#1 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/01/22 10:22:48
I made a few testmaps for hc1. One of them was titled "hc1struc" and determined the art style direction for the interior where I wanted to go. Another one of them had a "button opens door reveals enemies" trigger, and yet another one was the same as that, but with different textures.
#2 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/01/22 10:34:14
It turns out you can upload anything again to Quaketastic. hc1's reuploaded because I forgot to change the message "implo1t dys3ngage beta" to "implo1t dys3ngage".
Reuploaded (again)
#3 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/01/22 11:00:35
The reuploading process has been done again because DOOMer request ammo and health in the area around the pyramid.
#4 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/01/22 11:06:10
In the first two uploads of hc1, there was ammo in the gold key room. Now it's not there.