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The TrenchBroom Level Editor
Today I am releasing TrenchBroom 1.0 for Windows and Mac OS X. TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake.

- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Smart clip tool
- Move, rotate and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Automatic backup
- Support for .def and .fdg files, mods and multiple wad files
- Free (as in beer) and open source (GPLv3)
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux supported)

Check out a video of TrenchBroom in action here.

You can download the editor here.

If you would like to give feedback, please do that in this thread. If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please submit them at the issue tracker.

If you are wondering where the Linux binaries are then sorry, but currently there are none. The Linux version has a few problems which I could not fix before this release. I will get working on those right away so that the Linux version should be available in a couple of weeks, too.

Finally, I would like to thank necros for all his work over the past year. Without his tireless efforts, TrenchBroom would simply not exist. Or it would suck.

Alright, enough of this. Have fun with the editor!

Update: 2.1 here:
Features "cool shit".
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25 minutes and we don't even get the money shot? 
Using Quest To Create Spiral Stairs In 5 Minutes. Import Into TB. 
Alright Willem, he's a 5min version.

Note, that I don't actually use TrenchBroom to create the spiral stairs. I just show how I would do it in another editor, and then import it into TrenchBroom.

"TrenchBroom: Create/Import Spiral Stairs in 5 minutes." 
Incoming Update To TrenchBroom, Key Bindings. 
"Key bindings" feature was just pushed to their repository, an hour ago.

You can see the list of all the features that will be configurable through the new Preferences->Keybinds window/frame they've recently added as well.

You can see they uploaded new icon graphics for it as well. Icon/picture of a keyboard.


And of course, having "key bindings" feature also allows us to define keys for functions that don't have keys bound by default. For example, "Snap all vertices" has no key bound by default in the current version of TrenchBroom, but with new version of TB I could now set a key to this, such as CTRL+N, and use it! 
Make Selection Planar Command 
Would a command that makes a selection (collection of 2 or more vertices, 1 or more edges or 1 or more faces) planar on X, Y, Z be useful to anyone besides me?

Note that this brings up the problem of axis selection again... 
Although I haven't bothered to try recompiling TrenchBroom under windows, I went back to the Linux version, and followed the steps listed in build.txt.

I discovered that wx/setup.h was not found because of an incorrect path in the build options->compiler settings->other options panel where the wxWidgets directories are set.
does not exist after I make wxWidgets, but I instead had gtk 3, so I changed it to
This started to compile fine, but when it tried to link wxWidgets I got the following error:
"Linking executable: bin/Debug/TrenchBroom
g++: error: /home/andy/Programming/wxWidgets-2.9.4/build-debug/lib/libwx_gtk2u_gl-2.9.a: No such file or directory
g++: error: /home/andy/Programming/wxWidgets-2.9.4/build-debug/lib/libwx_gtk2u_adv-2.9.a: No such file or directory
g++: error: /home/andy/Programming/wxWidgets-2.9.4/build-debug/lib/libwx_gtk2u_core-2.9.a: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (6 minutes, 25 seconds)"

These libraries are specified in the linker settings tab under other linker options. Changing instances of gtk2 to gtk3 fixes this, but then I get this error:
"ld||cannot find -lgtk-x11-2.0|
ld||cannot find -lgdk-x11-2.0|
||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 0 warnings ===|"

Any idea how to fix this mess anyone? Should I revert all the gtk3 instances to gtk2 and recompile wxWidgets to use gtk2? If so, does anyone know what options I need to use? I will have a look now, but I don't think I'm not most knowledgeable person about this kind of thing, so would appreciate help. 
seems to be the --with-gtk=2 compiler option on configure. Seems I also needed to install libgtk2.0-dev.

I'll try rebuilding wxWidgets with gtk 2 and see what happens. 
Hexen II Support Thirded 
What kind of information do you need to support another Quake-engine game, such as Hexen II? Ozkan Sezer and myself might be of some help. I'm on gmail. 
managed to compile and successfully run TrenchBroom under Mint Linux. Turns out you NEED to have libgtk2.0-dev installed for it to work, though wxWidgets compiles fine if you have another version. I had 3.0 already installed and assumed it would be fine, but it wasn't. I ended up compiling wxWidgets with the following settings:
release: configure --disable-shared --with-openlgl --with-gtk=2
debug: configure --enable-debug --disable-shared --with-opengl -with-gtk=2
and then everything just worked fine.

The editor runs fine, though there are a couple of problems I've noticed.
1. text does not render properly in the 3d view, texture view or entity view. When in the texture view, applying a texture causes the names to be refreshed and they render correctly, but soon revert to being mostly not rendered.
2. This is probably just a linux mint problem, but holding alt and dragging moves the window. There might be a way to disable this in mint. 
Thanks for the info, I'll add the --with-gtk=2 option to the configure options. GTK versions are not compatible with each other, sadly. I'll put more emphasis on the fact that you need 2 and cannot use 3.

1. The text problem also happens on some Windows systems. I have no idea what the cause is, and I'm going to replace the current font rendering with texture fonts anyway. Maybe I'll find a way to fix the current font systems in the meantime.

2. You have to disable this behavior for your Windows manager. I don't know how to do it in Mint though. 
I couldn't compile the release build because there were a bunch of warnings about Source/Model/BrushGeometry.cpp using uninitialized variables. Explicitly initializing them to 0 fixes this problem. This never happened in the debug build, so perhaps it could simply be gotten around by supressing the warning/error that arises from the uninitialized variables? However, they do appear to be used uninitialized (buffer >> vertexCount etc.) so maybe it's safer to just initialize?

I had a look for how to disable the alt+drag = move window behaviour in Mint. This was the best I could find:
It hasn't worked for me in Mint yet, but perhaps I just need to restart.

Also, I'm having a problem selecting my Quake directory. I think it's probably a wxWidgets or Mint/Mate problem, because I had a similar issue when trying to set up wxWidgets in Code::Blocks (also a wxWidgets app), but for some reason it won't select any folder deeper than user/home/. My Quake dir is /andy/home/Games/Quake, but it just gives me /andy/home/ when I select the Quake folder. No idea why it's happening, but I had the same problem in code::blocks. I want to know the preference storage location so I can manually edit it to work around the problem for now. 
Hexen 2 Support 
Hey Shanjaq,

Since Hexen2 uses the Quake engine, I believe it's already possible to make Hexen2 maps in TrenchBroom.

I believe it just comes down to a .def (or .fgd) file for the entities; And TrenchBroom allows you to define a .def file, or .fgd file.

hexen2.def download:

I copied the Hexen2 .def file to TrenchBroom/Defs/ folder, and I selected it in TrenchBroom, but TrenchBroom could not parse it correctly.

I believe necros made a converter to convert the .def file to a .fgd file. But the download links there are broken. You can see the .def converter here: 
The warnings are fixed now. I'll look into the directory issues. 
For anyone who is trying to use TrenchBroom in Linux Mint, I also found out how to disable alt+drag moves window (using Mate... not sure about Cinnamon):

At the terminal, run mateconf-editor
In the configuration Editor window that appears, enter apps->marco-general and change the setting for mouse-button-modifier to "<Super>" to use the super key (probably the windows key) or "none" to disable it altogether. The default is <Alt>, but this is fucking stupid, since lots of applications use alt. 
Regarding the garbled text, could you please scroll the console all the way up and paste the first ten lines where it says whether OpenGL instancing is enabled or not? 
It's Disabled... 
enderer info: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM x86/MMX/SSE2 version 2.1 Mesa 9.0.2 from Intel Open Source Technology Center
Depth buffer bits: 0 < WTF!?
Multisampling disabled
OpenGL instancing disabled

I set it to be forced off because otherwise vertex mode crashes the editor.

Also, I didn't notice until I tried loading some more complex maps, but the 3d view is extremely buggy. I'm getting missing surfaces all over the place, and I think some option I tweaked made all the normal flipped or something weird like that. The depth buffer or render order also seems to be borked. It's a mess on my laptop at least. I want to try it on my Ubuntu machine that has a sensible nvidia card and see if I experience problems there. I notice you have a screenshot on the TrenchBroom site taken in Linux that looks perfectly fine, so I'm guessing it might be an issue with my lame graphics chip.

Oh, a couple of other things:
1. If I click on the window title before trying to use a menu for the first time, the menu appears briefly, then disappears and none of the menus are useable. Could it be a wx or GTK problem?
2. When I quit TrenchBroom, sometimes I get an assert fail "../src/common/glcmn.cpp(60): assert "IsShownOnScreen()" failed in SetCurrent(): can't make hidden GL canvas current"
../src/common/glcmn.cpp(60): assert "IsShownOnScreen()" failed in SetCurrent(): can't make hidden GL canvas current

[1] g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID
[2] g_closure_invoke
[3] g_signal_emit_valist
[4] g_signal_emit
[5] gtk_widget_map
[6] gtk_container_forall
[7] g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOIDv
[8] g_signal_emit_valist
[9] g_signal_emit
[10] gtk_widget_map
[11] gtk_container_forall
[12] g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOIDv
[13] g_signal_emit_valist
[14] g_signal_emit
[15] gtk_widget_map
[16] gtk_widget_set_child_visible
[17] g_closure_invoke
[18] g_signal_emit_valist
[19] g_signal_emit
[20] g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECTv
[21] g_signal_emit_valist
[22] g_signal_emit
[23] gtk_container_remove
[24] g_main_context_dispatch
[25] g_main_loop_run
[26] gtk_main

No idea what's going on there.

This is the graphics chip I seem to have:
VGA compatible controller : Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Display controller : Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (secondary) (rev 0c) 
I Wrote A Little Guide For Running On Linux

There are possibly some things I missed, and it's basically just an expanded version of Linux/Build.txt, but maybe it's of use to someone. If there are any problems with it, please let me know so that I can fix it. 
You must use the master branch for the Linux version, it has a lot of fixes. The 1.0.5 branch is pretty much broken on Linux. 
ok, so there is no depth buffer it seems. The wireframe of all brushes is always visible - even when there are other brushes obscuring it, unlike in the windows version, and if I do a simple test with three brushes, it's obvious there is no depth culling. This is probably down to my shitty video card, the drivers or some combination of the two, and I don't expect you to fix it since TrenchBroom is just a personal project and fixing shit like that for one guy running on a Linux notebook from 2007/2008 is not of the upmost importance. Still, if you have any idea what the cause might be, it would be good to know. 
ok, I'll try that and see if it works. 
No Depth Buffer 
That's odd, but it could very well be a bug in how I am detecting the available pixel formats on Linux. I'll look into this, so keep that laptop around ;-) 
Using Master 
I am pulling direct from the master now and there are no differences with regard to bugginess on my machine.

I'm kind of done with this for today, but tomorrow or perhaps Tuesday I'll try and get it running on my Ubuntu machine and also use my experience from today to get it building with Code:: Blocks on Windows (I hope).

Ideally I'd love to have it running flawlessly on Linux, but I'll be happy to get the Windows version building so I can try adding new features. 
The menu issues are still there on the master branch? 
Yeah :( 
At least on Linux Mint Mate. Not sure if it's just an issue related to my specific setup.

Load TrenchBroom
Click on any menu (the file menu for instance)

The menu should appear then quickly disappear. The entire GUI is completely unresponsive after that and I have to kill the process to get rid of it :/ 
Fixed Hexen2.def 
I fixed the errors with the hexen2.def file I had.

Fixed hexen2.def

Errors/fixes were:
1) Removed first 5 lines(a custom comment).
2) Search & Replace all " / " with "/"
3) Search & Replace all lines that tail: ") ?", and replace that tail with ")"

These fixes were based off the error messages I received in the console log of TrenchBroom. Thanks to the log messages, I was able to fix these manually myself.

It loads fine, and I get hexen2 entities now.

However, it's not loading the models. I tried renaming my hexen2 /data1/ folder to /id1/, because it has same pak files, and the pak files have same file structure. But, I couldn't get this to work.

I could not get it working. TrenchBroom won't load the hexen2tx.wad file I downloaded from:


Perhaps these issues are side-effects from the fact that the hexen2 is a custom quake1 engine. 
Alright, I'm Done With TrenchBroom For Now. 
Alright, I'm done with TrenchBroom for now.

I can't use it effectively unless I have grid information. Bit I have no grid information--all the opengl text is garbled--and I have no grid view or grid anything to look at for measurements.

I understand the editor is to be seamless flow for a mapper, but I prefer to be accurate and I always work with grid information and grid numbers, and a flat grid view.

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