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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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pants, socks, t-shirt, deodourant, toothbrush, bag.

All of which I can deal with, but I also lost the book I'd just started reading. Was really enjoying it too :( 
what was the worst hangover of your life? 
At home after drinking 2 botlles of white wine at dinner with a friend and then go out of home and smoke some grass :\

After i came home when i wakeup in the night to piss, i get the wrong door to piss and come to the street door and close it...

in underpants in winter ~:| had to ring at my sister home that is about 500 mts from my home... :(

was very bad after that i never smoke grass again... :( 
It Happens Everytime... 
and everytime i promise myself i won't do it again, but this never happened, to recover myself its required ~ 3 days, maybe i'm getting older... usually its starts with a beer and finishes with vodka and amnesia 
Next Time 
Just strap a digital camera to your head or something so you can see what you did last night. 
I Was At The Beach House 
I rent most every year for a few weeks near the end of June. I loaded up at the local liquor store, vodka, Ouzo, and some Triple-Sec for a nasty combo to win a drinking contest with my friends.

Also, so one girl brought some grass and a jug of cheap wine, and later on that evening feeling like the king of the world I stripped and ran across the beach nekid. I spotted a couple down the stretch a half mile or so and I walked up to them while singing The Door's Moonlight Drive at the top of my lungs.

They too were skinny dipping (off the Carolina Outerbanks lots of privacy and no cops), and they turned out to be English. I asked them if they cared for a threesome, and when they gave me a look of sheer panic, I laughed and played it off. "I'm kidding," and then flopping my flaccid pecker side to side. "He is in no condition for anything, tonight."

We carried on a conversation, and then went over to where they had a tent and sleeping bags spread out. I spread my blanket, fell asleep soon after.

I recall not being able to get up or move as I was incapacitated from all the shit I had consumed as little turtles crawled on and around me as they did their nightly migration.

I woke up around noon naked on the beach with two black guys I didn't know fishing with bamboo poles just a few yards away. The English couple were long gone. I covered up with the towel, and walked back to the beach house with what felt like the sun bursting inside my head. 
Headthump Wins 
that scene with you completely KOed and tiny sea turtles crawling over you against your will is a terrible and wonderful image. 
I Remember One Night When I Was 16 
I went out, met one of my freinds in the pub, drank a load of bitter (that was the stuff as far as I was concerned back then) when we met this crazy guy I know called mad mitch who gave us a little pice of weed. I remember wandering round the fringes of the town, and then smoking the weed through a can-pipe (a pipe made from a beer can with a dent and a few pin holes in it), blowing the smoke back into a condom, then passing this second hand smoke-filled condom around and generally getting wasted.
My freind went his seperate way eventually, and I returned back home at about three am or something only to find that I had lost my keys. Unwilling to rouse my parents to let me in (probably due to the obvious state I was in) I ventured back into the town center....
I woke up on a bench in a church-yard surrounded by freezing-fog at around seven am, and I recall standing up, but unable to feel my legs I instantly fell back to the ground, and lay there untill the feeling came back.

I had work that day too..... 
But That Dont Top HT's Story Neither.... 
Maybe five beers but a wrap of bolivian. Checking wikipedia to find out what date christmas is. Wife seriously hacked off cos I got in at 6. Stomach hurts cos its empty, thought of food makes me feel like topping myself.

Got the jump on that christmas hangover.

Not big and not clever.

Merry christmas. 
I Have A Drummer Friend 
some indie rock types would likely recognize his name, but I wont drop that. Back when he was with another band, he was touring down in Miami, when he got a hold of a form of acid that is referred to as 'Black'. After dropping it, he had no memory of anything up to the point he found himself lucid inside a full scuba outfit at the bottom of a nice sized hot tub. Once he realizes what is going on, he raises up out of the water only to scare the shit out of a group of people who never knew he was there. 
My driving on the motorway in a stolen ride-on lawnmower story comes to that, but that's another league. 
You Guys Got Some Heaving Hitting Hangover Stories 
But here I go anyways. It's my friends' wedding this past spring, the wedding party is at a private woodsy campground place, and among other things, they have two kegs of homebrewed mead, raspberry and honey. now i've been working the kegs for hours now, so has everbody else, the parental types are gone, and the kegs are still not near drained. Basically I get convinced to do a mead keg-stand and the part of my brain that should have said "this is a terrible idea" never kicked in. I passed out in a bathroom, and spent the next day in bed. Of course I later realize obvious fact I failed to notice at the time which was the people who convinced me to do this have massively higher tolerances than I do.

Also, the moral of all of these stories is that you should never combine alchohol and weed in large quantities, it fucks you up hardcore. 
ok I don't feel so alone now, thanks for those awesome stories, I found the snorkel one the most goddamn hilarious, though they were all great.

the weekend before last I had the worst hangover of my life - it took my over 36 hours from the time the effects wore off to recover, I got sick for a week, I was useless for days. Just when you think you understand the various drinks/drugs and what they do, and the consequences... you endup taking shit you never verified beforehand. 
Nice stories, i'll tell some stories of my drunk adventures later 
Okay Another One 
This one is a little, hell, a lot sick that I shared on another forum site, I'll repeat in full to protect the guilty, me:

XXXXXXX| December 3, 2008, 4:42pm | #
while we are sharing drunken activity stories, I have one from just two weeks ago. While doing shots of Jager with some Coronas on the side I was attempting to put a DVD in my friend's player and not getting it accomplished. I'm a very mellow guy unless threatened, so he makes the mistake of starting a countdown, 'I'm going to hit you . . . 9, 8, 7, I'm going to hit you, 6, 5, 4, ' I promptly jumped him and threw him around like a ragdoll for a few minutes. He is not happy, so he puts a finger up his ass and tells me he is going to chase me down and make
me lick it. I quickly counter by ripping a huge patch of hair from my ass and I chased him down and made him eat it. He is a martial arts tourney champ by the way, but Jager is a hell of a drink.
And This One 
A decade ago I had a bit of a substance abuse problem. One evening I get a call from a guy who I bought from at the time who wants to get together in a parking lot for a social, and he asks me to bring some liquor. I do so and he has two of his friends with him. We actually had a pretty good time shooting the shit, but I was suspicious because his two henchmen were behaving squirrelly.

He asks if we could take my car cruising, and I'm game for it. So I get in the driver's seat, one guy is shotgun, the dude is directly behind me. We are driving around a bit, and his guys start snickering. Then I feel a barrel up against the nape of my neck.

He is saying, 'You owe me twenty, man.'

I did what he likely least expected. I ignored him. He rants for a few minutes about me owing him money, and I didn't know what he was talking about, so I just keep driving. He starts to poke the barrel a few times against my head for emphasis, and raises his voice. I respond by turning the music full blast. After a minute I no longer feel the barrel against my neck and he goes silent.

We reach the parking lot, he and his friends jump out. I roll down the window and yell out, 'hey, XXX, pretty awesome. We'll have to do it again some time.'

He comes over to my window and makes a case for why I owed him money. I tell him I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about, but he could take the rest of the liquor with him. Pretty much defeated, he walks to the back seat of his guy's car, gets in and they roll.

A few weeks later it dawned on me that I really did owe him twenty bucks. I had forgotten about it from being pretty trashed when he lent it.

A year later I'm eating at a booth at a Taco Bell around lunch time and out of nowhere he just saunters into the seat on the other side of the table.

He is grinning from ear to ear, happy to see me. We talk a bit, and I ask him about some mutual acquaintances I haven't seen in a while. He tells me the latest, and then asks me, 'why haven't you called me, man. It's been like a year.'

I asked him, you honestly don't remember. You held a gun to the back of my head. He looks confused, and says something like, 'you thought that was a gun? I was just poking you with that pipe we were smoking weed from. Shit, you thought it was a gun? Shit, you could have crashed us all.'

To this day, I have no idea if I was being overly paranoid about the whole situation, or if he was covering his own ass for some particularly antisocial behavior. 
ifanyone ever talks about someone else being overly offensive here, i'll link to that post. 
No Problem, Megaman 
As Garth Brooks would put it, you've got friends in low places (as much as I hate modern country music, Garth is pretty damn acceptable to my ear, hard to explain).

Drinking Seagrams and Cranberry juice tonight. Listening to Alanis Morrisette. 'You already won me over, in spite of me . . .'

I preferred Alanis when she was angry.

Ouch, just heard an annoying phrase from this song . . . 'friends with benefits'. Hate it, despise it, would like to bury it forever. The most insipid common expression from my own generation, and I can still recall quite vividly, a guy several years ago repeating the expression with a grin on his face as if he was the most clever motherfucker on the planet for using it, and how I felt burning him alive would have been a guilt free crime due to the lack of a soul inside that meat puppet.

Megaman, you've got friends in low places, just not with benefits. 
Well . . . 
There was that time I had three drinks, blacked out, and the next thing I know I'm waking up in my bed with my shorts inside out, and my shoes are on the floor covered in vomit. I'm sure plenty of exciting shenanigans occurred between 11pm and 9am the next day, but it's too bad I can't remember them. The hangover itself wasn't too bad, though.

P.S. Tronyn, I hate to say it, but it sounds like every hangover you have is the worst hangover of your life. :/

P.P.S. I still need to open that bottle of Chinchon I brought back from Spain. Who wants to come over for a drink? 
I do. o/ 

Drinking Seagrams and Cranberry juice tonight. Listening to Alanis Morrisette. 'You already won me over, in spite of me . . .'

Cranberry juice? You on your period or something??

Deserved That One 
left that wide open for abuse.

I got a Zune from a friend (with benefits, te hee) for Christmas, and the music she loaded it with was from her collection. To be honest, I harmonize really well with Morrisette, and when I saw the best of collection was on the load out, I went straight away looking for 'One Hand In My Pocket' because (brace yourself) back in the day I could Karaoke the shit out of that song at a local joint like a high pitched little bitch. 
Oh And, Sniff 
#398 posted by starbuck [] on 2008/12/30 21:00:10

Drinking Seagrams and Cranberry juice tonight. Listening to Alanis Morrisette. 'You already won me over, in spite of me . . .'

Cranberry juice? You on your period or something??

I was out of rocky road double chunk fudge brownie ice cream and Kleenex, so what else was I suppose to do. 
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