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Modelling Help\Screenshots\Requests
It has always been difficult to get decent models for quake 1. So a thread where people can get advice on making models and post a work-in-progress for critiques is long overdue.

Any requests for models may well get met with silence. Specific requests will likely stand a better chance; "I'd really like a knight but carrying a shield" might be better received than "we need a mdler to join our mod remaking counter-strike for darkplaces".
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Cock Polisher ?? 
.. now Quake turns definitively gay.... 
Then The She Would Be A He 
The model is a convertion of the HalfLife2 low poly site whith free models. So I thought to respect the owner with a screenshot.
Most of the time these subposes don't reach ingame.

Here's another one that hopefully will become playworth.
Already big for milepasses and jumping on rockets. 
More of a texturing question I guess but this seemed the most relevant thread to post in:

Are there any Gimp users here? I'm trying to make some skins but I keep getting errant full brights, even when my palette is not supposed to have them.
I never had this problem with Photoshop, so I'm guessing I'm just doing something wrong. Is there a proper way to set up a palette without any fullbrights? 
The way I have my fullbright-free palette set up in gimp is to start with the full 256 colour palette, then replace the last 16 colours with black. Since there's already a black colour at the top of the palette, the remaining 16 colours never get used. 
how do you make your palette? I load up a palette image texture (has the 256 colours in large blocks) and then make the bottom two rows black.

But I still see fullbrights on some reds. 
I don't know if it reapplies the palette when you edit it, have you tried saving the palette, changing the colour depth to RGB, and then changing it back to indexed with your saved, fullbright-free palette?

Otherwise there's always QMe... 
Well, what it seems like is that there are two identical reds, but only depending on the index in the palette is it determined to be fullbright or not.
It's weird because in PS, the palette would show up in the same order it was in when I created it from the palette image.
In Gimp, the colours are just all random in the palette.

Otherwise there's always QMe...
What do you mean? 
Try grabbing the file from and importing the palette from there. If you still have trouble, is it possible that some other tool is interfering? There is a shade of fullbright red with the same RGB values as a regular palette entry, so anything that converts skins from palette index to RGB and then back to palette index will inevitably lose information on some files.

re: QMe, you can use it as a cheap fullbright remover by importing the texture in question as a skin, then using the QMe palette filter tools (which are quite good actually, being custom built for quake itself) 
Thanks, I will try that out with the pcx file directly.

QMe palette filter tools
Which tools are those? I've honestly never touched that part of the program. 
Thanks, that seems to have worked! Just took importing the palette directly from a pcx file! 
QMe Skin Editor 
The skin editing in QMe is probably the most polished part of the program. You can even undo edits that you make while drawing on the skin using ctrl-z! (*) highlights the button (top right) and shows off the dialog. You can remap colours one by one if you double-click them, then pick the replacement colour from the pop-up. It's pretty laborious to do that though.

The quicker way to replace colours all at once is to untick the boxes to the left of the row. This replaces all the colours in that row with the closest match in the remaining checked rows. That last bit is important - if you have lots of fullbright oranges and reds you want to remove from your skin, make sure that all the non-fullbright orange and red rows are ticked first. Otherwise you will get poor results!

(*) 3d view only 
Ah ok, I saw that dialog but couldn't figure out at a glance what the heck it did.

Seems like a cool way to do some quick palette swaps, thanks for cluing me in on it! 
nice model, what is that from? 
It's a sneak preview of an upcoming pack of models... 
Flavour Text 
Since there's no way I can squeeze all this on the model I might as well post it here:

The defective packs (pictured left) were manufactured between July 2087 and February 2088. We advise all customers to inspect your medikits for the following indicators:

� Unusual or pungent odour
� Discolouration
� Liquid discharge from base
� Inoperative indicator light

Any pack displaying one or more of the above symptoms should be returned unopened to your retailer for exchange or a full refund.
Remember, in an emergency situation your life could depend on your medikit - be safe, not sorry.
Hm... I think I have found why .mdls have to be split the same way the verts are split on the skin map...

OBJs (for example) allow a face to contain it's own s/t tex coords, but MDLs have the s/t coords bound to the vertices themselves...

Oy... I guess I will need to figure out how to split up the OBJ mesh so that skin verts and mesh verts are split the same. 
OBJ files store verts in clockwise order, but (I guess because of OpenGL?) they need to be in counter clockwise order to draw properly. 
It's called 'ne_modelEditor' but all it can really do right now is edit UV mapping on models. :P

File->Open to open a model (.mdl but will load .obj)

RMB Drag on the 3d view rotates
MMB Drag on the 3d view pans

Click the "Show UV Mapping" button at the top.
Click and drag to move UV verts around.
Dark Blue verts are normal skin verts.
Light Blue verts are verts that share front/back tris. Moving a light blue vert moves the two together.

File->Save to save a new model. Don't overwrite your models... who knows what this program could do?! Oh right.. me. Just keep some backups of your models.

- There's no undo (there will be)
- You can't split/merge skin verts (you will eventually be able to)
- Can't select verts/tris in 3d view (you will eventually be able to)
- Can't edit 3d mesh at all (don't know if I bother with this, there are better modelling programs out there)

ne_modelEditor 0.01
Made out of java, so you can just unzip this into a folder and double click ne_modelEditor.jar
If double clicking doesn't work, you probably don't have java or it's not set up right.
Also, this requires OpenGL 1.1 compatible card... which should be like every card out there. 
Cool Stuff 
Specialising in UV maps is probably a good niche to aim for, as all the existing mdl format editors are lacking in that department. I already prefer using this tool to QMe, which doesn't even select the vertex under your cursor correctly. Quick wish-list in that department:

* Drag select
* Select adjacent vertices command
* Select entire component (all vertices connected to the current selection)
* Rotate tool
* Scale tool
* Mirror tool

That ought to be enough to let people create efficient skins.

Also one nitpicking detail: Quake actually places vertices in the middle of the pixel at the given skin coordinates, not in the top left corner of that pixel. It's a kind of unhelpful design because it means you can't get even borders on the edges of carefully aligned polygons. But it's the design we have been given so the editors have to follow it. 
Quake actually places vertices in the middle of the pixel at the given skin coordinates, not in the top left corner of that pixel.

Oh shit! I actually uncorrected this because I thought it was due to integer casting somewhere along the line!

As for your wishlist: yup. :)

Other things:
- selecting tris and being able to detach them as one piece
- being able to "relax" tris in UVs to match their shape on the mesh.
-displaying coordinates and allowing editing of UV vertices by typing in

ESC now closes UV Editor. This is mainly just a convenience shortcut.

Shift-selecting multiple frames in the sidebar of the 3d window will auto animate the frames in the selection... Just a lame way to preview animations for now until I make some proper representation of the frames... maybe with JTrees or something.

Box selection is in. Holding Ctrl while selecting will add new verts while just box selecting will clear the previous selection, as per usual windows UI standards.
Alt+Box selection to deselect vertices within the box is NOT implemented yet. (it will be)

There's no 'select element' function, but something almost as good... I emulated 3dsmax's Grow/Shrink Selection functionality. With a single vertex selected, pressing the grow selection button will select all vertices surrounding it (that are connected). Shrink selection works in reverse.
So you can select a whole element just by repeatedly hitting the + button.

A very rudimentary Undo action is implemented for UV vertex edits only. (Which is fine considering it's the only thing you can do anyway!)
Of everything, I'm the least happy with the undo implementation. I've never coded an undo system before and I realize I should have been making it along side everything else. As it is, I seem to be working around my classes which is never a good thing.

You still can't select stuff from the 3d view... Sorry, I'm just not sure how to do the traces. I realized when I sat down to code it I had no idea how a "traceline" actually works! All I could think of was doing a search in a sphere along a vector in small increments and hope to find a vertex within the radius... but that seems lame. :P

Next will be some basic functionality like rotating and scaling verts and at least edge and face selection/movement. 
You still can't select stuff from the 3d view... Sorry, I'm just not sure how to do the traces. I realized when I sat down to code it I had no idea how a "traceline" actually works! All I could think of was doing a search in a sphere along a vector in small increments and hope to find a vertex within the radius... but that seems lame. :P

There's a better way based on this fact:
The closest approach of a point to a line is where the vector between the point and the line is perpendicular to the line
You can create some linear equations which can be solved simply to give you the correct point on the line. Then calculate the length of the difference and reject the vertex if that distance is too great. I can expound on the maths later today 
Ok, so here we go. In the following maths any variable in bold is a vector, non-bold are scalars:

We can define a line in 3d space using two vectors, origin and direction. The origin a can be any fixed point on the line. The direction r is a vector parallel to the line. The equation of the line is:

x = a + k r

where x is any point on the line, and k is a scalar which can vary. For fixed a and r we can choose k to find any point on the line.

In this specific case the natural choice of a is the viewpoint of the 3d render. In quake we would find the vector r using makevectors(self.v_angle), in your java thing you're on your own...

If we let b be the coordinate of a particular vertex we are testing we get (from the post above)

r . (a + k r - b) = 0

We solve for k:

k = (b - a) . r / (r . r)

In a third post I'll bash through some algebra which uses this value of k to calculate the (squared) distance on b from the line. 
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