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If They Gave Doomguy A Name... 
I'm going to tear into Carmack's ass with a weedeater. 
I Hear It's 'Gordon' 
But He Looks Like 
Tom Berringer 
No, I've Got It 
It turns out that the entire Doom universe is actually a computer-generated ILLSION, and that its only been created so that machines can use people as energy sources (wtf!!!). Then, a whole load of dumbasses think the concept is ingenius and original, and Carmack does tons of interviews praising his own original genius and integrity!!! 
Wait, Even Better! 
The doom guy has actually been dead for a year, he was killed when the ORIGINAL EXPERIMENT WENT WRONG! He's actually a zombie! But he doesn't know it! But then after a year, he meets this kid demon (since there are only demons on mars now), who informs him that he is a dead zombie, and that every time he saw the colour red for the last year, that symbolized that he was a zombie. Then, id makes 3 more movies, AHEM I mean games, with the same formula: "clever" underlying plot, twist at the end that reveals this cleverness, and looooooooooaaaaads of "atmosphere," being exceeded in quantity only by pretentiousness. 
No, What Really Happens Is 
When you complete the game, the end credits inform you that actually 'Doom 3' doesn't exist and that you've actually just played though Duke Nukem Forever. 
i'd never have seen that one coming. 
The Doomguy Is Actually... 
Kaiser Soze. I mean, Tyler Durden. I mean... 
So Tronyn 
do you like M Night Shymalan :) 
Hard To Top Post #4800 
'oooh yeah!!! Who wants some?' 
There Was A Tiff 
a month or so back on on The Village. Supposedly, the men of the forest were construction workers. Seems implausable, but if it is so -- man, that is the lamest shit I have ever heard. 
Add to the list of people who deserve to be rectally ravaged with a motorised garden implement, the guy who designed that flash-only site. Fullscreen, so I have to alt-tab between windows? Cheers for that.

Oh, and if that music sample from the site is in any way indicative of the in-game music, prepare for more hot weedeater-on-ass action. 
Re: BAH 
#1: Why exactly are you not viewing the websites in fullscreen anyway?
#2: Why exactly are you not using a tabbed browser? 
Re: Re: BAH 
#1: Go to and click on 'enter flash site'.
#2: See point #1 
Gryphon Revisited 
I've played through 13 of the 16 levels from the new unreal sp pack I posted about before. So far, it's very good without being outstanding. Runs a bit slow on my machine but apart from one map, it's always playable.

Well worth getting IMHO. 
30 Second Films

see the Shining, the Exorcist and Alien done in 30 secs with bunnies. 
did you seriously just make a jab at tool? what did you expect anyways, 'faggot techno'? 
Never heard of 'em. Just sounds like a load of angsty white noise if you ask me.

Re: Re: Re: BAH 
"#1: Go to and click on 'enter flash site'.
#2: See point #1
I did exactly that yesterday. The site worked like a charm in Firefox 0.9.2 
I agree with Kinn here.

#1: Why exactly are you not viewing the websites in fullscreen anyway?

Fullscreen at 1600x1200 is just silly. Most sites are only 800px wide anyway; anything wider than that and reading text is too difficult.

#2: Why exactly are you not using a tabbed browser?

Even if I am, I'm still not going to have a browser window take up my whole screen. It's nice to be able to browse the web while keeping an eye on IRC, AIM, a movie, progress meter, etc. 
yeah, the site is pretty gay... oh well. :P 
check out the song Eulogy. 
Doom3... HAS GONE GOLD! 
Has Anyone 
kept in touch with Kona since he announced his retirement? I emailed him a while back, but no answer. I would like to use one of his progs.dat files and some sounds he uses that I haven't seen else where. 
Mail him a big brown package with a bunch of fake dynamite sticks taped to a digital alarm clock and in addition to putting the return address on there, scribble the words "Death to Kona" all over it. You should probably hear from him. Or the FBI. 
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