God, but I'm not sure if that's part of Facism or not, I really don't remember. Anyway, just some food for thought, and if you guys realized this before, sorry for wasting your time. 
Oh, and concede to me? I haven't posted anything for 2 1/2 because I got bored with semantics 
Zwiffle, it can equally be seen as an advert for the far left & anarchism, in that it is a rejection of capitalist values and a rejection of the society impossed restrictions that plague modern society. Especially if you've read the book (which, as is generally the case, is a lot better).

However, the go far enough to the left or right and the two gradually become indistinguishable.

(go go benign dictatorism) 
Ffs Nonentity 
go to bed!

[00:04] *** nonentity is now known as nonentity|sleep

#5556 posted by nonentity [] on 2004/09/24 00:18:50 
To expand (only slightly) further; without identity or possesions, we all become equal and each individual is equal valued (even if that value is next to nothing).

And atheism was very much part of communism 
I'm waiting for dawn, I haven't seen it in a couple of weeks and it should be quite soon. 
(Also, can't sleep, internal anguish will eat me) 
And Don't Worry About The Whole Defeat Thing. 
there are no victors in stupid arguments, that's why I quit caring about 2 posts in explaining my postion and went to play video games. 
What exactly do you mean we become equal without identity or possessions? In what sense, is what I'm getting at. 
Defeat nothing, as I say I gave up nearly 3 hours ago through boredom (that and got distracted by pope in #tf, as you saw :).

The internal anguish is due to some entirely seperate (and fairly nasty) rl shit atm 
Well, the ideal of the far left is that every single person is treated as equal, has equal possessions and plays an equal part in society.

If everyone is worth nothing, has nothing and is merely a 'slave' to the overall goals then they are equal.

No-one said equality meant everyone having lots of things and being highly valued 
You're reading a lot into the movie that is there in some form, but one thing i think you missed is that the movie isn't actually promoting Tyler Durden's pholosophy. It introduces it as seductive and promising, explores the imagined consequences, and ultimately rejects it. 
Just installed this baby along with the "adblock" and "tab extentions" packs, and I must say its great. I was using Opera before but firefox kicks its arse big time. If anyone hasn't tried it yet I strongly recommend it.

No more ads evar! yeay! 
I Handed In An Essay Today
and also
Oh, and as for that argument earlier (not the Fight Club one)...
Tell you what, you stupid fucking func_msgboard.shitz . . . I'm feeling a mite TESTY and wish to admonish each and every one of you in the manner to which you shall soon become accustomed . . . that is if you had fucking BRAINS in your cranial cavity rather than the sordid, sticky, solidifying remnants of FIFTY-THOUSAND Juarez donkey shows, you fucking MAJORLY FUCKED wombat dick eaters who TO THIS VERY DAY still stand in front of kindergarten schools with your rancid peckers
in your own NECK STUMPS bemoaning the dearth of DEAD WALRUS RECTUMS with which to sate your psychotically deranged sexual desires. DO YOU HEAR ME???? You fucking DUMBASS func_msgboard.jitbagz are THIS VERY MINUTE jerking off to fucking pictures of piles of STOAT MANURE, the steaming miasma of which brings thoughts of BUTTFUCKING CAMELS to your petty hind-brains you ASSHOLES! I am so sick of
you Bobbie-shit eating BOBBIES that I'd like to rearrange your SHIT'S CUNT'S ASSHOLE'S DICKS into a tortured tableau reminiscent of the WORST NIGHTMARES ever to invade your tiny little cerebrums and then make you BUTTFUCK the farts that result from your EATING the aforementioned stoat manure. I think you all (and that means YOU!) can all suck a mule's ass through morning glory and that's CORRECT you stupid fucking SHIT-LICKING ambassadors of ASSHOLEISM who DAILY relish the thought of finding a couple of dead, rotting FUCK-DEMON carcasses, filling the rectal cavity of said carcasses with a couple of pints of anthrax
culture/sulfuric acid, sticking the stapled stumps of your flaccid members into the by now smoking and quaking cavity, humping like your life depended on it, paying your PASTOR to videotape the whole squalid affair, selling the videotape TO YOUR OWN MOTHER, then fucking JERKING OFF to the thought of your mother
jerking off a DEAD HOG while watching YOU jerk off to the thought of HER jerking off the hog while watching the video. THAT'S PRETTY FUCKING FUCKED UP, if you ask me. But I'm not really surprised at how utterly SHIT-SOAKED and RAT-CUM besmirched you fucking func_msgboard.lamers are. If you all fucking died YESTERDAY it would be TOO SOON. So put THAT SHIT in your goddam corn pipe and smoke it, motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!

Good 'nuff fo' yuh, Headthump? 
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