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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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"sm69" is a joke name for a speedchainmap originally organized by RPG. The true number based on when we started would be more like sm32, and our joke was that it would take so long to finish that the number would be really high (69 sounded like a really high number for speedmap sessions back then, of course now we're in the hundreds.)

In the remaining years, RPG and I have passed it back and forth several times, adding and overhauling various sections. 
Sounds good, I'll work on getting a finale room finished up. 
today i've been fired, so now i'm unemployed
at least it is a really good reason to get drunk tonite 
no it�s not... go to bed early!

wakeup at 7 AM, and go from company to company door, and ask if there is any job for you...

newspaper suck! 
Oh Trinca This Way Is Not For Me :) 
i'm too lazy, i just should to concentrate with my final year of university and i'll become a jurist:) 
Way To Go, Spy!!! 
Bust them final exams and leave university behind!

And, most important of all, take it easy. All of it. There's no problem, only solutions...

Spring is coming(in this emisphere, anyway), girls start undressing, boobs start peeking from shirts... Now it's a good time to have a good time! 
zomgg so trueeeeee the silence! boobs rocksss

spy intead of go drink go study bitch :p finish this off. 
intead of drinking tonight or touching the boobs i'll try to record some demos from coagula pak, shit i can't enable aguirre's kascam mod 
It sounded quite complicated to use to me, I think he said you have to run it as a server on one incident if quake, whilst running the game on another something like that.....

email him! :D 
Shit, [intead=instead] 
i did it with bod, but 't was one year ago, and now i just forgot how to do it properly :) 
Oh, Maybe 
i should connect to localhost to enable kascam,
i'll try it one more time 
Boobs Are Easier To Get To Work... 
...than Kascam mod, though...

BTW, what is that? 

Me coming down off acid at ~9:30am Sunday morning. The system behind me was fairly quiet at the time (only ~80-90 dB). Still had ear plugs in tho...

For reference, the speakers you can see are just the sub-base (60hz and below). The entire system was ~10k. We measured it using a noise meter with a limit of 135dB on Saturday night and it said 'OVER', so it was somewhere in the region of 150% the percieved volume of a jumbo jet taking off next to you... 
but what did you use the loudness for? 
Make the windows vibrate. 
The windows? Shit man, the floor (tiles on top of 2 foot of concrete foundations) was vibrating enough to make a rizla move rapidly across the floor.

You can't really see scale there, but the big scoops at the bottom are the ones in the photo of me (and I'm 6ft 1). Was about 10ft high... 
Reminds me of Toil - sound system setup a few years ago in the north. 
Holy shit.

You know the Toil crew? Been to a few of their parties...

Done stuff with High Pressure a few times too and our system was originally some old speakers from Stumblefunk (north western system) 
Long Time Ago 
Now it seems. 
Last I Heard 
They were winding down - still going then? 
To Say 
seeing as this is the drunk thread. I went to a few of thier nights but that was about it. It'd be nice to know of Nige and all them are still going but I haven't heard of the others you mention.

Christ. I'm not even going to delete all that shit, after corrections. GN 
been drunk the last few nights and plan to be the next few, but have held off lately. But, I have an interesting question (I think) which is, isn't hip-quake dead? This is a personal view - but I'm tempted to speculate that Quake, Quake based on atriums and very tight angles, cram as many vertical levels in as possible, uber-indoor, no sense of place, minimize the amount of textures used - it seems to me that that, is dead. My stuff is on the opposite end of the scale - messy, too many textures, setpiece based - but, I like the idea that I (and yeah, 12 years of Q1SP mapping shows there's something wrong with me) have outlasted the more hip people. No offense taken to any view whose expression was provoked by this. 
PS it's tempting to believe that this type of quake was just too cool to stick with an old game this long
and yes even at my current age and at my current ability to simulate objectivity, I still have a huge bias against things that are cool, hip, in, avant-garde, new art, experimental, acknowledged by pretentious artists, etc. In my view that's all just code words for circlejerk. In fact maybe here I'll raise a far bigger issue than in the post before: aren't artists assholes? Here we have a bunch of sarcastic, but highly reasonable people, which is great - no one is saying "you don't understand X", or I'm too smart for you, or here's some inside joke, here's some elite group of artists who area "ahead" of everyone else ("ahead" - in art!). My point is that everyone here knows what everyone else is saying, and complexity for the sake of confusion is not a virtue but a vice (and I mean in any kind of art, I'm not saying that occurs here now). 
Didn't Suppose To 
post it, but....
once again.....
please god ....:) 
So I'm in an internet chatroom trying to engage happily in a conversation with people from all over the globalized world, when suddenly some stranger posts pictures of genital mutilation and the like. My life will never be the same again. 
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