In The Order In Which I Played Them - My Favourite 10 Games
#26 posted by Kinn on 2005/11/17 11:34:44
Gauntlet II (Arcade)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Megadrive)
Worms (PC)
Quake (PC)
Mario 64 (N64)
Quake II (PC)
Dungeon Keeper (PC)
Unreal (PC)
Half-Life (PC)
Unreal Tournament (aka the game that was so much better than Quake3 it wasn't even funny ^_~) (PC)
Hmm Yeah
#27 posted by bambuz on 2005/11/17 12:27:07
dungeon master and master of orion were damn good too.
Somebody asked: Master of Orion is a space strategy game, turn-based. 1994 or something. Explore, colonize planets, industrialize, research, build ships, negotiate, wage war.
The interface is pretty original and functional, the game is logical and fun - one of the nice things is you can design your own ships and put what engines, weapons, computers, shields you want and add special stuff like repair modules or extra fuel tanks... combats are turn-based chess-like things too.. And the ai is good. Sometimes there are a few huge ships facing thousands of little ships and it's hard to gauge what will exactly happen.
10, Not In Any Order
#28 posted by Tronyn on 2005/11/17 17:31:45
Myth 1/2/expansions
Total Annihilation
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (console)
Command & Conquer/Red Alert (glorified expansion)
Heretic 2
Far Cry
The Ultimate Doom
#29 posted by distrans on 2005/11/17 17:45:05
... MOO2 CD is lying around somewhere in my study, but I think I picked it up right about the time I started mapping for Quake and hence did little more than glance at it. If I come across the disc again I might just fire it up.
pjw - amen.
My Top 10... And More...
#30 posted by JPL on 2005/11/18 00:03:58
... without any preferencial order:
Doom / Doom II / Ultimate Doom / Final Doom
HL / HL2
Ace Combat
WipEout 2047 / Wip3out / WipEout Fusion
Tomb Raider (since 2nd episodes)
Nightmare Creatures (I and II)
Gran Turismo (II and more...)
.. and maybe I'm missing others...
OK, there are more than 10, but I still like to play all these games ;P
#31 posted by JPL on 2005/11/18 05:32:32
I also missed Crash Bandicoot ! Very funny IMHO ...
How Did This Get Here
#32 posted by Shallow on 2005/11/21 03:10:50
10. Sieze the chair
9. Mornington Crescent
8. Trump shuffle whist gin
7. Kitten mitten
6. Bionicle (PS2 version)
4. 3-legged steeplechase
3. Eel baiting
2. Kick the Frog
1. Whoops my glans
I suppose I might be a bit old fashioned.
#33 posted by Its a school night on 2005/11/21 03:22:07
7. Why do people have to die?
2. Don't say 'bottom'
1. Ghosts are real, and have metal teeth.
9. Whats that strange noise
3. Catfappers (Xbox)
9. Semi-demi-half-bike 2
2. Transvestite Travelodge
1. Cor blimey guvnor simulator 2003
8. Sappers Delight
9. Bionicle (PS2 Version)
What Is Happening
#34 posted by Bensons Bedpan on 2005/11/21 04:15:07
1. Chicken Tikka Masala
2. Hubba Bubba
3. Boil for 20 minutes until soft
4. Bionicle (PS2)
5. A backup copy of 1983
6. Watersports for all ages
7. Hi, I'm Ed Winchester
8. Swanitch
9. Clamp the Tramp
10. Website copyright � 2002-2005 John Fitzgibbons. All posts are copyright their respective authors.
What Is Happening
#35 posted by Bensons Bedpan on 2005/11/21 04:15:34
1. Chicken Tikka Masala
2. Hubba Bubba
3. Boil for 20 minutes until soft
4. Bionicle (PS2)
5. A backup copy of 1983
6. Watersports for all ages
7. Hi, I'm Ed Winchester
8. Swanitch
9. Clamp the Tramp
10. Website copyright � 2002-2005 John Fitzgibbons. All posts are copyright their respective authors.
What Is Happening
#36 posted by Bensons Bedpan on 2005/11/21 04:16:01
1. Chicken Tikka Masala
2. Hubba Bubba
3. Boil for 20 minutes until soft
4. Bionicle (PS2)
5. A backup copy of 1983
6. Watersports for all ages
7. Hi, I'm Ed Winchester
8. Swanitch
9. Clamp the Tramp
10. Website copyright � 2002-2005 John Fitzgibbons. All posts are copyright their respective authors.
#37 posted by Jebus on 2005/11/21 04:31:44
1. Face Puncher
2. Gun Shooter 2
3. Platform Navigator
4. Bionicle (PS2)
5. Car Theft Simulator
6. Friendly Level Grind
7. Gun Shooter 3: Its in Space.
8. Semi-naked women Observer
9. Go! Go! Super Hero Licence
10. Sports
Fired For Triple Posting
#38 posted by Shallow on 2005/11/21 04:40:23
I forgot some, this list is better.
10. Dude what's my IP address
9. Kneel Before Zod
8. Daikatana 2: Centenary Biscuit
7. Something something oranges something
6. Big busty women
5. I'm really sorry about all this
4. Bionicle (PS2)
3. Moon moon moon
2. Monkey fister
1. Tetris
You're All Idiots
#39 posted by Grom on 2005/11/21 04:52:02
10. Gerbil busters
9. King of Sing Sing Ping Bing
8. Ernest Hemingway's Bullrun Challenge 2
7. I'm Spartacus
6. Bluto's Blu-tak Bust-up
5. Fire on the Rim
4. Rod Hull Aerial Attack
3. Sewage Farm Manager 2005/06
2. Microsoft Word (GBA/Jaguar edition)
1. Oh Fuck I've Been Stabbed In The Head
#40 posted by Kinn on 2005/11/21 04:53:58
Shallow, actually it's apparent that you and your spamming anon friend seem to share the same favourite game; that old favourite known as "Fucking Up Otherwise Decent Threads".
#41 posted by bal on 2005/11/21 05:01:21
Yes, I also recommend the instant classic, "Look at me make a complete fool out of myself on public message boards!"
Seriously though, Top10 threads suck anyways.
List Threads
#42 posted by Shallow on 2005/11/21 06:17:59
As you may have guessed I do actually hate them: I don't get the compulsion to post lists of things with no real explanation or insight into how that list was formed, like a couple of lines on WHY people like the stuff they're spooling off, or what those things did that makes them so much better than other similar things. In some cases even that wouldn't be that interesting - for instance we probably have a fairly good idea that almost everyone here likes Quake, but none of them is likely to have any surprising reasons for why they like it because it's been discussed a lot already. If it was for a game most people have never heard of it might be.
Worst of all are compiled Top 100 lists that people have voted on, these invariably have aberrations of one sort or another high up the rankings and serve only to shake your faith in humanity.
Anyway, for people who like lists, here's a handy one suggesting three possible ways of coping with the FUNC DRAMA!!! that has unfolded in this thread:
1. Ignore it and carry on as usual.
2. Post more stupid lists.
3. Bionicle (PS2).
(Options 2 and 3 may not be serious suggestions, and yes, I am a horrible person who uses kittens to rape babies to death)
#43 posted by Kell on 2005/11/21 06:31:32
right on, brother.
Top Games
#44 posted by mberry on 2005/11/21 06:45:36
1. quake I.
2. deus ex
3. half-life
4. planescape torment
5. blood I.
6. warcraft
7. far cry
8. dead rally :-))
9. ut
10. rest of all...
Yeah, Some People Don't Like Lists.
#45 posted by pjw on 2005/11/21 08:29:42
I don't like popcorn; it gives me the shits.
Therefore, quid pro quo, I go to movie theaters and drop a load in the popcorn bin.
(I'm taking #4: Point out the obvious stupidity again.)
#46 posted by Shambler on 2005/11/21 14:22:05
I find it pretty hard to compare older games to modern games....but I guess my overall list might be something like:
1. Quake
2. Unreal
3. Battlezone 2
4. Unreal Tournament
5. Deus Ex
6. Far Cry
7. Blade Of Darkness
8. Guild Wars
9. Wheel Of Time
10. Half-Life 2
Guess that about sums it up for me. A few more I could substitute for those lower down the list e.g. Mechcommander 2, Quake 2. But that selection is a good enough spectrum of what I've really liked in gaming. Should be pretty obvious why each game is in.
#47 posted by Shambler on 2005/11/21 14:24:14
I am a horrible person who uses kittens to rape babies to death
No, just boring. At least the kitten/baby rapist might have some amusement value.
#48 posted by metlslime on 2005/11/22 00:06:15
not the definitive list, but there's definitely ten of them and they are definitely games.
quake (pc)
metroid (nes)
legend of zelda (nes)
sim city 2000 (mac)
solstice (nes)
prince of persia (mac)
robotron 2084 (arcade)
super mario 64 (n64)
street fighter 2 (arcade)
darkcastle (mac)
Gg Shallow
#49 posted by gone on 2005/11/23 01:52:07
Thats Gg Not Gq
#50 posted by gone on 2005/11/23 01:52:43