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The TrenchBroom Level Editor
Today I am releasing TrenchBroom 1.0 for Windows and Mac OS X. TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake.

- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Smart clip tool
- Move, rotate and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Automatic backup
- Support for .def and .fdg files, mods and multiple wad files
- Free (as in beer) and open source (GPLv3)
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux supported)

Check out a video of TrenchBroom in action here.

You can download the editor here.

If you would like to give feedback, please do that in this thread. If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please submit them at the issue tracker.

If you are wondering where the Linux binaries are then sorry, but currently there are none. The Linux version has a few problems which I could not fix before this release. I will get working on those right away so that the Linux version should be available in a couple of weeks, too.

Finally, I would like to thank necros for all his work over the past year. Without his tireless efforts, TrenchBroom would simply not exist. Or it would suck.

Alright, enough of this. Have fun with the editor!

Update: 2.1 here:
Features "cool shit".
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Can you give me the manufacturer and model of your GFX card and the driver version? 
Smooth 3d camera view! I never knew what I was missing using WC 1.6b all this time :)

This is seriously excellent work SleepwalkR! However, as a Wacom tablet user I find the camera navigation a bit of a pain in the ass because I don't have a scroll whell on my mouse. Is there any chance you could make the camera controls adjust when the alt key is pressed (assuming this doesn't get in the way of anything else)? I'm thinking holding alt would make the middle mouse and moving the mouse/pen move the camera forward and backward.

Anyone else use a Wacom for everything (not just photoshop/zbrush etc)?

More extensive filters and perhaps even some kind of visgroups like system would great, though I've not exactly spent much time with the editor yet, so I don't know quite what is and isn't possible.

One other thing I thought I had posted already, but maybe not, is that WC handles cloning by shift + drag object. This works great, though WC is a 2d editor, and the drag clone makes perfect sense in 2d, wheras it might be hard to do correctly in 3d. 
I did mention the shift drag thing :)

Looking forward to trying 3d only editing now. I'm going to go through the docs and build a simple map I think.

By the way, I love how easy the set up is, and that TB uses the wadstring of the .map file. This is something WC does not do, and it sucks working on more than one map at a time because of it. 
I just use Ctrl + D to dupe objects... It's fairly quick to get something good whipped up.

I'm thinking of asking my friend to help me make a tutorial video (I can make levels but I can't make videos... wtf). 
This is seriously excellent work SleepwalkR!


However, as a Wacom tablet user I find the camera navigation a bit of a pain in the ass because I don't have a scroll whell on my mouse. Is there any chance you could make the camera controls adjust when the alt key is pressed (assuming this doesn't get in the way of anything else)? I'm thinking holding alt would make the middle mouse and moving the mouse/pen move the camera forward and backward.

This is a good idea. I will include this in 1.0.5, to be released in a couple of days.

More extensive filters and perhaps even some kind of visgroups like system would great, though I've not exactly spent much time with the editor yet, so I don't know quite what is and isn't possible.

TrenchBroom currently lacks a proper group / layer system, but this is on the todo list. It will be based on func_groups, which I plan to extend so that you can add entities to them (currently a func_group can only contain brushes). This also gives you the ability to have hierarchical groups. Add to that a group browser where you can quickly hide and lock groups and it should be really powerful.

One other thing I thought I had posted already, but maybe not, is that WC handles cloning by shift + drag object. This works great, though WC is a 2d editor, and the drag clone makes perfect sense in 2d, wheras it might be hard to do correctly in 3d.

Yeah, this is on the todo list for 1.1. 
More Suggestions 
God I fucking love this editor. Feels a bit clunky now, but that's just because I'm not used to it yet. Feels so fucking modern and awesome... I've been using WC 1.6a (last version 1998...) since I started mapping and have yet to find an editor I liked more. Trenchbroom is still lacking some of the nicer features of WC, but it's really amazing so far and has a lot of things WC 1.6a will never have, such as 3 point clipping and 3d editing that works (WC 1.6a actually has 3d editing for some modes, such as vertex manipulation, but it sucks)

+ shortcut to hide selection highlight and outlines
+ flat render mode should probably have shading based on face + camera normal

I wonder how you could go about implementing some kind of visgroup style system without breaking the map format. One thing you could do is perhaps have a func_group for each area you want to group that could have an name key that would be handled by Trenchbroom so that it is automatically loaded into visibility groups on map load and regrouped on save. This would presumably allow it to stay compatible with compilers, and with better filters, there would be no real need to have visgroups that support entities like WC has. However, you would need to be able to filter much better than you can currently. For example, filter by flags (e.g. not in dm, skill level), target, targetname, entity type (not just built in types) and perhaps even combinations would be amazing.

Also, a mode that renders faces with flagged textures as wireframe or translucent would be quite nice; It would be useful to be able to draw skip faces simply as wireframe for instance. 
Hierarchical Groups 
Awesome! Are you planning on adding more extensive filters?

Btw, sorry I couldn't help with the Linux port. I wanted to but couldn't get it building, no matter how hard I tried :/ 
Your vertex/edge editing mode is amazing! Fucking love it. WC worked ok, since you could select multiple vertices at once and use box selection on them for fairly quick editing, but it was horrible to use in the 3d view and didn't auto clump vertices, so editing rocks was a pain in the arse. TB handles this really well.

Clipper is just unbelievable too!

I love how clean and stable everything feels too! You guys have done a great job and I will probably switch over to TB and get mapping soon and help as much as I can with testing and feature suggestions, though if I have time I would love to actually try helping implement features. 
Sorry To Keep Spamming 
Maybe it's just my weird brain, but grid shortcuts make more sense as powers of two btw. Since you can't map ctrl + 256, maybe ctrl+1 = 2 (2^1), ctrl+2 = 4 (2^2) etc. would make more sense. Is there any point in having grid size 1?

The only reason I am mentioning this is because I have a Japanese keyboard and ctrl + and ctrl - don't work :/ + and - work in WC 1.6a, but they are assuming my keyboard is US I think. 
+ shortcut to hide selection highlight and outlines

Outlines can be hidden in the View tab, doesn't that also hide the selection outline? Oh, you want a shortcut for it. Okay, will add to the issue tracker.

+ flat render mode should probably have shading based on face + camera normal

I have added this to the issue tracker.

I wonder how you could go about implementing some kind of visgroup style system without breaking the map format.

func_groups get names and some status bits (hidden, locked etc.). If an entity is added to a group, it gets a key such as "_group" = "<name of that group>". That's all. Other editors will not understand it, but it won't bother them either. QBSP ignores all keys that start with an underscore.

Also, a mode that renders faces with flagged textures as wireframe or translucent would be quite nice; It would be useful to be able to draw skip faces simply as wireframe for instance.

This is already on the todo list.

Awesome! Are you planning on adding more extensive filters?

Yes, definitely.

Btw, sorry I couldn't help with the Linux port. I wanted to but couldn't get it building, no matter how hard I tried :/

No problem. I have fixed most issue with the Linux port, but I'm having trouble creating binaries for it. It seems that the compilation process is not compatible with how you create debian packages, so I'll have to write / adapt the makefiles. If anyone is versed in this, or knows someone who might be able to help out, I'd appreciate a shout. 
We Should Get A Room Or Something 
Maybe it's just my weird brain, but grid shortcuts make more sense as powers of two btw. Since you can't map ctrl + 256, maybe ctrl+1 = 2 (2^1), ctrl+2 = 4 (2^2) etc. would make more sense. Is there any point in having grid size 1?

You will be able to customize all keyboard shortcuts in 1.1.

I love how clean and stable everything feels too! You guys have done a great job and I will probably switch over to TB and get mapping soon and help as much as I can with testing and feature suggestions, though if I have time I would love to actually try helping implement features.

Thanks again. The stability and level of polish is largely necros' achievement, he did lots and lots of testing for me and he was also a great help to get the user interface to be coherent. Coherence is a big thing for me, and I think it's one of the main reasons why the editor is so slick.

If you want to help out with programming, that would make me very happy. I'm doing this all alone in my free time, and it would be great to offload a bit of work here and there. I suggest that you create a fork on github as soon as you're ready and look at the source. Then you can claim a feature request on the issue tracker and start banging away. Once you're done, you just send me a pull request and I will integrate your changes in the master branch.

If you have any questions or need an introduction into TB's architecture and design, let me know and we can schedule a skype session or something. 
Sorry To Keep Spamming 
Maybe it's just my weird brain, but grid shortcuts make more sense as powers of two btw. Since you can't map ctrl + 256, maybe ctrl+1 = 2 (2^1), ctrl+2 = 4 (2^2) etc. would make more sense. Is there any point in having grid size 1?

The only reason I am mentioning this is because I have a Japanese keyboard and ctrl + and ctrl - don't work :/ + and - work in WC 1.6a, but they are assuming my keyboard is US I think. 
Will Do! 
(btw, sorry for that repost, I refreshed the page and something fucked up)

I'll fork it once I've had a bit more of a play with it and have a good idea of what things I would like to see in it. I wanted to make my own editor a while ago, and also wanted to do some open source stuff lately, so this would be a perfect project to help on :) 
One Last Thing 
I'll shut up after this and start adding these ideas and feature requests in a sensible place, but some kind of export map support would actually be helpful I feel. Basically, have a button that saves the map to a default location with a set name without making Trenchbroom start to use that file as the current map would be great for compiling.

I'm not sure how many people do this, but I have a batch file set up for compiling that always uses a default file that I export from WC (always quake\id1\maps\ and being able to auto save to this file would be handy. Currently if I save to that file, trenchbroom then continues editing with that file as the live file, which is not really what I want to do.

If this is something other people would like perhaps it would be a good thing to add? 
Cool Editor Bro 
I like the 3d-only concept but I can't figure out how to do the simplest of things. Forgive my ignorance, it's been literally years since I've done any mapping.

1 - Since there's only the 3d view, when i click and drag to make a new brush, what determines what axis i'm dragging on? The camera angle?

2 - How do I resize a brush? When I select it it seems I can only move it or select individual faces. Is it only by vertex editing? Because-

3 - Similar to #1- I was trying to mitre two brushes together and just dragging the two corner vertices on a single brush never actually put them where I wanted. Is this just a matter of using clipping instead? 
The first brush in the empty void is always a bit of a pain.
You can pull brush faces across a plane by holding shift and click/drag.
No idea what you mean by mitre two brushes... you can select vertex editor by pressing V. 
You should have a look at the documentation. It's all in there. But as I hate the "RTFM" folks, here are some pointers:

1 - Depends on what you're clicking on. If you start the drag in the void, then it's the camera angle. If you start your drag on another brush, it's the plane of the coordinate system that is most similar to the face's boundary plane.

2 - Hold Shift and move the mouse next to or on top of the face that you want to move. The face that will be moved is highlighted with a white outline. Then start dragging with the left mouse button to move that face.

3 - Vertices are only moved by fixed offsets and are not automatically snapped to the grid. If that is what you want, you must hold Shift while dragging the vertex. If you want to move the vertices vertically, you need to hold Alt while dragging. 
That sounds like an obscure feature to me. If you can muster up other people who want this, then I'll add it, otherwise I'd rather leave it out because it's something you can easily change in your batch file.

Do other editors actually support this workflow? 
I thought of a simpler way this could be done than adding additional controls, although it'd only work for entities. How about hiding or not via keyvalues - say, everything with the name 'key_door' or of the class 'func_door'.

Just a series of bitflags, really, although detecting the targetnames of stuff would be more difficult. 
Tutorial Videos... 
I am in talks with a friend who makes professional videos about making a few tutorial vids. Hopefully I can get it done, might not be straight away though. 
That would be a use case for filtering, but groups are different. I think there are other reasons to make groups:

1. You want to be able to quickly select objects that belong together because they form an architectural feature, such as a door incl. its frame. The goal is to edit them as a group.
2. You want to be able to quickly hide stuff that forms an entire part of the level, such as a bunch of rooms with the interconnecting corridors. The goal is to unclutter the view.

I want to implement both functions using func_groups because then I can get by without extending the map format. As for additional controls, I think this could be nicely integrated with the planned map browser (tree of all objects in the map). Not sure yet. In any case, groups would have additional checkboxes for hiding and locking them individually. 
Nice! That would be very cool! 
Linux Support 
I've done a bit of debian packaging (and know people who have done a _lot_), I'll try to take a look at some point. It probably won't be until April though. so if someone beats me... 
Local Rotation? 
Hello again. I have one question about rotation. Do you think you could add the option to use local object space for brush rotation? It would be nice to rotate the object and have the gizmo update with it instead of the default world space rotation axis.

I use this a lot in normal 3d modeling when placing decoration bits. It sure would make things like fallen over pillars easier to place with the ability to adjust their spin on their local z axis after you rotate them at odd angles. 
That would only work for one session with the rotation tool as brushes don't have local coordinate systems. And since you can achieve the same result be reordering your rotations, I don't think it's necessary? 
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