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alternate file hosting?
is there anywhere that i can host my maps other than fileplanet without having to sign up to another webhost as well?

also, i think the map could have been made news because it would have been nice to discuss some of the stuff about it... you should be a bit more leniant scampie. ;) 
So the only requirement to be a map in your mind is the ability to run in a game? Or should we sink further into mapper's masturbatary material and just say that any 3d space is a 'map' and fit to be posted on func_msgboard?

Perhaps it's just the generic term 'map' that's the problem here. Let's get more specific and say this is not a 'level', which I'd define in a FPS as a 3d enviroment that the player is trapped into to play the game. Without weapons, dm spawns, multi-floored design, etc, there is no gameplay, which means no fun. So where's the point in the game? Like it or not, everything does revolve around gameplay.

This is a level design forum, we are interested in building levels and enjoying their gameplay. "That looks nice" or "doesn't run on my computer" isn't really discussion relevant to 'levels' where gameplay is the important factor.

That's not to say this map isn't a wonderful example of what the Quake3 engine can do in terms of realistic design, but that's not really the point here. I like pretty things as much as anyone else, but a nice looking level without gameplay is just fodder for someone's portfolio, a simple model to show off. I'd rather our news not serve as someone's way to being famous, but as a place for people to find enjoyable levels to play. 
You're wrong. You should be encouraging a diverse mapping-related usage of Func_QMap, not discouraging it. 
It's An Alpha 
he's going to optimise it to make it run on some super computers, maybe then it can be news. 
it worked fine on mine after i use the com_hunkmegs setting... there's nothing techincally wrong with it that i could tell...

well, besides the fact that almost all objects are non solid (detail?) brushes... that sort of bugged me... plus you can't get to all the overhanging areas, which sucks. that would have been really cool. ^_^ 
Map Request 
Does anyone have the original zip, or even a .txt for the Quake DM map bsdm8
I don't think there's anything else to add, Scampie, other than: do you live in a concrete pillbox in the middle of Milton Keynes? 
Thanks, Frib 
I'll send him an e-mail, but if someone else comes along and has the original zip of bsdm8, please let me know. 
RPG seems to work, but there's no txt inside. 
Thanks, but I already have the .bsp, so I need the .txt since I want to redistribute the map from my site. 
there was no .txt to begin with? some maps have been released like that, at least. 
Text File 
I think I went looking for the bsdm8 text file at one time but I didn't find it.

As Ray says, sometimes maps are distributed without a text file... and if you've downloaded the map from a server, you certainly won't get the txt.

I'd suggest hosting the map anyway, and possibly including your own text file insise the zip to indicate the author's name and last known email address. 
Chill out with the .txt mission already. Just write your own or something. 
Isn't that what I just said? :D 
Oh Yes.... it was. My intention was that the .txt would be a complete pile of bollox though...

(a bit like the electric fish series eheheh) 
here's your damn text file so you can quit whining.

next time, please bother searching before asking, I found that in 2 mins, most of it waiting for the ads to load on fileplanet where I found it. 
Ah Nice. 
I typed "maps" in the console to try jogging my memory about the filename for an old map of mine, but it turns out the console doesn't hold enough info to list all 736 maps, so I can't look at the ones above "chaos_gibbie." 
-clean up your maps dir!

-next fitzquake will let you set console buffer size at the command line 
I, Lol-me! 
[i]Rejected news.
no link, no real info, and doesn't state why mappers even care, if you can't bother putting SOME effort into a news submittal, then I can't be bothered to seek out info and post it.[/i]

Nope, I am too lazy. Go, or and copy paste the news text for me, please. 
Some Morrowind opinions (to avoid cluttering up the other thread, I'll put them here).

1. Create your own character class--most of the pre-made ones are kinda sucky in one way or another.

2. Argonians and Khajiit can't wear boots or helms, which means you'll miss out on using a few good items. This isn't the end of the world by any means, and the races are cool in other ways. Just sayin'.

3. There's no real reason to pick more than one armor skill for a major or minor skill.

4. There's no real reason to pick more than one or two weapon skills for major or minor skill (plus maybe Marksman, if you feel like it).

5. It's not a bad idea to pick at least one magic skill as a major skill so you can get immediate membership in the Mage's Guild, in order to use their fast travel options and free potions. This is true even if your character is a straight fighter or thief type. Mysticism is pretty damn useful because of the Mark and Recall spells (teleportation). Alteration is another good one for levitation and water walking/breathing.

6. Unarmored, and Hand to Hand kinda suck ass, in my opinion, especially at lower skill levels.

7. Armorer is a skill that's always useful, in my opinion (unless you're going w. Unarmored). Acrobatics is fun when you get it up to crazy levels and can jump across town.

8. Decide how you're going to open locks, and either pick Security (open locks with picks/probes) or Alteration (open locks with magic). They both have their pros and cons.

9. The only birthsign I would warn you away from is Atronoch, only because it's annoying (especially if you haven't played the game before) not being able to regenerate your magicka normally when you rest.

Other Tips:

1. SAVE OFTEN. Especially early in the game. It can be pretty easy to get the crap beat out of you suddenly.

2. If you're a thief, be careful that you don't try to sell something back to the same merchant you stole it from. Sadly, if you steal a diamond from Merchant X, and then try to sell them an entirely different diamond later in the game, they'll cry thief. Try not to steal generic stuff, or just steal from certain places and sell to different places.

3. If you get a quest from someone out in Bumfuck Egypt, be sure that their location is mentioned in the journal entry. If not, write it down. I have several quests that I'll probably never complete because I have no idea where to find the bastard again, and this world is HUGE.

4. Once you reach Balmora initially, and talk to Caius, don't be afraid to put him on hold for a while and just explore and try things and screw around. There's almost never any time value to quests in this game, and when there is, it's clearly stated. 
...go to, or and copy paste the news text for me, please.

You don't get the idea of submitting news, do you? I"m not a mod but certainly that's YOUR job to format your own news. This is assuming that it is actual 'news' to begin with. 
Ta Pjw 
looks like a load of useful stuff there :)
Unfortunately i chose the atronoch sign in the game i recently, otherwise i think i generally had a character that fit most of what you recommended. Also my guy had neither security nor alteration.

I'll probably start a new game, most of my time in this game has been spent working things out anyway.

I need athletics as a major skill too, or i might go insane with the slow movement speed. Any way around this, can you buy horses? :)

Generally it looks very nice though, awesome architecture, good immersion... high getting-killed-by-rats quotient (bleh)... i can see i could get addicted in time 
"I need athletics as a major skill too, or i might go insane with the slow movement speed. Any way around this, can you buy horses? :)"

DON�t do that! Taking Athletics and/or Acrobatics as your major skill is generally a bad idea (tm). The reason for that is that every time you advance 10 times in any combination of the Major skills you have, you also advance a level. Picking either of them as major will:

1) Make you advance way too quickly AND in a very inbalanced fashion.
2) It will fuck-up your stat modifiers very badly.

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