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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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try YeagerMeister mixed with gin. As a single shot. I dare you. /n 
I tend to have less problems with alcohol than with eating too much while drunk. I tend to get this unbelievable appetite when I'm drunk, and forget to properly chew the stuff, and regret it next morning.

I Like 
Jagermeister.The taste, I mean. 
I'm free associating off Quake. I always suspected that addiction was where you found it.

For the record, submarines (Guiness + whisky) blow all those fairy drinks out the water like a U boat.

Oh yes, func, I'm going back to that period again. 
My friends are fucking hilarious. I have been a light drinker for several months now, so they thought it would be funny to slip a muscle relaxer in my Seagram's&GingerAle. Thank God, I didn't pass out while walking that dog, or we both would have been some coyote's bitch. I woke up a little after 7 pm, and I have been drinking coffee ever since. I have to be up early in the morning, but who knows, I'll likely not need the sleep.

If anyone has some good ideas how to get those fuckers back, I'm all ears.

FWIW, White Lightening iz ze best for a really strong drink that will make you hear colors, mutate your semen, and see shit. 
Get A Bottle Of Jagermeister (bad Spelling I Know Meh) 
and a bottle of gin, take a shot glass. Half fill with Jagermeister, and top up with Gin.

Down in one. Blech! 
As much as I am excited about the prospect of more WARP-scale-esque content from Ijed, I cant help but feel slightly concerned for his menntal well-being. 
Try laxatives. The drop kind - three or four drops (or half a bottle if it's not in your house) and there'll be plenty of shits and giggles. Saw this played out once when a friend had to tear off his keks and pebble-dash a car.

Ricky, these things happen in cycles and RQ is on no deadline, although we are thinking of a demo for the Expo, assuming it drops at the same time. 

Aah no, now you said it!11!

That was just drunk talk, don't take him seriozle 
Ahum jus drink on tha drank agon. 
Drinking + L4D 
While I can't say I was actually drunk, I was quite tipsy the last time I played L4D with moz and tha drank really ups the tension in that game. Will be picking up some more Pauli Girl for the week + gaming.

Ijed Can Jusht Shee The Futshoor 
Wait, Look At This One Firsht 
pretty much the rmq team in acshun lol 
Preemptive Drunk Post 
dissertation due on wednesday, 4000 words to go. Can I have some beer now please? No? Well I've got the next best thing, MATLAB. 
Reflective drunk post.

What a great place this is for us to be. Almost makes me think there is a god, the genius of it.

Starbuck, when your finished there's work to be done, if you want it.

And the offer is open, RQ needs serious mappers. As mentioned earlier we are wanting to release a demo for the next Qexpo.

The plan is a single DM and SP map with supporting progs, models and sound. Its a shitload of work, most of which is done. What matters is the rest of it.

As has been commented before, people are wondering where the 'big community project' is. The Q1 community is of a sufficient size that this should have happenened before, or maybe never would. But I like aggression so I'm pushing it.

30SP, 8DM with COOP and DM in all of Sp. Q2 as it should have been, or maybe Q1.5000 would be a better description. 
On The Topological Reduction Of The Dissertation Completeness Problem 
I feel you, Starbuck. I finished my 65-page undergrad math thesis on Friday, and spent Saturday night trying to forget the last month or so. A friend was in from out of town, and festivities included drunk Quake coop (no demos, sorry--we played SM82, and I think I've already released enough drunk demos on that one). I've always been a lightweight, but god it felt good to get a few drinks in me. Now I need to finish my capstone computer science project.

Off topic: I've been pretty disappointed with Matlab, though. Something which would normally require a bit of effort in C--shall we say principal component analysis, or finding the eigenvalues of a matrix--can be done in one line, but god help you if you want to do something simple like output the results in a custom-formatted txt file. I have similar complaints about SAGE and most software of that ilk, really. Out of curiosity, what are you doing in Matlab? 
Long Time No See 
Yo RPG... 
good to see you're still kicking... 
Hey John 
I've been meaning to send you an e-mail. When are we going to finish SM69? 
Yeah RPG 
good to see you back. I'm hoping to release Unforgiven fairly soon, and I still have your start map, so that would be like a legacy/reminder of your existence for the community. 
not sure, i'm focussing on rubicon2 right now, but i have considered trying to finish sm69 first since it mostly just needs a finale room (and all monster/item/etc. placement, of course.) 
What Is It Sm69 ? 
i guess another speedchain map?, maybe we should complete sm100 kell chain map also 
If you finish the architecture, I could do the entities this summer. 
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