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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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Abandoned Places And Alike 
Do NOT click unless you've got some free time just now, heh :o) 
Abandoned Italian VIllage 
More Petra 
Unterwater Ruins 
Thanks To Von's .txt I Know This Isn't A Repost 
Yucca Mountain

We need a pipeline-esque index for all these. URL, two lines of description, and perhaps a thumbnail of the best or most characteristic pic on the site. 
Does anyone know offhand a good source for crazy-ass underground mines and stuff? Like big caverns and tunnels with all sorts of funky mining machinery etc. I tried my hand at the google lottery but it's been a bit slow to find decent pics 
I have shitloads of pics of that sort of stuff but no URL's handy I am afraid... If you give me the ok I can email you a zip with lots of pics in for ya... 
Crazy Underground Industrial 
Daz: any possibility of me getting a copy of that as well? adambailey AT is my new address. 
Crazy Underground Industrial ^^ 
Ok Mailed 
Kinn and whoever "Ooohhh" is post 519 =)

Its a 10.1mb rar btw 
Mines And Stuff 
Daz: cheers, that would be awesome :D

bdwooding -AT- gmail -DOT- com

Spirit: rockage - i will have a look through that as well :) 
omg beaten ;} 
A Spot Of Fictional Taxidermy 
Dragons exist !! Really !!!??? OMG, and nobody told me !!!! 
Just An Old Shot I Thought Was Cool 
I pasted this in irc ages ago but here it goes. 
Crawler Transporter 
Some heavy machinery for you
check page 2 too.

This has been quite quiet lately. :/ 
Screenies From 
"and a place turned bad" onwards

look great 
Thats What I Call A Big Fire 
Crazy Underground Russian Tunnels.

There's a link posted earlier by Jago with some, but not all of these pics it seems. 
I Am Stupid 
of course they can all be found here: 
Stop taking "HDR" photos. They look like shit. Bracketing your exposures and then photoshopping them together to crush the exposure range into 0-255 not only isn't HDR, it drains your image of depth and color, puts ugly haloes around things, and is a moronic amount of effort for a result that looks indistinguishable from a quick Filter->Other->High Pass in Photoshop.

Knock it off. Please. 
You're just jealous. 
I'd Agree With L00n 
HRD destroys all the shadows making pics all fullbright. and we all know how we hate fullbright, right? hdr looks sharp but synthetic and lifeless... 
I assumed that they HAD simply done a high-pass filter. It's pretty ugly in some of those photos. 
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