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Coding Help
This is a counterpart to the "Mapping Help" thread. If you need help with QuakeC coding, or questions about how to do some engine modification, this is the place for you! We've got a few coders here on the forum and hopefully someone knows the answer.
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Is that the DOE dragon? 
i rerigged him and animated him for actual combat and not just flying around path corners. 
Accelerating Back 
So I've just spent about a month without internet at home, shame I missed all that stuff about large bboxes, because that's a cool idea. If you're doing a landbound monster with a tall box, then you can create maps which can be bbox-blocked with greater ease. Low walls rarely need to be boxed in this case, just obstructions which are above the head height of regular sized entities but low enough for "the boss" to collide with.

Anyway, that's a digression. In my time away, I had lots of time to get on and finish projects. A fair few of them were quake related, and I'm posting the first one now. It's the tutorial I mentioned a dozen posts up about accelerating MOVETYPE_PUSH objects. Since it involves some formulae which I've done up in LaTeX and a few graphs, I've made a web page for it rather than just copy-paste it straight onto func.

Accelerating pushers
Also means I can fix typos and other problems, so post them here! 
i haven't really read your above post yet as accelerating movers isn't a pressing issue anymore, but i just wanted to mention: you should compile all your coding tips you've made in this thread and put them up on a site somewhere. some of them are quite useful and others are downright golden. 
No Longer Touching 
I have created a 'trigger' entity. It covers a large portion of the map and instigates certain continuous but randomly timed actions whilst the player is inside the trigger's area. Let's call it an area_trigger.

The events are called by using the trigger's touch function, as in self.touch=do_these_things, so that when the player leaves the area, do_these_things no longer gets called. If he re-enters, the events start again. So far, so good.

I now want to 'enhance' this effect so that when the player leaves the area, a separate single event takes place, and this event takes place each and any time he leaves the area, which could be one or more times throughout the game. This event must not take place at any other time.

Is there a way to read when the player stops 'touching' the trigger so that I can call this exit event. I maybe could set up multiple triggers around the area_trigger and have them switched on by the area_trigger so that the call to the exit event is operated on a one-way basis but I am hoping there is an easier way.

Any views from the coding gurus? 
Not Easily 
A better solution is to have triggers at the entrances to the area. Two in fact, separated a little. The inside one calls the enter function, the outside one calls the exit function. The functions are coded so that they only actually do something on a state change. 
actually, it is easy.

on your trigger_area touch function:

self.nextthink = time + 0.1;

since touch is called every frame, nextthink will always be set higher than time, so .think will never be called. the minute the player steps out though, and .touch isn't called anymore, nextthink will expire in the next 0.1 seconds and run the .think function.

also, since i believe .touch functions are run first (before .think functions), even if you were getting less than 10 frames per second (such that the next .touch might be AFTER 0.1 seconds) the touch will be run first, thereby resetting nextthink anyway. 
first: i forgot to mention in your .touch function, remember to store 'other' in self.enemy or somewhere so that your DO_THIS_WHEN_PLAYER_LEAVES function will know how to have as the activator (just add activator = self.enemy;)

if your trigger_area already needs to have a nextthink and think set for whatever reason, just spawn in a relay entity and do the trick on that entity instead:

if (self.owner == world)
self.owner = spawn();
self.owner.owner = self;

self.owner.nextthink = time + 0.1;
self.owner.think = DO_THIS_WHEN_PLAYER_LEAVES;


...........some code here............

self.owner = world; //break link with the relay entity and the trigger

self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
self.think = SUB_Remove; //delay remove

we set up .owner so we have an easy way to get access to the trigger_area's .enemy field, target and whatever else might be needed and we manually break the .owner connection when removing the entity because there's like a 2 second delay before entities are removed in quake. 
...........some code here............

self.owner.owner = world; //break link with the relay entity and the trigger

self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
self.think = SUB_Remove; //delay remove

otherwise your only erasing self's owner (the relay entity) and not the .owner belonging to the trigger. sorry. :P 
Not Sure If That Works 
Because when you're in a trigger, I don't think the touch function is called every frame. 
Two Stage 
If that is a problem(it certainly would be if you need to detect monsters)can use force_retouch to help you out there. The simplest way would be to set force_retouch = 2 in the touch function as soon as you've touched the trigger. This would end up polling the heck out of all the triggers in your map while someone touched the middle one, but it would fix that problem.

I think the above is the only way to make the trigger responsive within a single frame (assuming you shrink the nextthink time lots). If you're willing to have your trigger less responsive (a minimum of two frames, but the values we pick here will be 0.2 seconds) then we can end up only using force_retouch once in 0.2 seconds.

We need the trigger_detector to have three states:

STATE_EMPTY: no player inside
STATE_READY: detected a player recently
STATE_POLLING: checking if there is still a player

If a player comes into an empty trigger we go from STATE_EMPTY to STATE_READY and wait for 0.1 seconds. After that time expires we go into STATE_POLLING for 0.1 seconds. If a player touches the trigger within that 0.1 seconds, we go back to STATE_READY, otherwise we go to STATE_EMPTY (and trigger the leaving event).

We don't actually need to explicitly track these states, they are just to understand what is going on. We have a think function called trigger_detect_startpolling along the lines of

self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
self.think = trigger_detect_fire;
force_retouch = 2;

When our .think is trigger_detect_startpolling, we are in STATE_READY. When our think is trigger_detect_fire we are in STATE_POLLING. When we don't have a nextthink in the future, we are in STATE_EMPTY.

Finally to hook all of this up, we need the touch function to set

self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
self.think = trigger_detect_startpolling;

which both moves us from STATE_EMPTY to STATE_READY when the player first touches, and back from STATE_POLLING to STATE_READY when the player retouches.

On another topic, force_retouch has an important effect on touch/think order which I hadn't considered before. When set, players will touch things they are in contact with before their think functions run (and then possibly touch things AGAIN after physics has run). So anyone who was intending to exploit the order that functions run had better be careful.

Also, I'm gonna go see if things really can run touches multiple times in a single frame. If that is the case, then it really will be important to make touch functions idempotent. This is a wonderful term from mathematics for a function which doesn't do anything else when you keep applying it to it's output. For example rint(x) is idempotent - once you get a whole number out, applying rint to that whole number just gives you the same whole number.

I'm using idempotent in a slightly weird sense here, the idea being that one of the parameters to our touch function is the value of "time", the frame that we are in. Most of the original touch functions have if(self.nextthink > time) type guards in place to achieve this, but it's something important to think about if you're writing a trigger which can be touched every frame - does it matter if you trigger it many times a frame? 
i don't know why it has to be so complicated, preach... it works fine the way i said. :P no need for force_retouch or anything. 
It's needed in the case of non-player entities which don't link to the world unless they move. If you were trying to detect a monster, you would need the force_retouch. It is more than what mike asked for though, the simple suffices there... 
Oh Right 
i missed that you were checking for monsters as well. 
Necros & Preach 
Findradius Vs Find Vs Nextent 
are there any differences in how these three work?

ie: is findradius really just doing
if (distance of e < dist), add to .chain
or is it faster?

for example, if i did a findradius(org, 64) where i'm checking only a small radius, is it faster than if i findradius(org, 1024) or is it the same speed?

and if smaller radii are faster than larger ones, at what point does it become better to use nextent rather than a large findradius?
i guess that kind of thing would also depend on the total # of entities as well... 
ie: is findradius really just doing
if (distance of e < dist), add to .chain
or is it faster?

It turns out that it does something extra I'd never known about - it skips any entity that's SOLID_NOT(*). Other than that, the algorithm is as you describe, but because it's written in c skipping to the next entity is a single instruction to increment a pointer, etc. So it does run a lot faster than the QC equivalent, but it doesn't do any culling of the entity list based on the bsp tree or anything fancy.

for example, if i did a findradius(org, 64) where i'm checking only a small radius, is it faster than if i findradius(org, 1024) or is it the same speed?

They are the same speed if they contain the same number of entities. Otherwise the cost of adding more things to the chain is incurred, although that's fairly light compared to the rest of the loop.

(*) Also worth noting: the distance is measured to
origin + (mins + max) * 0.5;
not just the origin as you might guess. 
It turns out that it does something extra I'd never known about - it skips any entity that's SOLID_NOT

haha yeah, i figured that out the hard way. drove me insane for a while. -_-

Also worth noting: the distance is measured to
origin + (mins + max) * 0.5;
not just the origin as you might guess.

didn't know about this bit though. wouldn't have much of an impact unless you had some kind of weird offset bbox but good to know regardless. it does make getting precise findradius distances annoying though. if i did a findradius from one monster origin looking for other monsters, the find would have been completely accurate if it was going from origins and not bbox centers. oh well. :S 
How Difficult 
is it to find out what map a given savegame file is for?

Can someone post code / relevant savegame spec? :P 
Not Difficult At All 
Information on the map and its entities is stored in the .sav file in plain text format. 
You're Like A Savegame Wizard. 
interesting that savegames store lightstyles though. one would think that's easily gettable from the progs. 
Yeah It's Plain-text Alright, 
but the locations in the files seem to change.

I want to parse it with quakeinjector to enable loading savegames for each map, so I'd need to know how to parse the header.

Host_Loadgame_f() in
seems to be the right function (darkplaces), but it's quite complicated and I'm not familiar with the quake src. For example I have no idea what COM_ParseToken_Simple(&t, false, false); does ;-) It would probably take me an hour or so to get what's going on there. 
is it always on the same line? 
interesting that savegames store lightstyles though. one would think that's easily gettable from the progs.

The current string for each style needs to be saved because there's no post-loadgame callback for entities to set the lightstyle strings again. 
Looks Like It's The 20th Line 
save game version, description, 16 parameters, skill and then the bsp name. 
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