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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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Hm, My Alias Is Already Inverted... 
actually for me weed is the only drug that hasn't become shitty over time. It's nice and relaxing.

everything else I've tried more than once (a few things once was enough), I've done enough not only to get sick of, but to eventually find really unpleasant - shrooms, mdma, acid especially - all started great, but became complete shit over time. I have rarely done anything but drink in the last couple years too, but I think switching to weed as a mainstay would be better. 
best thing is booze...

but weed sometimes is quite fun, last time i smoked week was something like 20 years... arghhhh ;) booze something like last night... 
Love Weed 
but it makes me claustrophobic where I have to be outside. I can't just chill and watch a flick, though driving or riding a bike especially after midnight on a long desolate highway on a warm summer night while buzzing is about the best feeling in the world. 
And By Bike, 
I mean motorized. You wont catch me alive or dead on the self propelled kind. 
Well Atleast Your Not All Addicted To Cocaine 
Half of the people I know are, it would seem at the moment. Shitty overpriced drug which makes people turn into big-headed lying fools.
Not me. Maybe if its put infront of me I would do it, but never pay for it...... The first mistake. 
Got To Agree With Nynort 
After a while drugs take it out of you - I've given up on most apart from booze, cigs and coke now.

So uh, yeah. 
Coke - A - Cola ? 
Coca Zero 
Coca Culo 
Please behave!!!

... I promise I will not redo this.. shame on me... 
Coca Cthulhu? 
[03:59] <RickyT23> workd czg is cool
[03:59] <RickyT23> :)
[03:59] <RickyT23> word
[03:59] <RickyT23> life sucks he is right
[04:09] <RickyT23> my freind is going to join the army
[04:09] <RickyT23> i will miss him 
yep its me again (I do restrain myself from a) being drunk, and 2) posting from that state, as much as possible - and still that's not much restraint...)

here's my random drunken thought (20 shots of rye, and usually I tend to be a lot more bitter, and a lot more vulgar in expressing it, than this):

I wonder what the dividing line between great art and nostalgia is. I wonder if we all would think Quake was so great if we hadn't encountered it at whatever youngish age we did. I wonder how the mind makes things seem better than they were, just so as to provide itself with some sort of masturbatory hope; ie whatever is shit now need not be that way. The older you get, the less new memories you generate. I think the games industry now is shit, and I have a shitload of reasons for that;I could write essays and essays. But if I was part of "generation Y" that grew up on the stuff that I consider shit, would I argue the same things based on that? 
I encountered Quake at about age 25 or slightly later.

I noticed the somewhat pixel-y graphics, but the gameplay, the sounds, and the dark atmosphere hooked me nonetheless. I knew DOOM/2 from back in school (so that's what I grew up with), but Quake's gameplay was simply brutal, and the sounds matched it. It was the simple, brutal, no compromise feeling that got through to me and hooked me.

As for the latter question, no, you would not. You would probably be amazed at the good stuff, instead of always finding fault. You would buy loads and loads of console games and *enjoy* them.

There's lots of nostalgia involved. 
Where's the Hungover Thread? X(

As a mapper, part of Quake's appeal is its visual simplicity. Although I do occasionally enjoy dabbling in CSS/HL2 mapping and I can't wait to try some in Left4Dead, I'll always come back to Quake because it doesn't restrict my creativity. Abstract architecture modern games needs some sort of context to look good, whereas in Quake, abstraction IS the context. I also get a bit weary of modern monster designs, as they tend to lack variety and are programmed with too much self-awareness, rather than to be fiendishly placed by the mapper. 
I'll always come back to Quake because it doesn't restrict my creativity

i find quake does restrict my creativity because some things just can't be built with brushes.

by can't, i mean cannot be built in a reasonable amount of time for a reasonable amount of effort. 
Just A Stupid Question 
What do you consider as a reasonable amount of time for a reasonable amount of effort?
I guess it depends of the mapper patience, and determination to do things... so what's the threshold that allow you to decide whether it is worth to stop or continue to map ? 
Yes And No 
obviously, yes, what a mapper considers reasonable will vary. i'm talking about, for example, a room that would take 1 month to make in a brush-based editor vs. 1 day to make in a proper 3d package. 
Getting back into music after a drought.

Listening to Underworld pissed up on rum and beer whilst mapping; great.

Now downloading lots of nutty crap, Infected Mushroom is on the list, and Distran's stuff. 
1/3 a bottle of Seagram's and I feel this shitty? Really? Three hours later, I've taken my neighbor's Jack Russel terrier out for a two mile walk in the middle of a foggy night, popped a coyote on the side of the head with a rock to scare it off, you'd think that alone would have sobered me up but no, I still feel this shitty, after a third of a fifth? This is ridiculous. My head feels like it is going to explode, over this? I have felt less shitty over some real hard core illicit shit -- there is no excuse for this; it is an insult. 
Well Fuck All 
I now have the hiccups.


My hiccups are pretty fucking weird. Words don't do 'em justice, so hear for your self, me just a few moments ago, unedited:

no, I'm not summoning demons, those are just a few hiccups. Avoid cemeteries while listening, you may accidentally wake the dead. 
Go And Seek Professional Medical Attention 
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