Caret Underscore Tilde
#5378 posted by Kinn on 2004/09/14 19:48:14
28 maps is a lot indeed.
#5379 posted by Tronyn on 2004/09/14 22:43:05
at my site.
I'll have a Q1SP map out in a few weeks...
Painkiller 1.35 Patch & Tools
About Painkiller Editor & Tools v1.35
This toolkit for Painkiller allows you to make your custom levels and mods for the game. Based on v1.35 game code.
The Editor includes - map-making and rolling up mods:
o Users must have 1.35 to use these tools
o Easy to use tools and documentation to get people started
o Supports both current versions of Maya (plug-ins for 4.5, 5, and 6) and 3D Studio MAX (command line)
o Ability to edit almost the entire game � including maps, feature artwork, major engine variables, and scripts
#5381 posted by Tronyn on 2004/09/15 09:39:52
download it yet??
#5382 posted by Megazoid on 2004/09/15 11:40:39
MadFox - you are a sick & twisted man. Those maps are pure evil, but have saved me from my Quake withdrawal. I haven't got very far with them yet, but it's a good laugh so far. Cheers for making them :)
Tronyn - Can't wait!!! :D~~~~
Shambler - Thanks for the heads up ;)
#5383 posted by necros on 2004/09/15 12:11:03
PK editor tools. although, i don't think i'll be doing any maps for PK atm...
Lost In Madfoxitation!
#5384 posted by Bazzu on 2004/09/15 12:53:00
Help! I'm lost - Don't know witch door has opend - Don't know where to go - Don't know what I'm doing in this map!
For the mega quantity of maps - I'm impressed!
For the lack of quality - I'm not so impressed!
From Madfox' Readme:
#5385 posted by czg on 2004/09/15 13:24:00
I made these maps with the intention to see how far i could use the Quark-engine to expose an image of an imaginable world. the whole map is out of grid. Reason it excists is my curiosity it would compile. If you want straight Quake1 levels, don't try this. Levels are quiet irrational, with no comon sense wayout, arised more by intuition than loggical interpretation, and never intended to pubish as an official pack.
I think that explains it all.
City Of The Dead
#5386 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/09/15 13:55:00
I read in my Game Informer that George Romero and American McGee are teaming up to make "City of the Dead" which McGee says "will be the goriest game ever made." Sounds interesting to me, and I can't wait to hear more about this. They showed some concept art of a zombie girl with a human head in one hand and a chainsaw in the other. I thought this was interesting.
In a related bit of info, it also said Romero was planning a sequel to Dawn of the Dead, and also a ... get this ... rock'n'roll musical called "Diamond Dead." The game I'll go for. The musical I will not.
Lots Of Cool Concepts From That...
#5387 posted by - on 2004/09/15 14:24:47
#5388 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/09/15 14:39:08
That is definitely some cool shit. I'm looking forward to it. BTW, thx Scampie, I didn't even know McGee had a website.
#5389 posted by nitin on 2004/09/15 20:01:32
yeah, thanks for that.
It's quite enjoyable
Rtcw Sp
#5390 posted by nitin on 2004/09/15 20:02:38
kat's released a cool looking level :
#5391 posted by nitin on 2004/09/15 20:04:37
#5392 posted by JPL on 2004/09/16 02:02:27
I'm playing RTCW each evening (when I'm not mapping for Quake), and I've not finished the game (I've just cleared the first episode in the castle last night). These screenshots reminds me some levels of the first episode... Same ambiance, lightning effects and color, wall texture, and iron doors... They look cool indeed... It will be nice to play I think..
#5393 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/16 04:24:58
Make the news please, come on, use the functionality of, errrm, func.
#5394 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/16 04:26:48
Well. They really show very little except one rather cool monster. Looks a lot like a Doom3 mod (which I guess you'd expect, stylistically what is the difference between Doom3 and Quake2 remade in the Doom3 engine?? Not much...). However it does look like they are going for the "future war" style which is promising.
#5395 posted by JPL on 2004/09/16 04:38:32
Yes, even if these screenies look good, they remind me a lot Doom3 screenshots... Concerning "future war" style, I've read (I don't remember exactly where...) that "cooperative team" battle style will be much more used in Q4 than in other games... This battle style have been already used in Red Faction 2: I can just say I prefer to fight alone instead of fighting with a team against horde of monsters... I have often the bad idea to kill by mistake my partners... 8P...
BTW, is there any informations about PC requirements to run correctly the game ??
And Award Goes To
#5396 posted by pope on 2004/09/16 04:46:46
#5397 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/16 05:31:48
I can just say I prefer to fight alone instead of fighting with a team against horde of monsters...
Tribes 3 Demo.
#5398 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/16 05:40:41
Nearly 400 meg for one fucking poxy arena level. GG games developers.
As a demonstration to persuade you of the merits of a single player game, it is SHIT. Random deathmatch style UT clone arena nonsense.
As a demonstration of how the game looks and feels, it's okay actually. It does the job, you can move around, fire weapons, and look at stuff. Fine by me - for a 50 meg demo. But yeah it feels okay. Good controls. Jetpack is fun. Shooting bots (for this is botmatch without respawning) is funner. It all sort of works. However it is very UT and I would have to see evidence of a strong story/mission driven single player game (which Tribes games often hint at early in development and then abandon) to convince me it has any merit over UT2kX, jumppacks aside.
#5399 posted by JPL on 2004/09/16 05:48:46
Errrrr... could you explain it a lot please ?? I'm not sure to understand correctly what you mean... due to my poor english.... sorry...
#5400 posted by Shambler on 2004/09/16 05:51:25
I mean, you are a weirdo.
One Man Army
#5401 posted by VoreLord on 2004/09/16 06:02:23
I'm with you jpl, I prefer to do it on my own, fighting against a horde of monsters that is. Unless of course it was to fight with other people as apposed to computer controlled allies. But I'm sure, at least I hope, Quake4 will be a good ride.
#5402 posted by JPL on 2004/09/16 06:02:33
Oh.. that's it... well perhaps I'm a weirdo, perhaps not... but considering that I'm badly used to kill and destroy all I found in a game, it's better for my partner to go away before I made some "terrible mistakes"... OTOH, I love "snipping" with precision rifle like the one you have in UT, or RTCW... and it's really an "individual" game I love...
So IMHO, I'm not as weirdo as you think it "Shamy"...;)