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Coding Help
This is a counterpart to the "Mapping Help" thread. If you need help with QuakeC coding, or questions about how to do some engine modification, this is the place for you! We've got a few coders here on the forum and hopefully someone knows the answer.
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Step Height 
Look up #define STEPSIZE here

The height for climbing a step is applied equally for both players and monsters. But one of the differences is how smoothly the movement is applied. A player moving at 360 units per second on a modern computer would have that movement split up into 72 segments of length 5. Each movement can climb one step, so the player can comfortably manage many steps close together.

In contrast, a monster moving forwards at 360 units per second would move in just 10 segments of 36 units each. And the movement is all or nothing - if the monster would need to climb TWO steps to reach the end point, it will collide with the second step and the entire movement is aborted.

So putting more horizontal spaces between the steps will help a lot. Monsters will also never go off a ledge with drop a of more than 1 step using walkmove or movetogoal - you have to give them velocity movement if you want them to really fall. Be careful, it's easy to turn see that feature turn into an exploit as your monsters can now be lured into pit traps and completely bypassed. 
Another alternative is to split up the navigation into small segments within a frame, for example replacing movetogoal(20) with movetogoal(10); movetogoal(10); It's not always a 1 to 1 equivalence, like with lots of Quake AI it's a thing to experiment with and tune. 
Host Error Pr Execute Program Null Function 
This error means that you've forgotten to set something, but the error message doesn't tell you which something it is. Some possibilities are

th_stand - the AI for an idle monster
th_run - the AI for a newly alerted monster
th_pain - the AI for a pain animation
th_die - the AI for a death animation
think - the next function to run after a timer.

To try and diagnose, add this line to the START of your monster spawn function

th_stand = SUB_Null;

If that fixes the error, you know that you've forgotten th_stand - and NOW you need to fix that by giving the monster the AI, this is a diagnostic tool only. If that doesn't help, add another line

th_run = SUB_Null;

Repeat until adding a line avoids the crash, then develop a fix. 
Step Height 
soo... you're saying it cannot be changed via mod? it's engine based? 
No Change 
Yeah, #define means it's hard-coded when the engine is compiled. 
ok i resolved the null bug - was missing the think/nextthink... i was using custom entity so walk monster start wasn't working 
Monster AI (II) 
It's sorta working (thanks for the findNextMonster Preach!) (monsters sometimes attack other faction monsters) but very unreliable - vs the player whom they always attack instantly on sight?

the 2 main issues I'm still trying to solve is:

1 - monsters find a new enemy after killing the current hostile faction monster; (currently they just sit there, even if new enemy monster enters their LOS)

2 - monsters commonly do not fight enemy faction monsters on sight, only sometimes?

so how can i solve these 2? do you need to see my "FindTarget" again? or? 
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