Also: Ctrl-Up And Ctrl-Down Resize The Console
#417 posted by Baker on 2016/11/30 21:16:42
You have to have the console open to do this.
#418 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/11/30 21:27:49
Mirror can be solid face only? It doesn't work if it's bmodel, like func_illusionary. Is it possible to implement?
#419 posted by Baker on 2016/11/30 21:42:36
Let me think that through.
I can't have mirrors be a true entity that can moved (like door or wall), otherwise pre-calculated mirror visibility would be issue and even possible map compile tool support couldn't help.
However, func_illusionary can't move. Hmmmm.
However, is problem I think --- func_illusionary is communicated to client through QuakeC and isn't instantly available upload level load but is still rather early ... let me think about it.
Question: Scale of 1-10 ... how important is allowing func_illusionary to do this for what you are doing? Only ask because might be annoying for me to code, but if you are making something worthwhile ... might be worth the headache.
#420 posted by PuLSaR on 2016/11/30 21:52:30
that's just an addendum to spice up the super secret. I placed a mirror, compiled it and found that mirror almost asks me to try to pass through it. I compiled the new version with func_illusionary and found that the magic was gone. If it's really a lot of work than I don't think it's worth it. But if that is implemented, I think it could be used in many new maps, because people love to make fake window secrets, fake mirrors can be the evolution of that type.
 Multiples Of 4
#421 posted by mh on 2016/11/30 21:54:18
This is an important difference in the design philosophy of OpenGL and Direct3D.
With GL the specification is god. That means that if the specification says that something must work, then it must work, even if it's not supported by hardware. Typically this means that the driver will drop you back to some kind of software-emulated path. It's historically been a weakness of GL that you have no way of programatically determining when/if this happens. NPO2 textures were a bitch when the first GL2 drivers came out.
With D3D the hardware is god. That means that if something isn't supported by the hardware then the driver is under absolutely no obligation whatsoever to support it either. It might crash, it might give you undefined behaviour, it might give you messed-up screenshots. The downside is that historically D3D has been an unholy mess of capabilities bits and responsibility is on the program to check these and code fallbacks.
D3D does provide software emulation of parts of the per-vertex pipeline for older GPUs that don't support hardware T&L, and you can actually do crazy shit like write SM3.0 vertex shaders in D3D9 and run them on an old 3DFX. But that's the limit of what it emulates, and that emulation is provided by the common runtime rather than by the vendor-supplied driver.
That's another difference.
D3D is actually two separate components. A common runtime is provided by Microsoft, that's what you install on your PC when you install DirectX, and that's the same irrespective of what hardware you have. Then the vendor provides a lightweight hardware-specific driver. Your program talks to the runtime, which talks to the driver, which talks to the hardware. Because the runtime is common, consistent behaviour is easier to achieve. Because the driver is lightweight there's less for the vendor to screw up. There's also potentially less for the vendor to optimize, and D3D doesn't have extensions.
With GL the vendor provides everything. That means extensions and potentially better optimizations, but also means more room for driver bugs and inconsistent behaviour. The total absence of GL conformance tests for such a long time didn't help. God only knows what goes on inside some GL drivers.
None of this will help anyone fix any issues, of course, but it might help some understand why things are the way that they are.
#422 posted by Baker on 2016/11/30 22:06:14
I'll see if I can add it.
#423 posted by Joel B on 2016/11/30 22:31:16
Good news: the new Mac build will appropriately find id1 if it is in the same folder.
Annoying news: if id1 is NOT in the folder, it will crash (after pressing the Play button to get past the args dialog).
I can send you the full diag output if you like, but here's the interesting part of the stacktrace for the Quake app:
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff9a93809e flockfile + 4
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff9a939a66 fputs + 72
2 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010c2d9f1a Con_DebugLog + 266
3 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010c2d9a71 Con_Init + 1249
4 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010c2497f2 Host_Init + 98
5 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010c2d7ff9 -[QController newGame:] + 2249
And for the GLQuake app:
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff9a93809e flockfile + 4
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff9a939a66 fputs + 72
2 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010e15f40c Con_DebugLog + 266
3 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010e15f018 Con_Init + 635
4 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010e155525 Host_Init + 91
5 com.quakeone.mark-v 0x000000010e1a97f1 -[QController newGame:] + 1209
Maybe Con_DebugLog is unhappy that there's no folder to put the debuglog in.
#424 posted by Joel B on 2016/11/30 22:36:11
Different thing: I did a quick test of the install and uninstall commands.
For a separate game folder (tested using digs01) everything worked as expected.
For a "bare" map that got installed into id1\\maps (tested using czg03), uninstall didn't quite work. Output from qconsole.log:
uninstall: folder "/Users/jbaxter/Downloads/mark_v_mac/czg03" does not exist
#425 posted by Baker on 2016/11/30 22:55:48
Thanks for giving the Mac version a test.
1) Mark V Mac not in Quake folder with id1 = console debug angry = will fix. I think at one point I decided the binary needed to be in a proper Quake folder, and then I changed my mind (or something to that effect).
2) Uninstall of simple map - Mark V plays it dumb and only looks at what is out there. So uninstall only works on a gamedir. It would have a way to know what maps are part of set and since Mark V doesn't know, it can't do that.
/In the future, it is a near certainty that Mark V won't unzip anything and just use single player releases from their zip file. This will allow future Mark V to peer-to-peer transfer a required .zip for a coop game, instead of each file.
 @johnny Re: Install
#426 posted by Baker on 2016/11/30 23:24:19
"install" is very flexible and should be able to install most single player releases or even traditional mods via URL.
Install via URL examples
1) install http://quake-1.com/files/maps/undergate.zip
2) install http://quakeone.com/proquake/frogbots-099.zip
Doesn't matter how the .zip is packed, provided it has a .bsp, .pak or something that looks playable. Mark V looks at the contents and figures out how to unpack it. Name of .zip determines gamedir. So warpspasm.zip will end up in -warpspasm
Can only do zip files (no .rar, no .7z). Must be http, no ftp or https.
 New Build
#427 posted by mjb on 2016/11/30 23:54:26
Cool lighting gun effects, I also enjoy the jerky+normal setting...fun!
Capturedemo still gives a black video with sound. Upon looking at the .avi it shows that the data rate is 28kbps and the audio rate being 1440kbps. Clearly it just isn't recording video data.
You said something about this releasing having a link straight to the codecs? I came to the same site when clicking the codec link.
Sounds at 44k is still airy but that's damn possible it is how it is. Maybe it is how QS interacts with my sound driver. The more I try to listen for it the less apparent it becomes.
 @Bloughsburg - Install Google WebM/vp80 Codec
#428 posted by Baker on 2016/12/01 00:18:33
Install this (tested on 2 separate Windows 10 machines to make 2x sure)
Google WebM/vp80 (mirror):
Source page: http://www.optimasc.com/products/vp8vfw/index.html
But yeah, install the VP80 codec and that issue should go away.
Make sure capturevideo_codec is auto (default value), Mark V will use VP80 as first preference when looks at installed codecs.
/Says something about 32-bit only on that site, they are so very, very wrong and apparently the creator of that page is unaware of the WOW subsystem (Windows on Windows).
/I'm still mad at that DivX site.
#429 posted by Baker on 2016/12/01 00:22:11
I haven't had time to update the page yet --- I'm hoping to clear the queue of outstanding stuff for Release 1.1 tonight.
- QMB particle rework for Gunter.
- Alpha channel texture support for 2D replacement elements
- Pulsar mirror on func_illusionary request
- Nehahra use gamemnu.lmp instead of dumb mainmenu.lmp (spy)
- Mac startup if not Quake folder (johhny)
- IPv4 address prints strangely on Mac.
- Maybe hopefully: WinQuake via GL for killpixel
 Seeing Colors
#430 posted by mjb on 2016/12/01 00:41:13
Very cool, that'd be it.
Couple of questions:
When capturing the demo, if you open the console it will speed the recording by a substantial amount. I found that whenever the console is brought down it is not recording. Intended?
Anyway to jack up the quality...bitrate? (Purple noise and general noise in video linked). Even if there is not, this is a pretty nice feature considering we have here 720p @60fps :)
Thanks for your efforts.
 @spy: Re: Nehahra Menu
#431 posted by Baker on 2016/12/01 00:45:45
I think you might have a typo in your command line or are missing -nehahra, because I already coded for this scenario.
Nehahra should be started as:
Console: game nehahra -nehahra
Cmdline: -game nehahra -nehahra
Cmdline: -game nehahra (won't work properly)
Console: game nehahra (won't work properly)
The above should fix.
 @ Bloughsburgh - Capturedemo Working For You = Awesome
#432 posted by Baker on 2016/12/01 00:49:39
Type "find capture" in console. If you haven't discovered this, it is super-awesome.
You'll see one of the things is "capturevideo_console"
When that is 0, it won't capture when the console is open. This is to avoid ugliness if you type "capturedemo" in the console --- you don't want 1 second of console closing in your AVI ;-)
I'm very happy it is working for you.
 Bad Unpacks
#433 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/12/01 02:22:11
MarkV seems to have trouble unpacking at least one release: the new RetroJam5. Example:
It unpacks everything under the id1/maps/ directory, meaning that there is now an id1/maps/maps and id1/maps/source directory. The source folder is fine I suppose, but the /maps/maps seems to be problematic. Typing in the entire path to the map works fine, but tab completion doesn't work anymore...
#434 posted by Baker on 2016/12/01 02:37:38
Shall investigate, thanks for letting me know.
#435 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/12/01 05:50:51
Is there a way to skip the credits when pressing quit from the menu? It's a little thing, but after using QS for so long I'm not used to pressing another key to get out of the game.
#436 posted by Baker on 2016/12/01 05:54:36
Type "quit" in the console or click "X" to close window or bind "quit" to F12.
#437 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/12/01 05:57:53
Alright then, binds it is. It'd be nice to have as a config option at some point though.
#438 posted by Baker on 2016/12/01 06:07:44
I've the "install" so it can figure out .zip files arranged like retrojam5. In testing, never hit one setup like that, but so many packs out there.
/I always hit ALT-ENTER and then click "X" to exit. Or pull up console and type quit. Quake out of the box and most engines (like FitzQuake 0.85) show the closing credits via the menu route.
#439 posted by spy on 2016/12/01 06:38:45
I think you might have a typo in your command line or are missing -nehahra, because I already coded for this scenario.
yeah, i missed that additional -nehahra argument
but for some reason console barks on missed fmod.dll module, and i have one in my quake folder
#440 posted by Joel B on 2016/12/01 06:43:18
Try putting it in the nehahra folder.
#441 posted by spy on 2016/12/01 06:45:51
is it possible to fix nehahra's nomonsters command
there is a strong c++ guy needed tho