#26 posted by Spirit on 2008/03/18 14:38:28
I love how the one secret uses a
button that probably every player
blindly presses. I was wondering
what it did at first, but immediately
forgot about it in the action.
Great Job!
#27 posted by generic on 2008/03/18 17:17:16
Nice and tight visually with superb texturing and clean brushwork. The layout kept me on my toes, wondering what's around the corner. I like the secrets too, especially the one under the lift. My only complaint is that there seemed to be an excess of teleport sounds throughout -- you had me swinging my axe at everything :)
Please do a sequel with more Quoth 2 content soon! Thanks.
Whopeee! It's The Silent's 1st Run Extravaganza!!!
The map kicks serious ass. Here's a 1st run on normal:
I later discovered (while ramming around in Nightmare mode) that I had skipped half the map, oh well...
As a bonus I've included a JPG of the exit screen of the Nighmare run 100% Enemies and secrets. SOmething around 20 minutes. died 3 times.
The map has to be played in skill 3, definitely. Keeps you on yer toes.
Great work, Biff!!!
#29 posted by mitu on 2008/03/18 21:07:10
Nice map, good base feeling and interesting secrets !
#30 posted by JPL on 2008/03/18 21:28:02
Nice map, nice architecture, nice details touch, nice lights, frantic gameplay... hhhhmmmmm I cant wait to play the sequel ;)
Very Good Map!
#31 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2008/03/18 21:50:59
Can't really say anything that haven't been said!
Good brushwork ! A lot of nice angles and details.
Gameplay was very hard - I died a lot of times 8-) but got through to the end. Found some of the secrets they were wery good as well.
Lets have some more maps!!
Thanks Guys (again).
#32 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/03/19 01:01:13
I'll go back and clip those crates, guys -- I apologize. You'd think after all the time the map sat on my harddrive I'd have that worked out (but no). I'll be sure and update the map before it gets its final home at Debrisland (with credits to Trinca in the readme -- WHETHER HE LIKES IT NOR NOT ;D).
Woot, VONDEMO! And thanks the silent, too -- all the demos will be at my site when I get time to sort things out this weekend. You guys rock!!!!
#33 posted by distrans on 2008/03/19 04:55:13
...check the mail.
#34 posted by Spirit on 2008/03/19 11:13:11
What is the title of the map?
The post here says "Attack On Fort Ratsack!" while the readme and bsp say just "Fort Ratsack". I take the ladder is correct?
Attack On Fort Ballsac
#35 posted by Shambler on 2008/03/19 11:22:59
...more like...
I think that there have been two mightily fine moments of classy Quake goodness in the last few weeks.
One of them is the outdoor secret in E1M2Quoth.
The other is when you teleport into the first secret in this map. The same old Id Quakeness we know and love, yet just so cool in that moment.
It's all good...
#36 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/03/19 23:42:01
Yeah, it's Fort Ratsack. I mention over at my site that it's a mutation of the Hebrew for "to kill", ratsach.
Hehe, and thank you Mr. Shambl0r.
#37 posted by ijed on 2008/03/20 03:23:25
Things I liked:
Humour through gameplay
2nd Secret anti-entrance
How you used the textures to dictate the architecture
Wading through hordes of base enemy with the powered up versions only used as spice
Things I didn't like:
Could have used more clip brushes in some places
Reaching the exit
. . . especially when I somehow missed 20 monsters (and a secret) - replaying now
Ho Hum
#38 posted by rj on 2008/03/21 13:22:51
this map was a pleasure to look at as far as idbase goes; very nice & tidy brushwork. bit small-scale for my tastes but good for what it was.
the gameplay didn't do as much for me :( i prefer maps that start out easy and get progressively harder; this seemed to start frustratingly hard and get progressively easier, although this was aided greatly by having found two of the secrets (i didn't get the button-operated one spirit mentioned). i actually think it would have been more fun with fewer monsters & less firepower, given its size. an extra finale type area at the end would have been nice too
i'll agree with everyone though in saying the 'multiverse' secret was awesome, especially how the player gets tricked into finding the entrance :)
#39 posted by Sielwolf on 2008/03/22 17:34:10
awesome map, a pity the base pack was cancelled. I liked especially the hectic start (shows that grunts can be quite dangerous well placed and in good numbers), and the secret medieval part.
first run demo (nvm the over-aggressive playstyle, had a hard crash just before, nothing to do with the map :)
#40 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/03/23 06:00:33
Got an "illegible server message" with your demo, too. You aren't using JoeQuake are you? Trinca's demo had the same error, and he figured it had something to do with it.
#41 posted by Sielwolf on 2008/03/23 06:13:12
strangely FitzQuake 0.80 gives an error, but the demo runs fine with id�s GLQuake 0.97/aguirRe�s engines/PanQuake
#42 posted by aguirRe on 2008/03/23 08:37:26
#43 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/03/23 16:52:41
That was great, thanks for the map! Loved the look of the level. You really put some love into this beast.
It's pretty apparent that my Quake skills have atrophied in a serious way. I was under the gun the entire time and always running low on ammo. :)
#44 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/03/23 18:15:54
You rock, as always. Got both demos converted using the Nehahra extension, and all seems to be well.
#45 posted by aguirRe on 2008/03/24 01:06:46
The problem occurs because there's alpha support in the Quoth2 progs and Neh-enabled engines (e.g. mine and JoeQuake derivatives) will interpret that as "Nehahra" material and add extra info to the demo.
The Neh-extension is unfortunately a bastard form of the std protocol 15, similar to the Tomaz-extension and others (even worse).
With ConvDem, most of these issues can be resolved.
#46 posted by metlslime on 2008/03/24 03:25:14
quoth2 progs has alpha support? What do they use it for?
#47 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/03/24 15:04:52
I'm guessing the "force field" effects and stuff they had implemented -- but I dunno. Have barely scratched the surface of Quoth2 myself.
Quoth 2
#48 posted by than on 2008/03/25 01:10:49
yeah, there is a ton of new stuff, and some of it isn't even mentioned in the mappers guide at the moment. I think most of the new stuff was used in kellbase1, however.
One-sided Transparent Floor Textures
#49 posted by ijed on 2008/03/25 01:12:03
Alpha Sqn
#50 posted by Preach on 2008/03/25 01:34:00
.alpha isn't used for the one sides "alpha masked" transparencies. That technology was available in the original quake engine and we wouldn't have ok'd it if it didn't scale back well. It looks a bit pink in glquake but generally works well. I had to do a proper search through the code to see where we did use alpha, and the disappointing answer is only for the effects on some explosions, possibly dating from Quoth Part 1. So nothing exciting there, perhaps part 3 will find a better use for it...