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Re: Wh40k 
that looks nice...

RTS's games are a whole other matter.... tabletop games are delicious for the time you have to make strategic maneuvers and plot the demise of your enemy.

RTS games just get my blood pressure going the wrong way :(

I still think a proper turn based 3d necormunda/mordheim with campaign support would seriously rock hard

someone mod that 
offendly has porn in his Buthead.

I am going to try to work that line into my next map review. =) 
Correct. Indeed that only looks like last generation tech rather than 2-generations-old tech like all other GW games... So one can hope eh.

P.S. Pope you suck. 
Its relic entertainment doing the duties (Homeworld, Homeworld 2 etc) so they know what they are doing RTS wise, and yeah the graphics aren't top notch but they are still very nice.

Pope, I think you have a point, would be nice if you could pause the game at any time and plan things out, give orders etc before letting rip.

I'm not sure what the plan is on what races will be supported, I for one would love to see Tyranid and Eldar forces (cos they are cool) and replace ultra marines with blood angels dammit, do they have no taste?! :D

I wonder how much detail they will go into with setting up armies before games etc, as with WH40k you set points to spend on units and equipment, so you had to think wisely, would be cool if they implemented this into multiplayer, so you could have 5000 point army servers, and 20,000 point army servers etc, and you would be able to create and save armies before you go online...

Blah, Im just excited that someone might actually do the unthinkable and make a GOOD games workshop game :) 
Tyranids Rock 
they were the coolest looking (esp Lictors and Warriors). And then the eldar, especially some of their big creature/machines.

Dont know about their actual playing capabilities because I never played, just checked otu teh miniatures. 
I Have Teh Big Gun!!"!"!!1122!21! 
Oh yes, I remember now when it was announce, yes definitely a good thing.

P.S. Excellent idea about points-based servers. 
40k Game Thing Stuff 
Pope, I think you have a point, would be nice if you could pause the game at any time and plan things out, give orders etc before letting rip.

I am told this is a feature in the game at the moment, it sounds like it's gonna be good. Also, rather than building units like in starcraft, you get points for reinforcements by capturing locations, and they arrive by transport or drop pods, which seems to fit better with the background. 
So less C&C, more Ground Control style?

Sounds like it might actually be good then. 
I'd of surely hated having to scrounge for resources In order to magically train up some space marines.

as for what armies will be in it... I doubt many... the ultra marines vs orcs is obvious choice due to the red vs blue idealism. Future armies I'd suspsect would be included in "expansions" in order to turn a buck, and get this game out the door sooner.

being able ot pause will be nice, but in Multiplayer how will that fare?

I most certainly will still invest in this product, as I have been a fan of GW for a long time and this looks like a game that I can enjoy. I still stand by my original idea of simple transplanting the tabletop formula to PC. I mean c'mon it has so much opportunity!
With skin support , there'd be a vast community trading excellent skins for their 'boyz' and whatnot. Individually naming your champions, marking kills on your dreadnoughts. Oooooh I get giddy thinking about it.

and my opinion on tyranids... the default GW color scheme on them is fugly, thus making me shun them until I'd seen some creative paintjobs that just oozeds alien hive activity 
On Races 
I've read, and mind that all of this info is third hand now, that the races are space marines, orks, chaos marines, one other race in single player, and one other race in multiplayer. I'd like to think the 'nids are going to make it somewhere. 
it wouldn't be 40k without them, evil bastards =) 
UT2004 Cheap have UT2004 (6cd or DVD edition) available for �17.99 for people that are interrested, I haven't been able to find a better price elsewhere... 
Yes, but if they ported it straight from table top, GW wouldn't be able to charge their extortionate prices. 
Maybe Old News? 
doom3 to support co-op only on x-box version:

well, maybe hl2 will? 
Oh boy! Co-op in a game not designed for it! That'll really make the Xbox version better! 
Re 3731 
yeah but they'd attract more zealous gamers into the fray.

starting up a Mordheim campaign over here, anyone who wants to fly over here is welcome to play with us. :D

(bring terrain!) 
I think we have a couple of guys from spain here, I hope you guys are alive and well. And all of your friends and loved ones too. This has been quite an awful day... 
My friend's uncle lives two minutes from the point of attack & apparently and takes the metro every morning. He hasn't been able to contact him yet :-/

Frightening stuff... 
3-11, nunca olv�dese

Prince Of Persia. 
I just tried to play the demo. What a load of shit. Haven't they realised it's been perfectly possible to make a reasonably controllable 3PS game without retarded camera controls since, oh, Heretic2??

Bollox to that. 
On That Subject... 
Breed demo - interesting idea but tedious overcomplicated wank with bad controls feel.

Bloodrayne demo - kinda cool if a bit stupid and outdated engine. Fun moves but no saving. 
And Finally... 
How does one alter the default size that windows are opened at in Windows XP?? By default folder windows are "rather large" and I want them to be "somewhat smaller", please. 
Erm... I thought that if you just drag the window to desired size & close it, it saves the settings & reopens it at that size next time you load it?

*tries it*

PoP Cameras... 
When i played the demo, i hated the cameras. I think they must have improved a lot by the final game, becuase the camera felt pretty much as good as any other third-person game. In other words, flawed but playable.

I do like they way they put little hints in so that as you approach jump or a climb or something, the camera adjusts to show it to you. 
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