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Perhaps That Is What He Meant, 
but that is not how it would be interperted by those wearing the uniforms, czg. You may not be aware of this but being called an ape is every bit as offensive as the 'N' word in the African American community, and the overwhelming majority of football players are African-American. 
General Abuse - All 3263, Last 25, New 49 
Whoever said this place was dead? 
It was the second 100 brush comp, not the first.

Get it from:

Yours came 8th out of 10.

Headthump: From a european perspective, what CZG is saying is pretty accurate; I've never once heard the term 'ape' used as a racial insult, nor heard of it being one. Let's just leave it down to transatlantic misunderstanding and leave it be? 
That Is Why 
I just explained the interpertation that that term would get on this side of the Atlantic. Being from Norway, an entirely different culture, there is no reason to think CZG would have been aware of this aspect of American culture. 
...I've never once heard the term 'ape' used as a racial insult, nor heard of it being one. Let's just leave it down to transatlantic misunderstanding and leave it be?

But Wrath, 
on the otherhand has made one bombastic comment on American culture after another; to comment on something as wildly as he does, he does not have the same excuse of being ignorant of what he comments upon.

Nitin, one thing I forgot to mention, you can tell how serious I was in my comments on soccor by the fact I quoted Homer Simpson at the beginning of this on the supremecy of American Football. 
The deeper and more troubling issue at work here, is that you immideatly drew the conclusion that I am a racist. If you are desperate enough, you can find racism or sexism, elitism or any other -ism in everything anyone ever expresses, provided you are willing enough to twist whatever you read or hear. It's not even that hard to do.

You live in one of the most racially separated countries -- both culturally, economically and legislative -- in the world. Just the fact that when I use the word 'Ape', you start looking for discrimination, is very telling.

I wasn't discussing race to begin with, so what you do when you put my words in a context entirely of your own,is very unsettling.

So please, stop hijacking the language. Not everything has a hidden meaning. Sometimes, a shovel is a shovel. And sometimes, a football player is an ape.

It shakes you up inside when you see someone smarter than you and funnier than you agrees with nothing you have to say.
Yes. Yes, it does. 
There's a comma in there that supposed to be a space. Damn commas. 
I'm Not Hijacking The Language 
it is you who has used it in an offensive manner. I am not the one who would be offended by your usuage. I did not say you were a racist I said you are ignorant, and the comment,

'You live in one of the most racially separated countries -- both culturally, economically and legislative -- in the world.'
shows that your bombastic comments are fueled by ignorance. The United States is one of the few nations in the world that has attempted to address the conflicts of race seriously. We also have the most diverse population in the world; hell, I am Latin on my father's side and Scots-Irish on my mothers and I have first cousins who would be classified in the forms as African-American; what little you know comes from the exagerations expressed in our media. 
I did not say you were a racist I said you are ignorant


Do I believe you are a racist? I don't know you well enough to make that characterization, but if you are not than you are one socially defective dumb hump if you could not see the obvious implications of that remark.

I am a racist unless I am a socially defective dumb hump. That's a nice selection of character traits I get to chose from. Way to play it fast and loose with Orwellian logic, as it were.

I'm not hijacking the language [] it is you who has used it in an offensive manner.

For one being someone smarter than me, and funnier to boot, you're fantastically inept at adressing my argument that it's you who takes my words and paint them out to be offensive by placing them in a completely made up context.

The United States is one of the few nations in the world that has attempted to address the conflicts of race seriously.
And one, of many, nations who have failed, spectacularly so, in the attempt. Intent does not guarantee results.

We also have the most diverse population in the world
Diversity != integration.

To close your eyes to the fact that american prisons are packed to the rafters with black men (Or football players, or whatever), that the higher income brackets are populated almost exclusively by white households, that you're statistically more likely to be convicted of any given crime if you're any color other than white, is to be really, really blind to the problem at hand.

what little you know comes from the exagerations expressed in our media.
That blanket statement is just about large enough to keep me warm throughout the winter. 
Wrath, You Are Impervious To Logic You Daft Bitch 
Am I to judge the United Kingdom then by what I read in the papers? Free expression is obviously dead there, look at how the BBC is being evacerated by New Labour. The right of self defense no longer exist since the British courts have stated that that is the exclusive domain of the police. They put an elderly man in prison for defending himself against thugs with a sword cain, for Christ sakes. What about those riots of West Indies that are immortalized in the Clash's White Riot? My, UK must be an oppresive society. And then there is the Iron Lady . . .
You could go on and on like this, but what for? I don't live in the UK, and though I know a lot of Brit Expats, I don't assume to know what life is like on a day to day basis and I know these are just isolated examples of events that have happened; but you have been making off base statements on the US the entire time we have had this conversation, and riding my ass to boot.

I take back the sympathy I expressed Sunday when you whined bizarely in a public forum of strangers about your personal transgressions. I hope your dick falls off. 
Whoever said this place was dead?

Braindead. The penis is still ejaculating and the anus is still excreting, but everything above the waist has sadly expired. 
that's the best analysis I've ever read. 
The way you jump around is almost charming. First it's about football, then it's me being offensive and later still it's about mass media in an international perspective and trans-atlantic perception of matters concerning the state.

Maybe you should pick one argument instead of latching on to a random sentence I wrote and starting a new one. 
Suck Up Some More To Maj And Anyone Else, Wrath 
You need all of the morale support you can get.

'That blanket statement is just about large enough to keep me warm throughout the winter.'
That is a perfect smug metaphor to describe your smug, insular mind. 
Lolley Muffins 
posting while drunk is bad.

Flaming is funny, please continue... 
Considering point proven, resting the proverbial case. 
faggot no, keep flaming for the rest of func_'s amusement please =) 
Considering Point Proven, Resting The Proverbial Case 
Proving what? You are a juvenile minded dipshit who is too stupid to know when he is being owned? 
I'm not flaming, I'm just looking for moral support. I just want to be part of the hip crowd! Accept me! ACCEPT MEEEEEEE! 
Proving that you don't have the tiniest sliver of interrest in arguing like a grown-up. Proving that all you do, is pick a random word or sentence out of one of my post and run off with it, fat kid from a candy store-like.

Also, don't start name-calling. Are you sure you want to pull at that particular thread. 
There's A Question Mark 
at the end of that sentence. Only stupid people see a point there, it really is a question mark. 
Awww Shucks! 
me is stupod 
so... how bout them yankees? 
That case of syphilis you caught last weekend must have already infected your tiny little brain if you even think you are making valid estimates of how this argument is going. You are trying to feed the audience a virulent meme to make up for your lack of being able to keep pace with me.

'Also, don't start name-calling. Are you sure you want to pull at that particular thread.'

What? You are suddenly going to dash into a phone booth and prove that you are Super Wrath; that you have not already given this your best shot?
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