Cheat Commands..
#390 posted by rj on 2010/05/20 18:14:34
regarding this feature from the readme:
- god, noclip, notarget, and fly can now be explicitly set. example: "god 0" will disable god mode
how possible would it be to make cheats, specifically notarget, be enableable from the command line? ie, by adding +notarget 1 to the end of your batch file or whatever so the map loads with it turned on... unless i am missing another way to do this?
#391 posted by metlslime on 2010/05/20 19:28:09
have you tried it? It sounds like it would work.
#392 posted by rj on 2010/05/20 19:55:30
yes, and no..
#393 posted by metlslime on 2010/05/20 19:58:56
try the different possible orders of command:
+map e1m1 +notarget
+notarget +map e1m1
I'm not sure which order things are executed from the command line, it might be reverse order. And since i think "notarget" etc. gets reset at map load, that might be the reason it doesn't always work.
#394 posted by rj on 2010/05/20 20:31:50
And since i think "notarget" etc. gets reset at map load, that might be the reason it doesn't always work.
yeah that's what i figured. neither combination works (whether it has a '1' after it or not)
say i wanted to make it function like 'skill' - ie, carryable across maps, would that be qc-side or engine-side?
#395 posted by mh on 2010/05/21 01:20:52
+notarget +map e1m1 works ok on WinQuake. Best way however to make something carry across maps is to use the changelevel command instead of map. Unfortunately changelevel needs an active server to carry over state from so it won't work on the command-line.
 Running Fitzquake
#396 posted by cubby4ever on 2010/07/02 02:36:04
I need some help. When I try to run fitzquake it says it could not load gfx.wad I don't know what that is or what I should do does anyone know?
#397 posted by metlslime on 2010/07/02 03:38:24
are you trying to run fitzquake using a shortcut, or using a batch file? Or are you simply double-clicking on it directly?
 R_stereo 1 = Crash
#398 posted by Baker on 2010/07/22 07:08:16
Looks like typing r_stereo 1 in the console in FitzQuake 0.85 causes a crash or some sort of infinite loop.
#399 posted by metlslime on 2010/07/22 20:10:36
hmm, i thought that was fixed already... Or maybe the old bug was r_lightmap 1 + r_stereo 1.
Anyway, i'll look at it when i get a chance (crunching at work right now, so it might be a while.)
 Music Issue
#400 posted by Doriol on 2010/08/07 21:43:55
Sorry if this as been answered already; I don't want to look through 400 posts.
How exactly are you supposed to get the music to work? I saw a link posted somewhere of fitzquake with MP3 support, but sadly the link is dead.
 Re: Music Issue
#401 posted by Doriol on 2010/08/07 21:49:15
I would also like to add that I do have a physical copy of Quake I, purchased about 14 years ago (god I feel old). I read on the Steam forums that the music should play if you have the CD in the CD drive while you play, though I'm not sure if that applies to fitzquake. I also tried mounting it to the E drive with Daemon Tools.
#402 posted by Spirit on 2010/08/07 22:36:03
It should play from the CD if you put it into the drive with the "highest" letter. So if you have 2 ROM drives F and G, you would put it into F. I am not sure if they need that ancient cd audio cable to the motherboard/soundcard or if those even exist anymore.
 Re: Music Issue
#403 posted by Doriol on 2010/08/07 23:00:09
Whoops, my Daemon Tools virtual drive was D and Quake I was E. Going to disable the virtual drive and see if that fixes it. Thanks for the fast reply.
 Re: Music Issue
#404 posted by Doriol on 2010/08/07 23:39:28
Yep, that solved it. Thanks.
 Re: Music Issue
#405 posted by Doriol on 2010/08/08 03:46:39
Yay, another issue. The music doesn't loop. Has anyone else had this problem and/or have a solution?
I tried using fitzquake085_mp3.exe but I have the same problem as poster #326.
 Thanks Necros
#406 posted by Spirit on 2010/08/08 20:58:31
profile during demo playback segfaults the engine.
#407 posted by Spirit on 2010/08/08 21:21:49
wait, that was 0.80.
Quakespasm works.
 Also When Not Connected
#408 posted by negke on 2010/08/08 21:21:58
What's the purpose of the command anyway?
 Re 406
#409 posted by necros on 2010/08/08 22:20:05
thanks for?
profile dumps stats on which progs functions are being called the most. you can use it to see which functions are using up the most cpu time and take measures to either make them simpler (thus requiring less calculations) or make the functions get called less often.
#410 posted by necros on 2010/08/08 22:21:51
#411 posted by Spirit on 2010/08/08 22:43:08
thanks for making me try that command.
 Fitzquake Not Saving Config
#412 posted by Ether on 2010/08/12 22:51:10
Good Day folks, pleasure to see Quake enthusiasts are still alive and kicking, even if the golden era of the mapping scene has long died away.
Simply put, upon modifying console cvars such as "scr_conalpha, r_lerpmodels, r_shadows" Fitzquake won't save this settings upon exit. I've tried setting 'Savedgamecfg' to '1' but to my frustration no effect. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you!
 Gun Models Sit Below The HUD
#413 posted by Ether on 2010/08/12 22:56:31
This bug has always befuddled me but in both conventional GLquake and Fitzquake the weapon models appear from below the HUD rather than sit above it. Needless to say, it looks awkward and I've seen a YT vid of GLQuake where this problem does not occur
#414 posted by nitin on 2010/08/13 01:39:30
just put them in autoexec.cfg