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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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Nobodys Been Drunk In The Last 2 Month 
bytway. i was at araklly cool gay wedding last week. gays are pretty nice people aparently. good paerty.



anybidy ever been top a gay wedding ? I csn only recommend it. good food and super nice people. good music too

looking forweward to soe gay func_msgbaoard weddings. its only a question ofd ftime. have all yur coming out! haha!


haha! you sghould get runk more often!!

�s you may only answer thks thread when your drunk yurself. rmeber this.

sober doesnt ount.

seriously its summer, and fking 40 degree celsidu d outside. you doint ŋet drunk???? shamee.-

Ricky I would have assumed better of you. you sbold get properly filled. in one of tzhose nice pubs on your island.


rly its been TWO MONTHS since anybody was drunk?

are oyu kidding=?

supee r ce people. 
Ive Been Drunk Loads 
all the time - well every week, and the rest.

I was completely leathered on Saturday night. And not too bad neither on Friday. Yesterday I chilled. I am "sun drunk" at the moment. 
i drink sometimes becouse it�s the way of Portuguese life :p

we cant escape from alcool he always cought us!!! 
Fucking Bloody Bollocks! 
I went to a nice civilized house warming party tomnight and some fucking loser teenagers threw stones through all the windows of my mate's new house because we wouldn't let them in! Fucking losers. What a fucking world eh. 
Sounds like teenagers with social problems and a smashed in face time. 
At least they didn't pull out nines and light up the entire household. Rocks you can pick up and throw back. 
At Least 
They didn't put a load of bricks in a carrier bag and leave it in the middle of the road so that an unsuspecting driver would driver over it, thinking it empty.

Now that's ASBO. 
Decent liquids cargoil smoothly
Run down my blazard mind & soul
Understand was before I was groovly
Nothingng aiming at my goal
Kid you keep that bottle bootly... 
Kills my time.
Started studying architecture. It's like Beer-Hangover-Study-Beer-Study-Wine-Beer-Weekend. And working with CAD and CAAD kills my mapping interest at the moment a bit 
Every student's life is full of alcohol. It's normal.

Keep on drinking:) 
Damage From Last Night 
1 X Key broken off in front door lock
1 X Kinda damaged front door (probably kicked it open after broke key)
1 X broken in half debit card
1 X missing jacket i only bought a week ago
1 X broken button on my phone. How does that even happen?
1 X royally shafted right knee
1 X bleeding ankle
0 X memory after 1am apart from vague memory of running. 
I Lost My Wallet On Saturday Night 
fucking idiot!

The club rang me this morning to say they had found it!

Shame I already cancelled my cards.... 
I went to a nice civilized house warming party tomnight and some fucking loser teenagers threw stones through all the windows of my mate's new house because we wouldn't let them in! Fucking losers. What a fucking world eh.

Same thing happened to me last year or the year before, I cant really remember. We only found out the front window was smashed the next morning when most of us went outside for a smoke, turns out the music was so loud no one noticed the impact ;)

I have to use this space to give a big "fuck you!" to Sussex Police force also, as the officers I dealt with sounded like they would rather be eating cow pats than listening to my problem. What a world indeed :) 
Starbuck U Forgot One... 
1 X Grossly distended anus. 
speaks from experience 
Yaeh AloholllWOHOOHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I'm An Alcoholic 
yeah i admit it 
You're below 30 and will continue mapping whilst drunk, then you don't need help yet.

If you're over 30 and will continue mapping then only drink whisky.

If you're giving up on mapping for drink then for fucks sake book in somewhere, take up heroin or 5 quid slappers - as long as we get to see what happens after Marcher. 
if you are over 30 and still drunk then you only map 
do we have a thread where people can boast how they are so damn drunk? Is there something glorious about it? Does it make you happy? Has it ever gotten you anywhere? Laid? 
Because drunk posts are the best posts on the internet. Bar none. 
The Purpose Of The Drunk Thread 
Is to show the Future Overlords with the powers of resurrection how much fun we would be to have around.

Do you think they would be impressed with our scientific knowledge and mathematical skills? as if. They have the powers of resurrection, what could we possibly teach them except how to have a good time? To love, to care, to live in harmony? They might go to a 13th century Benedictine monk or the first Buddha if by some oddity of future history they are looking for those things, but to us? The only possible reason they would come to us is that we know how to throw it down.

You sober minded, moralistic types just have no concept of the Big Picture. 
Does it make you happy?

Yes, it does 
Does it make you happy? Has it ever gotten you anywhere? Laid?

Sometimes it makes you happy when you are gathered with good friends, having a deep and un-inhibited conversation or a laugh and joke. You might feel more inclined to share thoughts you otherwise wouldn't!

Has it ever gotten me anywhere? Yes, nightclubs generally. Has it ever gotten me laid.....

(i'm not even going to entertain that with an answer, but I think you see where I am going with this...)

Although you must realize that alcohol is going to temporarily enhance traits of your character which are ALREADY THERE. So if you are a totally uncharming, boring, bland and cynical character then you should probably aviod it because it will bring out the worse in you as your depraved little mind struggles in frustration to grasp all of the socialbilty and uncensored human emotion which you might find yourself subjected to, depending on the company you find yourself in. 
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