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#26 posted by moog on 2004/12/30 07:39:16
are broked
#27 posted by esp-chopin on 2004/12/30 07:52:10
I like that map, i've finished it in 16 minutes on hard lvl xD pure gameplay, good work.
#28 posted by Vondur on 2004/12/30 08:35:50
they work now, there were probs at my isp...
#29 posted by cant map on 2004/12/30 11:02:51
nice oldschool
#30 posted by Shambler on 2004/12/30 14:16:25
Tried once, died after accidentally falling onto a Fiend. Design was inspiring enough for me to try again, just looked through with god on. Gameplay seemed okay, design needed to be better - need to start with a smaller map and work on quality and coherence first, size second.
Meh 2.
#31 posted by Shambler on 2004/12/30 14:16:53
"Design wasn't inspiring enough" etc etc.
#32 posted by blea bla a on 2005/01/04 04:29:28
co to za gowno jest
smierdzi tylko i nic
popraw te twoje dzielo
#33 posted by JPL on 2005/01/12 02:29:41
Good gameplay, good ammos/health balance... I just can complain about some weird texture use: I think the main problem is the coherence into the map... you constantly switch between "medieval" and "base" textures, that gave me a strange feeling about this map... Architecture design is not really inspired like said Shamy in his previous posts.... BTW, you only used ID standard textures, so just take a look at ... you will find here many cool textures !!
Furthermore, I was about to finsh the map when an error occurs (no Free Edicts) during the last big fight in the huge rune hall... It seems I reach limitation of the engine here.... anyway, it was not a problem while I killer almost 130 monsters, and had really good fights.... he he he...
Nevertheless, for a first map, it's really a good start, but I again fully agree with Shambler: you should work on design, coherence, quality, on shorter map before starting huge ones... Keep it up guy, you're on the right way !!
Hi JPLambert
#34 posted by Ankh on 2005/01/12 04:13:16
I was already worried about the fact that you didn�t write anything about my map :). Thanks for your post. I fully agree with you and Shambler - if I ever commit another map it will be shorter and better design (I hope:). But this was my first one, and I had so much fun building it that it got bigger and bigger. Anyway I�m pleased that you liked the gameplay/fights because that was what I was concentrating on. And... he he, I never thought that many of the textures I have used are base textures, but you are right. Next time I will do better.
Strange the edict problem you encountered. I was testing so many times with aguirRes engine and never got it during the final fight (it appeared only on nightmare with cheats on � but in another place).
Thanks to all, who shared they opinion about this map. It all was exciting first time experience for me :)
Edict Overflow
#35 posted by aguirRe on 2005/01/12 07:43:42
Strange, I've also tried hard to provoke that error but haven't managed to no matter what I do. It seems to stay beneath about 582 at all times, even when using god/quad/RL on Hard.
#36 posted by JPL on 2005/01/12 07:54:16
I forgot to say it was using the Quake Killer Pack. This one allow some extra cool weapons.... sorry... It seems it comes from the use of the pack... sorry for this lack of informations... Sorry for the stress... he he he...
What Is Quake Killer Pack!??
#37 posted by Ankh on 2005/01/12 08:26:00
Anyway, from time to time you can get edict overflow on skill 3 in the big green room, when using supernailgun. Don't touch any items on the way there. Just stand in the center of the room and shooting at the ceiling. It is hard to reproduce, maybe once on 10 tries. I wanted to record a demo, but when replaying it you don't get the edicts warning. I have also noticed that it is impossible to play demos recorded with aguirRes engines in joequake (or winquake).
#38 posted by aguirRe on 2005/01/12 09:31:07
The reason for the demo/network incompatibilities is the increased capacity of my engines. They can handle and therefore also generate bigger network packages, which most other engines can't handle.
However, they're backwards compatible so they can playback normal demos or act as clients to a normal server.
#39 posted by JPL on 2005/01/12 10:05:03
Quake Killer Pack is an mod pack which allow to have more weapons than in standard Quake game:
You have many much more axes (fire axes, vampire axes, etc..), shotguns (lite magnum, magnum, automatic), more grenade launcher (proximity mine, flame launcher, timed nuke), Rocket launcher (automatic, guided, nuke..) and many more... and dead bodies are solid... and many other features (personnal rotweiller, banana launch, etc...)
I didn't remember whereI found it (it was in 1997 something like this...errr.. in my youth.. he he.. ), but it's a really cool pack...
Email me if you're not able to found it, and I'll send you a zipped file with the stuff if possible ;)
BTW, if someone knows where it's possible to download the pack, give Ankh the information please...
#40 posted by Ankh on 2005/01/12 10:21:27
Personal rotweiler sounds good :)
#41 posted by necros on 2005/01/12 10:22:17
you play all maps with that mod on?
#42 posted by JPL on 2005/01/12 10:36:05
It depends... sometimes yes, sometimes not... ;)
#43 posted by necros on 2005/01/12 10:49:17
just a fyi, you do know that running these mods break the gameplay for maps that weren't designed with them in mind.
#44 posted by JPL on 2005/01/12 11:01:35
I know, I fully agree with you, but don't worry... I generaly use only the vampire axe, and sometimes the proximity mine launcher (which is much more effficient tha the standard GL)... The idea is to be "re-health" when it becomes to hard, and awith the proximity mine launcher to have much power of destruction... it have really good performances with shambler and vore BTW ... not more....
#45 posted by aguirRe on 2005/01/12 13:14:08
Thanks to your description, I managed to pass 600 edicts in the green room on Nightmare skill. It's probably caused by the relentless attacks from especially DeathKnights and it happens rather frequently.
The missiles are also edicts and with enough DKs firing continuously, the edict limit is broken.
#46 posted by necros on 2005/01/12 13:29:26
you could get an edict overflow with one vore in a fairly large square room. ;)
Please Note
#47 posted by Kell on 2005/01/12 13:42:26
that by "fairly large" necros means: a room one-half the width of the worldgrid across each edge.
He is currently working on a map he describes as "large" :P
#48 posted by mwh on 2005/01/12 14:19:28
Have to wonder how far a half-thousand vore ball jump would get you(r remains) :)
#49 posted by Spirit on 2014/01/09 13:22:01
Duh, I thought I was so special when I grenade+rocketjumped out of that "you are gonna die here" trap but apparently the teleporter right next to it was not the end teleporter but pretty much the same. The map felt much more rewarding with me thinking I had discovered a hidden trick/glitchy end game. Weird!
#50 posted by Ankh on 2014/01/09 18:38:06
Nice to see someone still playing this map :)