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Doom4, discuss it or not.
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I Mean 
you mention them as two seperate things, it seems. 
Minecraft isn't the greatest example in this sort of argument. It's lightning in a bottle. How many games with crappy graphics sell really well? Most of them go nowhere, fast.

Customers want the game to be fun AND look good. You can't focus on one side and ignore the other.

Not really looking to get into an argument about specific games or individual tastes but I'll say that on the whole - you need both. 
But there's the aesthetic to consider - nothing looked like Minecraft until it came out.

Also, in defence of pixel art, there's shit pixel art and good pixel art - here's some good pixel art: 
I did not express this clearly but I meant to define a separation in the functional rendering / architecture / draw distance / lighting / scripting interaction etc with the typical nasty eye candy "overlays": Blur, HDR, Bump mapping, particle effects etc etc

What about KISS and Less is more for fucks sake ?
I turned off HDR when playing Necrovision yesterday, and yeah, it looked fucks better without. 
What I mean is hasn't the tech come far enough to start considering KISS and Less is more principles. We are not really limited anymore in function as to engines. All this energy wasted on one-upping the competitors ultimately useless eyecandy... 
> The latest eye candy is just arms race, it does not serve fun.


> Quake 3 engine candy is plenty enough to pull off pleasing visuals.

Pure horseshit.

I do agree that in recent years, graphics have got to the stage where pretty much any game with current tech looks as stunning as it needs to for my purposes at least - Crysis 3, Tomb Raider, Metro Last Light, Dead Space 3, Rage, I'm talking to you - and objectively any current/future graphical increases are going to be increasingly incremental and decreasingly significant. And therefore we have got to a graphical level playing field where if you're creating with a current engine then your graphics are guaranteed to be good and what you really need to stand out is gameplay, innovation, themes, creativity etc etc. Or just fucking churn out a shitty COD clone, why not make it MP only and stick fucking mechs in as well as if that will fool anyone.

BUT this is a fuck of a way before Q3A tech, FFS. 
Before - Beyond. 
Go fuck your face. 
You can do 'pleasing visuals' in any generation. Tech might evolve but aesthetic principles are universal. 
'Just because we can' proves a terrible design methodology on a daily basis. 
That�s so true! 
I really think it would be something to see a serious company revert to an older, simpler engine, hire top of the line artists and gameplay designers and focus on simplifying/streamlining asset creation, removing any engine limits and especially insuring a constant pure 60fps that never ever ever waivers from that ONCE.

Stick to it hard, believe in it, and do it fucking well! Then make sure the marketing campaign focuses on placatingthe "bwahaha its old tech" bad press to make sure people give it a try. 
Sounds Great. 
...and doomed to sales failure :P 
Although To Be Honest.... 
....Dishonoured kinda did that. Strictly previous-gen GFX standard, looked a lot like Source....BUT strong theme, strong style, and great gameplay. Dunno whether it will set any trends but it was certainly a good game. 
Valve does this continuously no? TF2, Portal, L4D, they are all art and design over crazy visual tech, and with a fairly dated base engine (source).

And yes, all three of those are great games. 
Good Point, Well Made. 
Valve do all kinds of technical innovations in each game, just the rendering that's lagging behind. 
I really think it would be something to see a serious company revert to an older, simpler engine, hire top of the line artists and gameplay designers and focus on simplifying/streamlining asset creation, removing any engine limits and especially insuring a constant pure 60fps that never ever ever waivers from that ONCE.

Sounds like Rage. It was lighter than Doom3 in a lot of ways. They just pulled all the stops art wise with the unique texturing.
Shame they couldn't put in 200 gigs rather than the 25 they ended up with. Hope they stick to the pipeline, Rage is almost unmatched artistically.

What I'd really like is to render racing-the-beam style. I play Q3 at 250 fps on my 60hz monitor and it's a way smoother experience than if I vsync. If we could take an old-tech approach and just send scanlines to the monitor that would allow for really low latency and you could run everything at a much higher pace. Actually I think 60 fps is kinda tame, go 600 fps and have your screen evenly divided into 10 tearlines :P
That would be perfect for an e-sport kinda marketed game. 
Hey guys what's goin on this thre- Oh. 
It's Coming. 
What cunt put no space between Doom and the 4. 
Guess What 
My Doom 4 
Couldn't sleep so I was thinking about this new Doom. They shouldn't have made it take place on earth. I know it's logical (Doom 3 was a remake of Doom 1 and this would be a remake of Doom 2: Hell on Earth). However, back in those days we didn't have the graphical power to accurately display earth in a game. So many games already take place on earth and I for one have a hard time imagining Doom on earth without losing that typical Doom feeling. Darksiders did it and although it was a great game, the earth sections we're definitively the weaker parts. Besides, as a sci-fi horror fan, I think it's a setting that's underused.

Instead they should focus on what made Doom 2 great. It was more open, it had bigger fights and a larger scale overall. I really hope they don't try to mimic COD and stick to smooth run and gun gameplay with hordes of demons. No RPG stuff please. Also, they suck at doing story driven stuff. If I were them I would take a good look at Aliens and the Dead Space games for inspiration. Make it a sequel to Doom 3 and have it start with a marine battalion being sent to Mars to investigate the distress calls. Have it take place on the ruined UAC basis and hire a talented writer.

For context I would start by focus on finding out what happened. After that, the focus should be on retrieving the gate that allows the demons to come through. You could make it that the marines have to retrieve that gate, get it on board of the ship so it can be shipped to a space station where scientist can figure out how to close it for good. Of course ending in sending you with the marines though and finish it off in Hell. This allows for a variation in settings (Mars, space ship and station (Dead Space) and Hell). I would have the game switch between moments you are alone (tension, horror) and moments you work with squads. This should help pacing. You could also use zero gravity for some awesome fights (again, Dead Space).

Drop in and drop out coop would be a given. Have players team up against the demons. Also, full fledged multiplayer, including a horde modus and of course mod support (which is unlikely due to IdTech5 it's nature). Biggest selling point would be massive fights that aren't scripted. So you got big set pieces but not the COD kind. Destructible environment, secrets and no more monster closets. Also, well lit environments (let it make sense) and dark where it needs to be. No switching between flashlight and gun. No mandatory vehicle sections please unless it works in the game's advantage.

That's what my Doom would be. 
Uh... Looks Like My Post Got Deleted Somehow... 
...but I have the sneaking suspicion this is gonna be some more of what we don't need.

Gameplay on rails, RPG elements, mandatory vehicle runs... you know, that groundbreaking stuff that make you go "WOW! This is fuckin' useless and pretestuous!". 
The Silent 
Yeah, another Quake 4 
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