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Prince Of Persia. 
I just tried to play the demo. What a load of shit. Haven't they realised it's been perfectly possible to make a reasonably controllable 3PS game without retarded camera controls since, oh, Heretic2??

Bollox to that. 
On That Subject... 
Breed demo - interesting idea but tedious overcomplicated wank with bad controls feel.

Bloodrayne demo - kinda cool if a bit stupid and outdated engine. Fun moves but no saving. 
And Finally... 
How does one alter the default size that windows are opened at in Windows XP?? By default folder windows are "rather large" and I want them to be "somewhat smaller", please. 
Erm... I thought that if you just drag the window to desired size & close it, it saves the settings & reopens it at that size next time you load it?

*tries it*

PoP Cameras... 
When i played the demo, i hated the cameras. I think they must have improved a lot by the final game, becuase the camera felt pretty much as good as any other third-person game. In other words, flawed but playable.

I do like they way they put little hints in so that as you approach jump or a climb or something, the camera adjusts to show it to you. 
...errrr yeah, but then I open a different folder and it will be at the large size, and I have to drag that to a better size and so on and so forth. I want to change the *default* opening size.... 
Try maximising and then restoring the resized window, while having no other windows open. That seems to do it for internet explorer, it might be the same for other windows... 
Didn't realise it only affected individual folders. I open everything from the 'my computer' icon anwyay. 
In 2k at least there's an option to not remember folder settings (Control Panel -> Folder Options -> View -> Remember blah...) and set the default size to the current folder (same pane). I'm hoping this is helpful enough to not cause an ejaculation of sarcasm. 
Cheers but that ain't it. That just keeps the size the same for folders you've already opened and resized. I want to be able to change the default that a new folder (e.g. a zip you've just opened) will open at. 
You can't!

You're forever condemmed to have to spend 1.2 seconds resizing whenever you create a new window.

Oh the humanity! 
somewhere in there is an option to apply the current folder setup to all folders

tools->folder options->View->[Like Current Folder] 
It's not that. That doesn't change the default size for opening new folders. 
Name That Map(pak) Author 
ok about a year a go one of the regulars on here
released a map pak which had one map covering each of the quake styles (base, metal runic, etc.), they were high quality maps, with lotsa horde monster combat,
can someone tell me the name of the author/pak? 
Ironhammer's Badpak? 
or are you prehaps talking about the 4 weeks of Speedmapping packs done with each of the styles in turn? 
accually, I think you're refering to RPG's expanded versions of his maps from that Speedmapping event.

All good maps, but not the ones I'm looking for

One of the maps uses the explosion effect that
CZG uses in his recently released SP.

the base map has a path over slime ala doom,
and some enforcers and grunts come up on a lift
partway across the bridge. 
Quake1 & XP Pro 
I want to run Quake on a laptop. Can I run it on a Celeron under XP Pro with Quake.exe 1.06? I get a SIGEGV error. 
No, get Winquake or GLquake. 
Speedy response or what!

Thanks Vondur 
Maybe The Terra-X 
3-map pak from CZG? In the first map there's something similar to what you mention and in the 3rd there are explosions in a lava cave.

It was released Aug 2002, I think. I've tried to find a d/l link but I don't remember if it was officially reviewed. I think I got it directly from a link CZG published then. 
Terra Pack 
Is theoretically still in development, is theoretically still a "quick side project" and was never officially released. I don't think I've got any downloads for it around atm. I dunno if someone here has got it tucked away though... 
czg's Terra maps were not officially released. 
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