Can't Get It
#26 posted by RaverX on 2010/12/16 22:57:19
Links are down (screenshot and map), it seems that entire is down :(
Can anyone upload the map to other location ?
One Of The Greatest Metal Maps Of All Time
#27 posted by Alex on 2010/12/16 23:23:57
if not ever
Great Stuff...
#28 posted by generic on 2010/12/17 01:59:08
As always!!!
Someone mentioned the ultimate Quake SP. Well, if Negke isn't involved, it ain't the ultimate ;)
Great architecture and texturing all the way around. Some mindless wandering here and there, but the gameplay was sufficiently fair. I found 5 out of 6 secrets, but I think I am getting better at predicted where you like to put them :) The water bucket, cables, and shooting spike-balls were all nice little touches too.
I can't wait until mappi3!!!
Oh Yes.
#29 posted by Shambler on 2010/12/17 10:19:22
I knew you modded the Shambler, of course I did.
Low ammo but being perfectly survivable is not a criticism, duh :P
#30 posted by gb on 2010/12/17 10:43:29
negke, about the modded shamblers...
this type of change has to be shoved down the player's throat, basically. They have no way of knowing that otherwise.
Like making the shamblers pink. Or smaller.
Should have noticed that while testing, but I was too busy exploding myself with that RL :-P
> Did you find the LG the proper way?
Hm, what's the proper way? I saw it from the bridge above the exit and got there by jumping onto that large red tube on the left, then to the small ledge, then ramp-jump to it LG. I already had RL and could just have rocket-jumped there but I wanted to see whether it was possible to get there without doing so. I guess that's the proper way?
Are Lightning-shooting Keys Or Flying Light Globes Not Obvious Enough?
#32 posted by negke on 2010/12/17 11:34:36
Yeah, it's true, players have internalized not to use rockets against shamblers. But I thought the Quad would make them overcome this. After all, negke loves players! (ijed ;)) Either way it should work out, if you use quad rockets, you'll have fun and gibs (unless you blow yourself up), and if you use the other weapons, you'll have less ammo, but more rockets to compensate.
I think this area would have benefitted from some more tweaking on the timing of the monster teleports, or more importantly maybe some hints at where they appear, those rune teleporter exit platforms for example.
SPOILER: Likewise, I realized only after releasing how I could made the water bucket thing a little clearer to the player. It seems many people don't realize it's open on the top, so it should have had slightly angled brims, like this: __/|.
dfsp_spirit: n1, that's what I meant. The unintentional way is rocket jumping. I mean, that would be okay, too, if people can afford the health/armor loss.
And maybe a word on the generator cable. Originally there was a short delay between picking it up and the centerprint, which allowed the player to read the "You get the cable" message at the top of the screen, but when hunting for edicts to cut to get under the limit, I chose to remove that one. I guess I shouldn't have.
Great Map!
#33 posted by NahkahiiR on 2010/12/17 12:04:52
After long time of not playing quake it's cool to start again with a gem like this! I managed to find all secrets but one kill was missing on nightmare. On berserk mode when touching the gold key I get a null area link error. Demos will come later.
#34 posted by ijed on 2010/12/17 12:53:15
Level design would be a lot better without players to screw up all the cool ideas.
^ Heh
#35 posted by negke on 2010/12/17 13:22:04
NahkahiiR: wb. Be sure to also play mappi1 if you haven't. Speedrun plz?
The crash on Berzerk mode is the good ol' sv_touchlinks error. Thanks for brining this to my attention, I didn't test that mode in all engines. Feel free to download the map again for a fixed version.
#36 posted by generic on 2010/12/17 18:03:01
The before and after shots are a great idea. They really make me believe YOU should be working on a Quake remake project of your own ;-)
#37 posted by Trinca on 2010/12/17 20:27:16
another excellent map from a spectacular mapper, this time you managed to unite the brushwork perfectly with the gameplay ... at least in hard works perfect!
the layout is really really good, in my oppinion is the map from you that I like the most!
The gameplay was so dawn fun...
I got my 1st demo... nearly died but survive :)
P.s-> will replay for sure some more times!!!
#38 posted by Berzerk mode !? on 2010/12/18 05:44:41
WTF !? I just discovered the Berzerk mode of that map. This is a innovation, AFAIK. Man, this is great. Cheers !
I Made A "drunk" Try...
#39 posted by JPL on 2010/12/18 13:37:47
... yesterday evening... and after the GL secret, I died... my reflex are not that good when drunk...
I will try it when sober..
But from I "saw", it looks already promising ;)
#40 posted by Mandel on 2010/12/18 14:38:08
This is a solid map. I'm just loving what you're doing with the standard progs. Fun gameplay as well. The feeling I got was quite similar to that from mappi and that's a good thing.
Attached is a first play through (2 secrets found, some kills missing because I never took the quad), and something of a speedrun ignoring all the keys.
Better Route
#41 posted by Mandel on 2010/12/18 17:48:32
found a way to skip the shub fight as well. 55 seconds!
And hi NahkahiiR!
#42 posted by Drew on 2010/12/18 21:26:45
a good way through it, and my computer exploded. So no demo yet.
But soon, I'll do a 2nd run demo and maybe a berzerk run, if my computer will allow it.
From what I've seen this is great, obviously. I don't know if I would consider this map to have a new theme, but it's definitely one of the best examples of the industrial/metal concept, and the fact that it's all done using stock resources is, as always, very very awesome.
Agree with Trinca re gameplay - this is the level that I think, in hard at least, has the best gameplay you've done yet.
Less cerebral. simplified, but not simplistic.
again though - only played 2/3rds or so.
it's been a blast so far - will upload demos at some point.
#43 posted by gb on 2010/12/19 00:16:57
> Less cerebral.
This is true. It pays off.
#44 posted by negke on 2010/12/19 01:11:34
Trinca: Nice.
Please upgrade to DirectQ 1.8.666b. I noticed you switched to the GL when fighting the shamblers despite having the RL (which made it harder to hit them) - not sure if you're aware of this, but rocket and grenade damage is treated the same way for shamblers.
Mandel: Very nice! That second run is pure class. And it looks like there's even potental for shaving off another few seconds.
Drew: In case you're refering to the "runic industrial" thing I mentioned when posting the screenshot - this map doesn't follow that theme. It's only what those two beams made me think of. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, not so glad about the explosion.
#45 posted by JPL on 2010/12/19 09:52:53
Yet another pure jewel ! Hats off
Solid map, coherent architecture and layout, awesome texturing and lightning, outstanding gameplay..
As usual a really pure Quake fun moment... and even when lost in the map, it is still a good a moment just looking at the architecture asking myself "how did he do that ?"
No I have to try out the berzek mode :E
We want more !! Go map negke !!!
#46 posted by gb on 2010/12/19 12:31:24
and remember to deliver your episode, too.
#47 posted by Shambler on 2010/12/21 10:21:18
Very good.
#48 posted by negke on 2010/12/21 10:47:03
What might be worth trying is to slip by the spikes that block off the generator balcony before they close by a grenade-propelled speedjump. They have a speed of 300 (but also dmg 500) - if it worked, it would cut down the time considerably. I tried jumping over them, but they are slightly too high for the player to fit through.
: )
#49 posted by Trinca on 2010/12/21 11:32:06
negke I didn't know about the new version of directQ... already downloaded thanks!
never played a map so many times in such a small time from other guys then me(mine were beta testing of course)
really loved the map
#50 posted by Mandel on 2010/12/21 19:26:48
Thanks Shambler!
negke: of course, I tried that in the weekend but couldn't do it - I thought it wasn't possible, until today.
You gotta fly high through the arc, then the spikes won't even close. It's doable but it requires precision I don't seem to be able to muster these days. Your head has to almost hit the highest point of the arc for it to work. Oh if only there was a rocket launcher :)
You can go through the spikes as well before they close but it requires a speed of around 800 somethings per something and I don't know if that's possible with a single grenade, and it also requires you to go in the absolute center!