QC Code
#3550 posted by
Preach on 2025/01/11 09:36:42
To narrow down the search, I took a look at how the flashlight was programmed in client.qc. It turns out that the flashlight uses different effects in the flash_on function between versions U and T.
In version T:
myflash.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT;
In version U:
//myflash.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT;
myflash.traileffectnum = particleeffectnum("flashlight"); //tribal glow
Presumably the fancy effects are not compatible with high frame rates in the engine, and changing back to EF_DIMLIGHT will fix the issue.
#3551 posted by
Andrew on 2025/01/11 12:36:36
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what I wrote about, but the effects in the new version look very good, and I'd like to keep them. It is a pity if they are not compatible with the frame rate. Then I will have to disable more than half of the new effects and return them as in version 01T.