#26 posted by
ijed on 2010/03/27 01:06:52
And I hate that fucking phrase.
Metslime, are you some sort of covert operative of the NAMBLA organisation? One looking to increase 'industry growth'.
Fuck this. I sign off on the whole thing. I'll probably be a witness in a few years time. Meanwhile, I'm going to quit my job and learn accounting or television.
You know, one of those hetro careers.

North American Marlon Brando Lookalikes?
#27 posted by
rj on 2010/03/27 02:09:31

#28 posted by
ijed on 2010/03/27 02:53:22
John, post a photo.
Just realised I'm bringing you down to Shamblers level.
Not mine of course, I'm just an observer.

#29 posted by
ijed on 2010/03/27 02:54:05
What does Shambler look like? A big white Marlon Brando?
#30 posted by
Spirit on 2010/03/27 09:17:33
Shambler is Jamie Oliver.

CZG: You Forgot It On #tf
#31 posted by
JPL on 2010/03/27 17:35:17

#33 posted by negke on 2013/01/20 20:32:10
Wasn't there someone trying to finish czg's Doom-textured base map (czg05, I believe) some time ago? What became of this undertaking?
#34 posted by Yhe1 on 2013/01/21 07:39:03
CZG, Please finish Terra!

Why Was This Never A Sticky?
#35 posted by
Shambler on 2013/01/21 10:14:05

Well I For One...
#36 posted by
quaketree on 2013/01/22 09:06:43
Am not in favor of seeing a sticky and pillaged ass of anyone. Much less CZG's.
But maybe that's just me.