Dynamic Looping Sound?
#3561 posted by ranger on 2025/01/19 09:16:41
I'm trying to make a breakable prop play a looping sound, but stops once it's killed and leaves a "corpse"
the sound is precached and has a marker for loops
ambientsound (self.origin, "ambience/thingy.wav", 1.0, ATTN_STATIC);
--works but continues to play once the object is killed, even with a ambientsound (self.origin, "misc/null.wav", 0.0, ATTN_STATIC); added to the self.th_die
self.noise = "ambience/thingy.wav";
sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "ambience/thingy.wav", 1.0, ATTN_STATIC);
--neither of these don't play the sound at all ingame
 Sounding Off
#3562 posted by Preach on 2025/01/19 23:43:46
sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "ambience/thingy.wav", 1.0, ATTN_STATIC);
This is the correct approach, make sure that self is the entity you expect to make the sound, and try different attenuation values. We're back to where we started! To anticipate your next question, in order to stop the sound, the misc/null.wav idea comes in, but it's key to have both the same entity AND the same channel when you do so.
 Seems Not To Work?
#3563 posted by ranger on 2025/01/20 03:37:49
void () thingy =
self.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
self.skin = 0;
self.frame = 0;
self.classname = "device";
precache_model ("progs/d.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/d2.mdl");
setmodel (self, "progs/d.mdl");
setsize (self, '-8 -8 -8', '8 8 8');
precache_sound ("misc/glass1.wav");
precache_sound ("ambience/elec1.wav");
self.health = 1;
self.th_die = dDead;
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "ambience/elec1.wav", 1.0, ATTN_STATIC);
void () dDead =
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
self.classname = "device";
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/glass1.wav", 1.00, ATTN_NORM);
self.skin = 1;
if (((random () * 10) >= 7))
self.frame = 1;
self.frame = 2;
if ((self.health <= -80))
self.frame = 3;
ThrowGib ("progs/glass1.mdl", -60);
ThrowGib ("progs/glass2.mdl", -40);
sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/null.wav", 0.0, ATTN_STATIC);
#3564 posted by ranger on 2025/01/20 03:40:48
changed thingy to looping electricity sound elec1, but seems to not work ingame? i don't hear it unless it's "ambientsound"?
 Very Strange?
#3565 posted by ranger on 2025/01/20 03:52:44
Just confirmed that it doesn't work on my side
Seems to only work if i put the sound into its animation frame... but the problem is that it's not playing/looping correctly as the model doesn't have enough frames?
and adding this doesn't work (no sound plays)
self.think = AmbientTestSound;
self.nextthink = time + 10 *random();
#3566 posted by Preach on 2025/01/20 22:00:30
How far away is the player from the entity when AmbientTestSound runs? You're using ATTN_STATIC, which is the shortest distance a sound will travel. It might be a problem if the player isn't there to hear the start of the sound, even if they move into range later in the loop. Playing the sound as part of a spawn function might have a similar problem.
 It's Not The Attn?
#3567 posted by ranger on 2025/01/21 04:45:50
ambientsound (self.origin, "ambience/elec1.wav", 1.0, ATTN_STATIC);
^this causes the sound to play, but then it keeps playing after dead
sound(self, CHAN_BODY, "ambience/elec1.wav", 1.0, ATTN_STATIC);
^nothing plays at all/silent
 Dynamic Looping Sound Not Possible In Quake?
#3568 posted by ranger on 2025/01/21 04:51:24
i just looked through all the qc... i can't find any instance where there's a looping sound played that's not from being placed in the model's anim frame
 Clearly Possible
#3569 posted by Preach on 2025/01/21 13:55:41
Set up a door, trigger it and block it. It generates a looping sound that continues indefinitely. So there's a problem with your set-up, but Quake is completely capable of doing it.
 Not The Same
#3570 posted by ranger on 2025/01/21 15:53:15
that's (eg) self.noise1 = "doors/ddoor2.wav";
not the same as ambientsound or sound
 If Anyone Wants To Know I Figured It Out!
#3571 posted by ranger on 2025/01/21 15:55:49
the object ( with the sound() )needs a think and the sound() needs to be its own func with a think too
strangely this is the only way that it'll work lol
 Few Questions
#3572 posted by ranger on 2025/01/21 16:03:10
1 what controls how fast an anim plays/speed?
2 how do i make other player weapons knockback monsters or monster weapons knockback victims? (i know player explosions knock back already)
3 I'm trying to make monsters see through water with AI.qc trace_inopen && trace_inwater = TRUE, but seems monsters can see through the floor that's under the water? (thus some of my monster faction get angry at enemies located in unreachable areas, "under" the water surface)
can be fixed with code? or engine bug?
 More Replies
#3573 posted by Preach on 2025/01/21 22:34:36
that's (eg) self.noise1 = "doors/ddoor2.wav";
not the same as ambientsound or sound
The code that makes the sounds is
void() door_go_down =
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, self.noise2, 1, ATTN_NORM);
It's using sound, like I said. noise2 is just somewhere to note down which sound to use later. Your solution with the think is a way to achieve what I said about delaying the sound until after the spawn function.
1 what controls how fast an anim plays/speed?
The default is 0.1 seconds per frame. You can manually set the nextthink time in each think function with self.nextthink = time + frame duration;
2 how do i make other player weapons knockback monsters or monster weapons knockback victims? (i know player explosions knock back already)
All weapons knock back like explosions, knockback is proportional to damage. Explosions make the effect obvious because they inflict a big burst of damage and cause self damage. But if you play multiplayer you can see how a full-on shotgun boosts you.
The problem with monsters is that they instantly cancel out velocity with their own movement when in contact with the ground. You'd have to pop them up into the air like how dogs and fiends leap. But note that dogs and fiends have a strategy to unstuck themselves if they land in an awkward position. You might need a plan for other monsters, else players may abuse this feature to easily strand them in stuck points.
3 I'm trying to make monsters see through water with AI.qc trace_inopen && trace_inwater = TRUE, but seems monsters can see through the floor that's under the water? (thus some of my monster faction get angry at enemies located in unreachable areas, "under" the water surface)
can be fixed with code? or engine bug?
If you wrote...
if (trace_inopen && trace_inwater)
return TRUE;
..then the bug is entirely of your own making. Work out what you've done, then ask yourself if sometimes less is more.
#3574 posted by ranger on 2025/01/22 05:05:09
for the water i just flipped some values of defaults from ID... dunno how it actually works
how do you make them not see through the underwater floor?
#3575 posted by ranger on 2025/01/22 05:07:11
about knock back, is there "mass" in quake physics or is every monster as light as the player?
 Clarification On Momentum
#3576 posted by Preach on 2025/01/22 21:52:48
Knockback is performed by this code in combat.qc:
// figure momentum add
if ( (inflictor != world) && (targ.movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK) )
dir = targ.origin - (inflictor.absmin + inflictor.absmax) * 0.5;
dir = normalize(dir);
targ.velocity = targ.velocity + dir*damage*8;
The MOVETYPE_WALK check is one more reason why in practice it only affects players - monsters are MOVETYPE_STEP. If it was simply whether the monster was on the ground (as I suggested earlier) then you would be able to interrupt a fiend's leap with a shotgun blast, but observation tells us we can't in vanilla Quake. The velocity is set directly, so there is no mass calculation (in fact, nobody has defined mass in vanilla Quake).
I tried to drop a hint before but you didn't pick up on it. Let's try again... In vanilla Quake there is some code for the interaction between line of sight and water. Here it is
if (trace_inopen && trace_inwater)
return FALSE; // sight line crossed contents
Now I will translate this code into plain English
if= if
trace_inopen = part of the trace is in the open air
&& = and
trace_inwater = part of the trace is in the water
return FALSE = then the answer to the question of whether the monster can see its target is no
//sight line crossed contents = (because the line of sight passed through the surface of the water)
Put that together:
If part of the trace is in the open air and part of the trace is in the water, then the answer to the question of whether the monster can see its target is no (because the line of sight passed through the surface of the water).
Can you please post your version of this code, and the English translation of your version?
 Just Flipped Some Values Of Defaults
#3577 posted by ranger on 2025/01/23 05:37:16
float (entity targ) visible =
local vector spot1;
local vector spot2;
spot1 = self.origin + self.view_ofs;
spot2 = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs;
traceline (spot1, spot2, TRUE, self); // see through other monsters
if (trace_inopen && trace_inwater)
return (TRUE); //was FALSE, sight line crossed contents
if (trace_fraction == TRUE) // Direct line of sight
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
I think the problem is due is id never intended monsters to see through water if their code
 No No No
#3578 posted by Preach on 2025/01/23 08:30:15
For the third time, this is a bug entirely of your own making because you haven't thought through what you've doing.
Read my previous post, which anticipated the code you'd changed and the change you made. I carefully described exactly what the unmodified code does in plain English.
If part of the trace is in the open air and part of the trace is in the water, then the answer to the question of whether the monster can see its target is NO (because the line of sight passed through the surface of the water).
Look at the change you've made to that portion of the code, and make the corresponding change to that paragraph of text. Then post the paragraph of text.
 I Don't Understand What's Going On
#3579 posted by ranger on 2025/01/23 11:28:06
Preach, dude I appreciate you helping me out lot before man, but now feels like there's passive aggressiveness .... I don't get where it's coming from?
I suggested you could just tell me the code fix, as opposed to trying to explain the programming theory behind it... I obviously am not a programmer
#3580 posted by Preach on 2025/01/24 00:34:02
Here's where I disagree. You are a programmer, you're writing a mod. And you need to learn a bit of humility, especially at this early stage. Before you assume there's some obscure bug in Quake, maybe pause and ask if you could have introduced the bug yourself.
This thread does not come with a Service Level Agreement, and I think it's reasonable to try and get you to solve a few more problems yourself. I'm trying to help you help yourself here, and I don't think I'm setting you an problem you can't complete.
To keep things moving, here's the English translation of your code:
If part of the trace is in the open air and part of the trace is in the water, then the answer to the question of whether the monster can see its target is YES (because the line of sight passed through the surface of the water).
Can you see the problem with this yet?
#3581 posted by ranger on 2025/01/24 10:32:09
Honestly I don't really see... Is it because there's no explicit check for brush under the water?
Regardless if I know the "code to English translation", I still wouldn't know the solution
 Separate Note, You're Not Gonna Believe This
#3582 posted by ranger on 2025/01/24 10:37:50
My mod is actually lagging sometimes and I don't know what causes it??
It's not due to map brushwork.
All I know is it doesn't lag if I look away from roughly the center of the map
Is there any way for me to diagnose this cause, without having reverting my code line by line ?trial and error?
#3583 posted by ranger on 2025/01/24 10:41:35
*without line by line trial and error
 Guess You're Not Wanting To Help Resolve These 2 Issues...
#3584 posted by ranger on 2025/01/25 17:14:03
#3585 posted by rj on 2025/03/06 00:47:31
Regardless if I know the "code to English translation", I still wouldn't know the solution
Just caught up on this exchange and curious to know if you managed to figure out the answer?