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General Abuse
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Hurrah For Using 'gay' As An Insult 
Grow up, the pair of you. 
Quit being a fag first. 
Too Funny 
'the sidelines are mostly crushed babies.'

I spat out my nose laughing so hard. Good stuff. 
I'm amazed that such intolerance still exists today. You're pathetic. 
I hate niggers, queers, blackies, jews, europeons, faggots, homosexuals, coondogs, russians, hispanics, athiests, yids, and mappers named LTH. 
Evillair Remakes Q2 Textures For Q3:

(not just Q3 ... pretty much any game that uses higher-res true-color textures.) 
nice! Thanks for posting something constructive. 
Thanks Metlslime 
I'll have to see how EvilLair's
textures compliment my own Xatric redux.

'not just Q3 ... pretty much any game that uses higher-res true-color textures.'

There is one outstandingly good texture artist, I can't remember the name, he has a site on Polycount, who specializes in Industrial and Social Realist like designs who does limit the use of the textures to Q3 only. I don't get it but I'm glad not everyone is so fickle. 
If you think of the guy's name, please tell me. I'm curious what social realism in a texture set would look like. 
I Found It, 
and I can't believe Rorshach's name excaped my memory.

Jackboot and Singlemalt in particular have elements of social realism in my opinion (the good old fashion Soviet kind and the more ironical modern type that you find on the covers of Don Delillo novels and 1970's print adds). 
Rorshach doesn't limit his textures to q3 only, the reason most of his textures are in .bmp format is so they can be converted to whatever game you need them for. He only restricts commercial use, or if someone wants to use them in a contest map. 
I don't think that qualifies as social realism. It's more an ironic romanticization of dystopia in the style of 1984, Brazil, and their ilk. 
Thanks For The Clarification 
When I went back to the site to get the info Metlslime requested I realized upon scanning his terms of usuage that that was yet another one of my misinterpertations. Somedays, some lifetimes, my moniker fits extremely well.

Metlslime -- I saw it as ironical too. I wonder how you would duplicate the more sincere forms of Social realism. To get that feel of Havana during the 60's turmoil or Stalingrad during the war would be interesting, the results would be menacing.

ever read Lucius Shepard? 
Ohmigod, this isn't water, it's gasoline!


Are you going to walk off my lawn peacefully or do I have to hook the pressure hose to the septic tank again? 
That sounds like what we call an "empty threat". 
Welcome to the internet. 
I don't understand a) how people can be so casually intolerant and
b) that nobody else here dared pick you up on it. 
It's not really casual intolerance, it's casual insults. There is a subtle difference.

And the remade Q2 textures are really nicely done. However, having made a map with them (you'll see in about a week), the colour is far too monotinous. Mixing them with the Q2Waste set Lun did works well though. 
No Sense 
I't's good to have the abuse in general
mostly I have the mistake in commen
sometimes I get the idea of reason
but mostly I have the pretention for saken 
It's both, and the latter I don't mind. Just the use of 'gay' as an insult I find offensive. 
that's becuase you're gay.

...not that there's anything wrong with that. 
Now, see, if I were to say "Fuck you", then the virgins around here would take offense. And that would be a lot of people I would offend. 
you could say someone is 'dumb' and really offend all the non-speakers here. 
political correctness is way out of style 
But surely the duality of meaning that is inherent in the English language, combined with the context leads any reasonable man to see it as an insult only, rather than a statement that someone is homosexual. Anyone who can't is a fucking faggot. 
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