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Post Some Mapping Ideas...
...for fun because none of you lazy fuckers are going to act on the ideas you've dreamed up let alone ones suggested for you!!

But it still might be interesting. For any game or game mode you like, give details and reasons if you like.

Here's 3 for starters:

> A church within a church. Or any cool building with a similarly themed larger building. Someone was telling me recently about this vast cathedral in Italy that was built around a smaller, intact, chapel. Sounds well cool...

> A Quake map/unit, preferably Zerstorer themed, using the rapid teleporting trickery exhibited in Starbuck's classic speedmap. It was hilarious in that but I imagine it could be used in a very nasty and evile way - teleporting in and out of brutal scenes, gibs and random acts of violence. Something very hellish and scary.

> <Shambler> curved crate!
* Starbuck brain explodes
<Shambler> a prize for the first mapper to make a playable map out of a globular crate
<Starbuck> curved crate !!sdfsd
<Starbuck> wait, isnt that a barrel?
<Shambler> no
<RPG> No, that's cylindrical.
<Shambler> gotta be crate textures and stuff
<Shambler> with an opening curved lid and all
<Starbuck> just curved corners?
<Shambler> globular
<Shambler> floating in the void
<Shambler> with a top you open to get inside
<Shambler> and "gameplay" inside
<Starbuck> and this would be the perfect map, yes?
<Shambler> which may just be filling it with fiends, spawn, quads and pents, the monsters of course will sink to the bottom along with the player
<Shambler> starbuck: possibly not.
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if you don't get my explanation, what I mean is the make a flat colored liquid texture. then it doesn't 'wave', and a light color like blue can make it appear really nice. you'd probabally need some experimentation to get it right. 
...yah that's what I was thinking of, but don't you need to have r_wateralpha 0.2 or something that low for it to work?? 
except that the *myglass would be all warpy...

I'd suggest making a sprite that uses SPR_ORIENTED as its orientation, and is basically transparent except for some white diagonal streaks. It would look cartoony, but at least people would know it was glass, and it would work in all engines (but requires a new progs.dat, of course) 
that's why you use a flat, single colored texture. 
okay, i think that would work. 
...answer my Q plx. 
not really sure. like I said, some experimentation would be needed. I would think with a light color, or something close to the water color, you'd suggest the glass well enough for anyone to know it's glass. 
I've always wanted to make a map called "Stones 'n' bones" with lots of boneish, skullish, skeletonish architecture, but hey, I suck, n0 skill etc. so I abandoned the idea.
Besides, probably no monster would fit such a map well, because all of them except fiend and enforcer suck =)

On the other hand, I could fill my post just with "I've always wanted to make a map" ;) 
You do that progs.dat, kthx :E 
You do that progs.dat, kthx :E 
this film has some awesome bold blocky architecture for the buildings in the city, it looks a lot like German ww2 military buildings and gave me great inspiration for mappage.

The film is ok as well, but watch it for mapping ideas! :) 
watch it for the cool fight scenes and how christian bale is aping Keanu but still comes out with a better performance.

BTW, I thought the architecture in the film was highly influenced by Metropolis. 
Making An Underwater Base... 
Just gathering inspiration to work on something new and quakish since the urge is hitting me. I thought about an underwater base once but never did it, in good part because it is hard making windows out into the ocean.

I think I might have the solution.

The reason the water textures have all those curves on and stuff is because it is the best quake could come to what moving water looks like from above right?

Well then, what does water look like if you were deep underwater looking out through a window?

That's right, deep blue (or possibly black depending on how deep you are)

Just make an invisible brush to act as the "glass", then outside the window build a largish enclosed space, textured with a dark blue colour.

Stick a few boxes looking like bubbles moving around on func_trains, and maybe even a couple of slow moving fish and there you have it, a quake-tastic underwater environment.

I actually think this would be an okay challenge...might have to give it a try. :) 
Go For It Dude!! 
SM55 - underwater base speedmapping. Or something. 
Great idea.

If it will help, you can also give brushes an "alpha" value to make them transparent, which can help a ton. It only works in the new engines that support alpha, but the effect may be worth-while. Also, colored lighting - when used sparingly - can be very helpful, too. A slightly blue tinted light drifting from the windows could definately add to the theme.

Good luck, sounds very interesting. 
A Bleh 
New engines definitely help here, for somebody's already made a skybox that's set underwater. 
Speaking Of New Engines... 
try quake3. 
will be horror/halloween themed. sm54 will be whatever starbuck wants. 
Example Of Underwater Bases 
Deus-Ex had a cool underwater base mission. If was very well done and captured that sense of inky blackness of the deep cold sea.

There's also an underwater episode called Zero Black for Unreal made my EddX which can be found at

UT had another underwater base map in the Assualt section.

I can't remember how these maps handles the glass look. BTW, the coolest glass effect I've seen is in Unreal 2. 
of course Enclave had one underwater map with cool ambient sounds and details. 
UT's Underwater Infiltration Map... 
...didn't have much in the way of ambience (lighting or sound), but I did like the idea of the layout, and the way players must swim down to it. 
Underwater Base 
Preacher came around in #tf some time ago (a year or so?) and had a link for an old unfinished underwater base q2sp... 
The problem with using a plain water texture and glquake is that although it makes glass (it was my initial reaction too), you then have the water behind it at the same alpha, which would look weird (I figure, haven't actually tried it).

On newer engines, what metlslime said :)

Basically, if I want to use a new engine to get new effects, I may as well map for some shiny new game.

Oh, and wrath; high voltage over tcp/ip technology

I'm glad someone else wants that :) 
Underwater Base 
I want to make a map themed around those LEGO sets that came out about 3-5 years ago, the ones with submarines and underwater bases and big scientific research domes and and...

I LOVE legos. 
Q1 Fishbowl 
Made a func_door as a shape of a dome upside down into water. When the door lowers, the monster_fish appears transported, and surpri-ses the player.
But when the funny thing rises, the fishes dwell dry like drunken eels on a dish!
Sadly can only transport them once. 
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