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Quake Custom Engines
Discuss modified Quake engines here, I guess. What engines do you use? What are the pros/cons of existing engines? What features would you like to see implemented/removed?
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^ Text Colors 
I thought all the engines since day 1 supported colored text using the ' ^ ' character?

Turns out if I push a string in QC and use one of the extended colors with that character, Darkplaces will print it with bprint or sprint with the new color, but I noticed PQ does not seem to support this? Have not tried Fitzquake or other engines yet. 
I thought all the engines since day 1 supported colored text using the ' ^ ' character?

Engines that support it are actually a minority.

It was one of those niche features that appeared in one or two engines way back at the dawn of time - i.e very soon after the GPL code release, and IIRC on the ancient (and long-dead) QER site - but was never really documented nor standardised, and never really picked up by any others. 
^ is pretty much just DP+FTE (and q3 onwards, obviously, but that's quake3 and not quake).

if you just want 'red' text, you can use \b (iirc) within a string to toggle it in fteqcc or frikqcc.
so maybe that's why you think it works in more engines. 
I appreciate your comments about q_version, though yes 1 doesnt work unless two online, is kinda moot since you know your own client version. :|

I can make it so it's only mm2 and/or only before a match is going; and limited to once per minute response.

That said there is also a command to just disable it called cl_echo_q_version... 
as for ^ color chars I'd rather see full ANSI support with blinking characters and the full set of extended characters too! ;)
but then Quake was kinda unique with it's own custom character set... 
q_version was never anything but a social feature to create awareness of modern clients.

And get people to upgrade.

If you were using glquake or ProQuake 3.50 and someone typed q_version, 2 things might happen:

1) You see may everyone else on the server was using ProQuake4, Qrack (later DirectQ supported it, but wasn't around at the time).

2) Another player might ask you what you are using and why and someone might even suggest you are using a cheater client.

The social pressure thing worked wonders and I can recall connecting and doing a q_version check and within weeks it was close to 100% modern clients.

At the time, it was important to get people to upgrade so automatic map download had a near 100% rate and people could play custom maps, ctf, coop servers, rocket arena automatically. 
Good Points, Baker 
From A Seperate Thread. 
Any Quake 1-2 Ports With Monster Footsteps? [EDIT]
Posted by crystallize [] on 2016/04/22 15:01:24
It would be intresting to see a port where monster sounds are synched to animation, unlike Q2 with gibbed monsters screaming or making falling sounds. 
That is soooo not an engine thing. 
A fiend or a spawn or a dog or a shambler making footstep sounds would be odd.

Maybe someone could make a model with those monsters wearing boots. 
I believe AD has footstep sounds for every enemy type. The shambler footstep is the biggest and heaviest but also kind of muted/muffled. 
yeah this is mod territory. 
Thought port meant engine? 
Thought port meant engine?

It does, but engines wouldn't handle that sort of gamecode - it's something you'd have to do in a QC mod - so the chap asking is barking up the wrong tree.

AD does footsteps, obvs. 
Strings In PQ 
Wasnt sure to post this here or in coding help. Im trying to alter the field "world.message" so it is strcat'd to be something more than just the description. Basicly I made some cute does that appends the Original authors name(s) to the ID maps. However, when the map loads, the message seems to always be either nulled / empty or its something the engine dont want to show. Basicly the line where it use to show in the console is now empty.

I have tried moving it outside of Worldspawn and seems to be no help. Basicly I am doing a strcat in worldspawn to the message field so is this safe? There is no strzone function in older PQ otherwise Id try using that. 
An external .ent file would be the proper way to do this. 
If you want to change the map name in the signon message, then hacking it in the QC strings or the entities text is totally the wrong way to go.

Just change the message sent as part of svc_serverinfo instead.

Or change the Con_Printf in CL_ParseServerInfo.

And be ready to have a fallback for the case where the mapper has already included their name here. 
I disagree about using engine code for what's merely an asset design thing. Unless it's implemented as an extra feature, using a new field instead of hacking world.message.

If this is implemented as an engine hack, it'll need CRC checks to ensure that it won't change the description of all the other start.bsp maps out there, for example (including the ones recompiled for transparent water). It overcomplicates things and creates yet more code to maintain.

Using an external .ent file in the ID1 dir won't affect the start maps of the mods, and will still work with recompiled versions of the vanilla start.bsp. No extra work, and no issues. 
PS: I meant to say "(including a CRC whitelist for the ones recompiled for transparent water)". 
Thanks Mankrip and MH for your points made. Didnt know PQ supports .ent files. I had some in a local folder, and apparently they have to be populated with the maps original ents, as I tried just using the modified worldspawn field, and the eng crashed in a runaway loop...but I was using modified Qc in a Darkplaces mod with Gyro for that Im not sure it was a good one.

Src mod Im working with for the message field is Runequake...and its got a file called strman.qc (string management I guess) so I thought maybe you could do just about anything with strings there, but apparently theres more to it in PQ. I can code changes to any world .field in Darkplaces no problem like this...but since Im not quite there yet programming eng code, I suppose I will try the .ent file thing for the time being and see how it goes. Thanks. 
Yes, .ent files replaces all entity definitions from the .bsp file, so you must get/extract the original .ent files and modify them. 
[i]That is soooo not an engine thing.[/i]
moderator moved me here :P

Thanks for the hint about Arcane Dimensions.

Also I want to show you Tenebrae 1.02 (2002) that can't be found in the web today... except may be as source code. It's difference with currently available 1.04 is lack of annoying colored fog and different lights placement. All these old fancy screenshots that Tenebrae was always advertised with, were most likely taken from this version. 
Noticed in legacy PQ if you rcon to a non std port other than 26000, initially you appear to be connected ok, however any further rcon commands except "status" are diverted to port 26000 somehow. So far the only client that correctly routes to the initial port and stays there seems to be Qrack.

Decided to try this tool which seems to be mostly designed for Q3 era games [ ] and after modifying a line of code, seems to be able to rcon ok into Darkplaces servers, but still cant seem to get it to rcon to a PQ type server. Would anyone have an idea why or what has to be done so it works? 
LordHavoc was quite inspired by Quake 3 in the early days which is why DarkPlaces and Nexuiz used the Quake 3 model format, the Quake 3 .bsp format and a master server strategy similar to Quake 3.

ProQuake's author seemed to just want regular Quake to have some features that Quakeworld had for those who preferred NetQuake physics.

It isn't surprising that DarkPlaces rcon is very similar to Quake 3, as Nexuiz in many ways was very Quake 3-like.

ProQuake's author probably used a method very similar to what was in the Quakeworld source code (I'm guessing, but its an educated guess). 
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